

Lazy dinner tonight.

Margarita pizza from Lidl, topped up with fresh vegetables from my balcony garden, one pack of diced ham and lots of mental cheese. Added some paprika and black pepper over it to spice it up a bit.

Good pizza for less than 3€.

#Food #Cooking #Lazy #Pizza #France


I can confirm experimentally, put a flat stone in your metal oven and you can cook a better pizza at higher temperature.


My oven reaches 270°C, but the sensor is somewhere above middle height, so that the stone eventually reaches 310°C or so.
Not the optimal 330°C but it's already far better, instead of ~240°C for 15 minutes I bake at ~300°C for about 7 minutes.

It is till long for a good pizza though, I had the occasion of using a big stone oven with wood, my pizza were baked in 1 to 2 minutes, and with the same ingredients I use in the metal oven fracking tastier.

So with my oven (every oven being different, especially for bread), you'd better first bake the dough + tomato for 3 to 4 minutes, and then put the other stuff like cheese on top, because after 7 minutes the cheese starts to burn too much, but I need the 7 minutes for the dough to start burning just what it takes (very important also for the taste : you have to burn the thing just the right amount)

#physics #science #pizza #oven #food #heat #temperature