

Sudan-Experte: "Größte humanitäre Krise der Welt"

Vor Geberkonferenz - Sudan-Experte: "Größte humanitäre Krise der Welt"

Seit einem Jahr herrscht Krieg im Sudan. Eine Hungersnot droht, Hilfsorganisationen haben keinen Zugang mehr, berichtet Politikwissenschaftler Volker Perthes.#Sudan #PARIS #Geberkonferenz #KRIEG #KONFLIKT #Daglo #Burhan #RSF #HUNGER #VERTREIBUNG #HumanitäreKatastrophe
Sudan-Experte: "Größte humanitäre Krise der Welt"


#politik #sanktionsregime #völkerrecht #uno #armut #hunger #flucht #wertewesten

„In den letzten zehn Jahren gibt es keinen Beweis dafür, dass sektorale einseitige Zwangsmaßnahmen zu positiven Veränderungen im Verhalten der Regierung geführt haben. Es sind die einfachen Menschen, die die Hauptlast zu tragen haben. Syrien ist nach wie vor Schauplatz der größten Flüchtlingskrise der Welt mit mehr als sieben Millionen Syrern, die aus dem Land geflohen sind.“


Britain seems stuck in a doom loop of poverty. I have a plan to raise billions to address that

But how to fix it? Three seismic shifts have unfolded over the last decade.

First, the welfare safety net has been systematically shredded, with the government abandoning responsibilities taken for granted since 1945.

Second, charities and food banks, which have taken over from universal credit as the last line of defence, are exhausted and justifiably angry about having to pick up the pieces with insufficient resources. They even fear their desperate relief efforts could provide cover for the government walking further away.

Third, unsure how they fit into a poverty-free, pollution-free future, the corporate sector has in the last decade donated less, not more.

Yet the many business leaders who are now championing a greater sense of environmental and social responsibility know they can, and should, play a bigger role.


#UnitedKingdom #poverty #hunger #FoodBanks #ToryScum #UK #ToryCorruption #CutsKill #ToryCorruption #ToryFascism


The number of premature babies in Gaza have increased into an unbelievable level. With little to no incubators left, most of these innocent babies are doomed to die, either for the lack of medical care or baby formula as most mothers are unable to produce enough milk to keep those babies alive.

Video available on telegram channel:

#Gaza #Famine #Blockads #Hunger #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow