

Nach gescheiterter Antragsstellung dient nun die EM als Positivbeispiel – Die Grünen und die CDU möchten Pfandringe in der Innenstadt von Dortmund behalten

Fußballspiele ziehen nicht nur eine angeheiterte Stimmung mit sich: Es fällt zusätzlich Müll auf den Straßen an, der besonders aus etlichen Pfandflaschen und -Dosen besteht.#Bündnis90DieGrünen #CDUDortmund #Dortmund #EM2024 #Flaschenpfand #Mülltrennung #Pfandringe #UEFA
Die Grünen und die CDU möchten Pfandringe in der Innenstadt von Dortmund behalten - Nordstadtblogger


They keep repeating the same lie.

Fascists and terrorists are not victims nor innocent.

The disgusting AP is pretending that these hooligans were attacked for no reason or they were targeted because they are Jewish.

Israeli fans were assaulted after a soccer game in Amsterdam by hordes of young people apparently riled up by calls on social media to target Jewish people, Dutch authorities said Friday. Five people were treated at hospitals and dozens were arrested after the attacks, which were condemned as antisemitic by authorities in #Amsterdam, #Israel and across #Europe.


#Racism #Politics #Hooligans #Terrorists #StopTheLies #UEFA #BoycotIsrael #SanctionIsrael #Politics #Maccabi #Ajax #TelAviv #propaganda @israel group @palestine group @lebanon group


They keep repeating the same lie.

Fascists and terrorists are not victims nor innocent.

The disgusting AP is pretending that these hooligans were attacked for no reason or they were targeted because they are Jewish.

Israeli fans were assaulted after a soccer game in Amsterdam by hordes of young people apparently riled up by calls on social media to target Jewish people, Dutch authorities said Friday. Five people were treated at hospitals and dozens were arrested after the attacks, which were condemned as antisemitic by authorities in #Amsterdam, #Israel and across #Europe.


#Racism #Politics #Hooligans #Terrorists #StopTheLies #UEFA #BoycotIsrael #SanctionIsrael #Polotics #Propaganda


#Amsterdam city council member says ‘#Maccabi #hooligans’ instigated violence and attacked #Palestinian supporters.

“Hundreds of supporters of Maccabi Tel Aviv came to Amsterdam, held a very vocal rally in the main square before the incident, waving #Israeli flags, and also took down a Palestinian flag,” she said.

On Thursday, police had said on social media that they were being particularly vigilant in the wake of politically charged incidents, including the tearing down of a Palestinian flag from a building.

Social media videos captured the reported incident, showing Israeli fans shouting slogans while an individual was taking the flag down. Before the game, videos showed crowds of Maccabi supporters chanting anti-Arab slogans.

The Israeli fans instigated the violence after arriving in the city and attacking Palestinian supporters before the match, an Amsterdam city council member said.

“They began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that’s actually where the violence started,” Councilman Jazie Veldhuyzen told Al Jazeera on Friday.

“As a reaction, Amsterdammers mobilised themselves and countered the attacks that started on Wednesday by the Maccabi hooligans.”

Amsterdam resident and activist Mo Kotesh told Al Jazeera Israeli fans attacked innocent people on the streets, property and taxi drivers on Wednesday and took down a Palestinian flag.

Kotesh, of the Palestinian community in the Netherlands, said that they went to an area near the central Dam Square – as instructed by the municipality – to hold a peaceful demonstration on the day before the match.

He said he saw locals trying to counter the violence started against them and their properties by Israeli fans.

Israeli “hooligans” chanted songs swearing at Arabs, saying, “There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left.’”

“The fact that Israeli fans riot in the middle of Amsterdam, sing racist songs and climb the walls of homes to tear down Palestinian flags … is part of the Israeli condition at the moment: A complete detachment between actions and consequences,” he said.

According to Veldhuyzen, the council member, “The mayor says the police did act, but I would say they acted not at the right moments.”

He told Al Jazeera: “They acted only to protect the Maccabi hooligans when Amsterdammers stood up to defend their own people and defend their own houses. And this is when the police showed up to protect the Maccabi fans when they ran away after attacking people.”

Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof said he followed the news of the rioting with “horror”, adding that “the perpetrators will be tracked down and prosecuted”.

#Propaganda #UEFA #Football #Israel #Propaganda #Netanyahu



Just FYI, these are the hooligans who started the troubles in Amsterdam and these are the people European media trying to portray as innocent "jews" instead showing what kind of racist monsters they are.

The only difference between Athens and Amsterdam was that they messed with the wrong crowed this time.

@palestine group @israel group #Amsterdam #Hooligans #UEFA #Football #Riots #Hypocrisy #DoubleStandard #Racism #Israel #Palestine

Lost body 🐼 - 2024-11-08 09:06:36 GMT

this is how #Israeli fans commented sometime ago on the person they severely injured in #Greece. They cannot play victim anymore#Ajax #maccabi


This means UEFA sponsoring Israeli terrorist organization Mossad

This is specifically interesting because several of the football players participated in the genocide in #Gaza.

Perfectly normal. They have the right to defend themselves, even when their hooligans terrorizing the host nation.

But don’t you dare demanding Israel removal from the organization. They are Europeans when it fits them but West Asians when they justify their occupation.

#Israel #Mossad #UEFA #Amsterdam #Hooligans #Politics


Yesterday, Israeli hooligans walked around Amsterdam, attacking (both verbally and physically) anyone who showed solidarity with Palestinians, called for extermination of Arabs (not Palestinians, Arabs) and vandalized multiple private homes and business all while Police watched by without doing anything.
In the evening, they faced a group of people who fought back and it turned ugly.

