

#catherine_liu #catherine-liu
#wokeness #pmc #Professional-Managerial-Class

links in German - cannot find the interview with her any more :(
In a factory, all the workers have to take responsibility for all the other workers, because otherwise someone will lose their hand on the assembly line. In addition, the boss wants everything to go faster, while you want to work less, so your interests are fundamentally different. Even if you don't like the others, the production method forces you to stand with each other to improve your position.

In contrast, there are email jobs. For many PMC, it doesn't even matter how well they do their job. It's all about how you present yourself, namely as well-connected, friendly and helpful. So it's all about playing to the upper echelon of the hierarchy that you're good. It's about appearances. Out of that flows their obsession with culture and individual behavior, with emotional regulation, individual consumer decisions, expert knowledge, with virtue. You have to say the right thing to satisfy authority, not help each other. There is no liberal language of solidarity.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Forty days after the unexplained explosion at the #Olenivka #prison in Russian-occupied #Donbas that killed over 50 Ukrainian prisoners of #war, the families of the defenders of #Mariupol and of the Azovstal Steelworks imprisoned by the Russians, have still not been told how many men were killed, and whether their loved ones were among them. #Russia is continuing to violate international law by preventing the International Committee of the Red Cross [ #ICRC] from visiting the site and speaking with surviving POWs. While more movement on a UN fact-finding mission has been announced, there is nothing to suggest that this equates to actual progress. On 3 August, #UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced plans for a fact-finding mission, saying that an independent investigation had been requested by both #Ukraine and Russia. On 22 August, we even learned the make-up of such a mission and the members’ credentials, however it was also reported that the UN believed the situation around the prison was too dangerous for such a trip to be undertaken.

It is difficult to see how reporting such illusory progress can help anyone but those responsible for the attack, and during their press conference on 6 September, the relatives of #Azovstal defenders imprisoned at Olenivka expressed frustration at the impotence of international bodies. Such lack of any progress makes it clear that all the POWs are in grave danger, and they demanded that more effective methods be applied to secure their release before it is too late.

https://khpg.org/en/1608811125 #uno #pmc #wagner #fsb #military


Wie hoch sind die menschlichen Verluste auf Seiten Russlands? Offizielle Zahlen zu Gefallenen in der „Spezialoperation“, die in #Russland von Gesetz wegen nicht als #Krieg bezeichnet werden darf, werden seit März nicht mehr veröffentlicht. Doch Schätzungen zufolge sind etwa 80.000 russische Soldaten im russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine verwundet oder getötet worden. In den Straßen größerer russischer Städte wirbt derweil das private Militärunternehmen TschWK #Wagner mit Plakaten um neue Söldner. Einige Söldnertruppen bestehen laut Recherche der Novaya Gazeta Europe zu etwa einem Drittel aus verurteilten Straftätern und Vorbestraften, manche Rekrutierer versprechen den Bewerbern Straferlass.
Diese „verdeckte Mobilisierung“, so schreibt die Novaya Gazeta Europe, laufe auf vollen Touren. Die weiterhin im Land arbeitenden Korrespondenten der Zeitung haben dazu verdeckt recherchiert und auch mit #Militär|experten gesprochen, um herauszufinden, wie die Rekrutierung funktioniert und welche Ausbildung die Söldner bekommen, bevor es an die Front geht. In ihrer umfangreichen Recherche gibt die Novaya detailliert Einblick in ein „zynisches und unmenschliches System“ der Söldneranwerbung in Russland.

https://www.dekoder.org/de/article/rekrutierung-soeldner-armee-ukraine-krieg #fsb #gefängnis #kadyrow #butscha #pmc #donbas #belarus #nazis #tschetschenien #russitsch


The private military company (PMC) Wagner has once again made international headlines with the arrival of around 1,000 of its employees on battlefields in #Ukraine. For its supposed owner Evgeny #Prigozhin, this is a return to a familiar environment: his companies began their disinformation activities in Ukraine during the #Maidan #revolution. However, the #PMC is no longer limited to making war or business: it is also involved in a broader strategy of branding #Russia in the eyes of foreign, as well as domestic public opinion. This new activity is not so surprising if we recall that Prigozhin himself specializes in Russia’s image abroad and can therefore offer #Wagner many of his contacts in the worlds of public relations and #showbusiness.
While Russian soft power has been probably irreparably destroyed in the West by the invasion of Ukraine, Wagner's recent film productions, all dated 2019-2021, have not necessarily been rendered outdated by the #war in Ukraine. On the contrary, they continue to speak to European circles that admire #survivalism, mercenaries, and non-Asian martial arts, as well as to the #GlobalSouth. They illustrate how the codes of #popculture have been adopted to enhance and justify the #Putin regime’s political objectives and, in particular, to heroize mercenary activity, the “subliminal” message being that Russian heroes fight for the good of all humanity and will inevitably be victorious.

https://russiapost.net/politics/wagnerverse #lybia #CAR #mozambique #donbass #mali #afghanistan #syrien #media


Following Russia’s unsuccessful assault on #Kyiv and northern #Ukraine, the Russian military has intensified its efforts in Ukraine’s east, particularly in the #Donetsk and #Luhansk Regions. But Russia’s #military has not been alone as its soldiers have edged slowly forward in recent weeks. Groups of irregular troops and fighters have also been seen in the area, operating alongside the Russian military in the direction of #Kharkiv Region.
Fighters from the #Wagner Private Military Company ( #PMC) have reportedly participated in the assault on the town of #Popasna. The National Bolshevik “Borey” group, meanwhile, has posted about their participation in an offensive in the #Donbas. The Cossack group, “Don”, is also reported to have been operating on the #Izyum front in the southern Kharkiv Region. (...)
Pavel Luzin, the Russian military analyst, told Bellingcat that groups like the #SDD – much like Ramzan #Kadyrov’s Chechen fighters – may be in Ukraine at least partly for PR reasons.
“All these mercenaries prevent the armed forces from increasing the popularity and political weight of the military within #Russia. The #war is conducted by unknown soldiers and officers, but the ‘volunteers’ are represented in official #media, mercenaries are represented in their social media and Chechens are represented on #TikTok”, said Luzin.
“So, the SDD together with other mercenaries are aimed to balance the armed forces and the officer corps from posing a potential political threat for the #Kremlin”.

https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2022/06/17/meet-the-irregular-troops-backing-up-russias-army-in-the-donbas #farright #rusich #nazi