

It has mostly dull and #cloudy today with only short periods of #sunshine. Even just a few minutes ago, it was rather overcast but suddenly, a #clouds broke and #sunight filtered through the layers and there was even some blue #sky during the #sunset.
Clouds at sunset

Then, when I was about to post the above image, I noticed some #pink light in the drawing room and so went and took another set of #photographs. As I've said before, every moment is different and this has much deeper #reds. Take your pick as to which you prefer.
Deeper colours at sunset

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer


P!nk - Irrelevant

sees the pop singer urging fans to advocate for their rights...

“As a woman with an opinion and the fearlessness to voice that opinion, it gets very tiring when the only retort is to tell me how irrelevant I am,” the singer said in a statement. ‘I am relevant because I exist, and because I am a human being. No one is irrelevant. And no one can take away my voice.”

4:21 min music video
#music #rock #pink https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/pink-irrelevant-single-1383088/


#P!nk #Pink
Jun 25
Let’s be clear: if you believe the government belongs in a woman’s uterus, a gay persons business or marriage, or that racism is okay- THEN PLEASE IN THE NAME OF YOUR LORD NEVER FUCKING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN. AND ALSO FUCK RIGHT OFF. We good?




Pinkener November

Pinkener November. Triste Stimmung mit Farbklecks. Dafür mit schöner Musikbegleitung von Dadanaut. Vor dem Weiterscrollen also unbedingt das Lied starten ... und dann die Diaschau öffnen (Klick auf’s erste Bild und dann mit den Pfeiltasten weiter). Aus die Maus! Bis hierhin und[...]

#autumn #blaetter #dandelion #dark #dead #dinkel #dull #duester #fall #himmel #laub #leveas #loewenzahn #maus #mouse #november #pink #sky #sombre #tot #trist #wasser #water

Originally posted at: https://schubladenerinnerungen.de/blog/2022/02/18/pinkener-november/


#Sunset this #evening was colourful. I took these #photographs with a quite small #FocalLengths to give me a wider sweep of the #sky.

This one includes #pink #clouds and the #Moon. The latter is quite hazy owing to the amount of moisture in the intervening atmosphere.
Clouds and Moon at sunset

Here, we're looking in the direction that the #Sun has set and you can discern some beams of light emanating from it even though it's below the #horizon. Of course, as were nearly at the #solstice, this is near the most #north-westerly #bearing that it sets at.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000