

Dualism is correct, but not in the way dualists think

When you get right down to it, there seems to be an external world.
You know, a physical, material world.
We don't know it, because all we have is a mind-internal model, that we have based off percepts, which we have good reason to believe is highly inaccurate.
We built our internal models for utility, not truthfulness.

So, monism is essentially the same thing as solipsism. The only way monists can get only one world, is by equating the internal world with the external world, and that's exactly the same as claiming that the external world is a product of your own mind, i.e. solipsism the most hated of all philosophical stances.

But in-depth examination of experiments like Mary's Room will inform a dualism that differentiates "what is" from "what it's like", where "what it's like" is experience.
The experienced world is the internal world.
It is different from the external world, even if it's somehow generated by objects in the external world.
Thereby avoiding solipsism by allowing a dualism.

But it's a very secular form of dualism.

It is the physical that is ephemeral and unmeasurable. A strange unknowable world, not of souls but of objects.

The mind-internal is what we actually have access to. It's the boring old everyday stuff we know so well - not real, as such, but still it is what we base our idea of "real" on.

Summary of what I got out of some preceding discussions with @Rhysy @John Hummel @John Wehrle @Will and more.



Doubt I'll be on this one any time soon (stockpile of books is already substantial and Christmas is coming) but maybe one day...

The reviewer mentions both An Immense World and Metazoa and I thought both of those were excellent. Didn't convince me of materialism for one moment but did make me more sympathetic to the idea, and both were wonderful reads.




#StephenFry on How to use #AI as a force for good

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZfS8uk70Zc

How can the coming flood of technological progress, which will not stop at current developments such as big data-based and algorithmically generated statistical models with their astonishing capabilities and failures - i.e. current #AI systems - but lead to a further acceleration of innovation with increasing technological performance in computing? Today, we are thinking about an epistemic #crisis of world #knowledge in times of #deepfakes, #surveillance and bioweapons through AI, while brain-computer interfaces and quantum computers are already appearing on the horizon today. At the same time, #climate #change is probably the most outstanding of all crises, which has already been showing its first effects for several years and is setting new records with constantly rising #emissions. In short, how can we ensure that the coming real-life version of what is commonly referred to as "Singularity" turns out for the good of #humanity?

#singularity #future #technology #ethics #moral #humanrights #politics #economy #video #philosophy


What makes a man turn neutral, Kif...

However, I must say that while the comic is amusing enough, the comment below it is... err.... not right. Like, very not right.

It is funny to think about the morality in the fantasy genre, because often it just seems more like a war between species which are both trying to exterminate each other, rather than a moral issue. They have to find ways to explain why humans are justified to kill orcs or goblins or whatever on sight. The crudest reason is simply that they are ugly and we are beautiful...

I cannot really think of where to start to properly address this that won't spiral into a multi-thousand word essay, so I choose not to start at all.