Now the whole "victim" card is out. The world is asked to condemn this "anti semiti" terro and the fascist leader of Netherlands have called for stronger measures to guarantee the safety of "Jews".

Israel is bringing their ugly terror to #Europe and with blessings of #UEFA and #FIFA abd protection of local authorities, these Israeli Taliban's are portrayed as innocent victims and fascist #Netanyahu is using them to gain support and paint himself as an innocent leader who cares about his people.

#Israel #Netherland #Terrorism #Hooligans #Footbal #Amsterdam


Yesterday, Israeli hooligans walked around Amsterdam, attacking (both verbally and physically) anyone who showed solidarity with Palestinians, called for extermination of Arabs (not Palestinians, Arabs) and vandalized multiple private homes and business all while Police watched by without doing anything.

In the evening, they faced a group of people who fought back and it turned ugly.

Now the whole "victim" card is out. The world is asked to condemn this "anti semiti" terro and the fascist leader of Netherlands have called for stronger measures to guarantee the safety of "Jews".

Israel is bringing their ugly terror to #Europe and with blessings of #UEFA and #FIFA abd protection of local authorities, these Israeli Taliban's are portrayed as innocent victims and fascist #Netanyahu is using them to gain support and paint himself as an innocent leader who cares about his people.

#Israel #Netherland #Terrorism #Hooligans #Footbal #Amsterdam


07.07.2024 Massentest der Überwachung

Grundsätze des Datenschutzes werden Makulatur

Makulatur (lateinisch maculatura „beflecktes Ding“) ist nutzlos gewordenes, in der Regel wertloses Papier, schreibt Wikipedia. So sieht scheinbar die UEFA die EU Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO).

Diese stellt Grundsätze für die Datenverarbeitung in der EU auf und bewehrt Verstöße dagegen mit hohen Bußgeldern. Drei wichtige Grundsätze dabei sind

  • die freiwillige und informierte Einwilligung in die Datenverarbeitung,
  • die Zweckbindung, d.h. es dürfen nur die Daten erhoben und verarbeitet werden, für die es einen vorher vereinbarten Zweck gibt,
  • die Datensparsamkeit, d.h. es dürfen nur die Daten erhoben und verarbeitet werden, die für den jeweiligen Zweck notwendig sind.

Gegen alle diese drei Regeln wurde scheinbar beim Ticketverkauf für die UEFA Fußballspiele verstoßen. Um an einem Spiel der Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2024 in Deutschland teilzunehmen, benötigen Besucher zwingend eine digitale Eintrittskarte, die über die offizielle Ticket-App der UEFA bereitgestellt und verwaltet wird. Nun berichtet Netzpolitik.org, dass in den App-Stores von Apple und Google nicht erwähnt wird, dass die App den Standort der Ticketbesitzer mit den Polizeibehörden teilt.

So schreibt Netzpolitik.org: Demnach sendet die Ticket-App der UEFA jederzeit anonymisierte Standortdaten der Nutzer an die lokalen Behörden, damit diese die Bewegungen etwa größerer Fangruppen überwachen können, vorwiegend zu Sicherheitszwecken.

Die Formulierung "vorwiegend zu Sicherheitszwecken" müssen wir uns im Hinblick auf den Grundsatz der Zweckbindung auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. Über die "freiwillige und informierte Einwilligung" brauchen wir nicht mehr nachzudenken, da die Käufer überhaupt nicht nach ihrer Einwilligung gefragt wurden.
Fußballsommer mit Massentest zur Überwachung

Dieser Massentest zur Uninformiertheit wurde sogar mit vielen kleinen "Sahnehäubchen" weiter auf die Spitze getrieben. So

  • gab es keine Eintrittskarten auf Papierbasis,
  • ein Ausdrucken des digitalen Tickets ist nicht möglich,
  • die Smartphone-App unterbindet sogar auch Screenshots des Tickets,
  • beim Weg ins Stadion muss Bluetooth aktiviert sein,
  • neben dem QR-Code auf dem Ticket wird laut UEFA "die Bluetooth-Technologie verwendet, um die Echtheit ... zu überprüfen".

Da hatte mich doch vor 2 Monaten jemand scherzhaft mit Blick auf die Erfahrungen der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft und der Corona-Pandemie gefragt, welche Sauereien die Politik bei diesem "Sommermärchen" hinter unserem Rücken oder einfach abseits der medialen Aufmerksamkeit durchdrücken wird. Bisher waren mir dazu nur das Rentenpaket II und die geplante Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht eingefallen, nun kennen wir ein weiteres Projekt ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Ticket-App-der-UEFA-teilt-Standortdaten-der-Nutzer-mit-Polizeibehoerden-9790495.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Bx
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8832-20240707-massentest-der-ueberwachung.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8832-20240707-massentest-der-ueberwachung.html
Tags: #Grundsätze #Datenschutz #Makulatur #Einwilligung #Zweckbindung #Datensparsamkeit #UEFA #Tickets #Geheimdienste #Polizei #Geheimdienste #Geodaten #Persönlichkeitsprofile #Videoüberwachung #Lauschangriff #Überwachung #Unschuldsvermutung #Verhaltensänderung #Anonymisierung #Smartphone #Handy


Rechtsextremer Wolfsgruß von Demiral: Surprise, surprise!

Rechtsextremer Wolfsgruß nach EM-Spiel: Surprise, surprise!

Die Fußball-EM produziert nicht nur werbetaugliche Bilder, sondern auch menschenfeindliche. Die Empörung darüber ist berechtigt wie wohlfeil.#Nationalismus #Rechtsextremismus #Uefa #GraueWölfe #Patriotismus #Fußball-EM2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt
Rechtsextremer Wolfsgruß von Demiral: Surprise, surprise!