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#Bosnian #Pyramids - #Sarajevo Times
So far, the Foundation has discovered a total of six entrances to the tunnels, namely the KTK tunnels and the tunnels we discovered at the Ravne Complex. During the past year, we were active in the tunnels Ravne, Ravne 3, and Ravne 5. In the Ravne tunnels, which are our biggest tourist and archeological attraction, we have cleaned 2.400 meters so far, and during this winter we were the most active and made a combination of two attractive locations, ceramic blocks K-2 and K-5. We cleaned in both directions and during the month of January we managed to connect, and to find a large number of side passages on that route, as well as dry stone walls, which tell us that ancient builders made a huge underground maze,” Osmanagic explained.


Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Bosnie-Herzégovine

Devant l'entrée, une plaque commémorative :

C'est à cet endroit que des criminels serbes ont mis le feu, dans la nuit du 25 au 26 août 1992, à la bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Bosnie-Herzégovine. Plus de deux millions de livres, de périodiques et de documents ont disparu dans les flammes. N'oubliez pas, souvenez-vous et avertissez !

Un article paru dans le Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France en 1997 :

Une dévastation systématique du patrimoine bosniaque
Ainsi, un ensemble inestimable de documents témoignant du patrimoine et de l’histoire commune des différentes communautés bosniaques a été anéanti. Si la destruction de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Sarajevo évoque des tragédies anciennes, comme celle d’Alexandrie, ou les ravages des guerres mondiales, elle est aussi devenue le symbole de la dévastation systématique du patrimoine bosniaque.
Car cet anéantissement n’est que l’élément le plus spectaculaire de ce que l’on a pu dénommer un « mémoricide », caractérisant la politique désormais trop fameuse du « nettoyage ethnique » qui s’est accompagnée, dans tout le pays, d’une politique délibérée d’élimination du patrimoine écrit et architectural témoignant de la vie commune antérieure, et des droits des populations chassées : destruction d’institutions culturelles, d’édifices religieux (près d’un millier de mosquées, de nombreuses églises catholiques), destruction de quartiers et de villages entiers, de cadastres et d’archives. Les principaux responsables de cette politique ont été inculpés de génocide et crimes contre l’humanité par le Tribunal pénal international de La Haye.

In front of the entrance, a commemorative plaque:

On this place Serbian criminals on the night of 25-26 August 1992 set on fire National and University's Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Over 2 millions of books, periodicals and documents vanished in the flame. Do not forget, remember and warn!

An article published in the Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France in 1997:

A systematic devastation of the Bosnian heritage
Thus, an invaluable collection of documents testifying to the heritage and common history of the different Bosnian communities was destroyed. If the destruction of the National and University Library in Sarajevo evokes ancient tragedies, such as that of Alexandria, or the ravages of the world wars, it has also become the symbol of the systematic devastation of Bosnian heritage.
For this annihilation is only the most spectacular element of what has been called a "memorialization", characterizing the now too famous policy of "ethnic cleansing" which has been accompanied, throughout the country, by a deliberate policy of eliminating the written and architectural heritage testifying to the previous common life, and to the rights of the displaced populations: destruction of cultural institutions, religious buildings (nearly a thousand mosques, many Catholic churches), destruction of entire neighbourhoods and villages, cadastres and archives. The main perpetrators of this policy have been indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague.

(translated with DeepL)



#bibliothèque #library #bosnie #bosnia #sarajevo #vendredilecture #war #guerre #crime #mémoire #memory #patrimoine #patrimony #photo #photographie #photography


Bosnien: Es brodelt wieder - Streit um das Wahlgesetz | DW | 27.07.2022

Im Herbst stehen Wahlen an, und seit Monaten streiten die drei Ethnien um das Wahlgesetz. Mittendrin in der Kontroverse der Hohe Repräsentant, ein Deutscher. Ein Erklärungsversuch eines besonders komplexen Landes.#BosnienundHerzegowina #Kroatien #Wahlgesetz #Wahlrecht #EU #Europa #HoheRepräsentant #ChristianSchmidt #Sarajevo #OHR
Bosnien: Es brodelt wieder - Streit um das Wahlgesetz | DW | 27.07.2022


Werden deutsche Soldaten wieder nach Bosnien geschickt? | DW | 04.05.2022

NATO und hohe EU-Beamte warnen davor, dass die Instabilität durch den Krieg in der Ukraine auch auf den westlichen Balkan übergreifen könnte. Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht informiert sich in Sarajevo.#Bosnien #BosnischeSerben #Serbenrepublik #ChristineLambrecht #Sarajevo #EUFOR #Bundeswehr #Abspaltung
Werden deutsche Soldaten wieder nach Bosnien geschickt? | DW | 04.05.2022


"Die Sarajevo-Haggada ist wie ein Phönix" | DW | 21.04.2022

Die bosnische Hauptstadt beherbergt ein Buch mit Texten für die sieben Tage des Pessach-Fests, das aus dem mittelalterlichen Spanien stammt. Es wurde immer wieder vor der Zerstörung gerettet, und das oft von Nicht-Juden.#BosnienundHerzegowina #Sarajevo #Juden #Sepharden #Pessach #Kulturerbe
"Die Sarajevo-Haggada ist wie ein Phönix" | DW | 21.04.2022


TOLERANTIA - a short animated film by Ivan Ramadan

The first 3D animated film produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008). Nominated for the Best European Short film by the European Film Academy 2008. Awarded with 8 more awards including the "Heart of Sarajevo" for the best short film on Sarajevo Film Festival 2008.
Directing, animation, sound - Ivan Ramadan
Music - traditional (Mostar Sevdah Reunion)

#animation #short-film #Bosnia #Sarajevo #war #tolerance #2008 #best-EU-short-film


Bosnien und Herzegowina

Mit #taz -Korrespondent Erich Rathfelder können Sie den Flair Sarajevos entdecken und Persönlichkeiten aus der Zivilgesellschaft Bosniens kennenlernen. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung [nur für Geimpfte oder Genesene] https://taz.de/!109030/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Sarajevo #Srebrenica #Herzegowina #Bosnien


'A troubling #choice': authors criticise Peter #Handke's controversial #Nobel win

source: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/10/troubling-choice-authors-criticise-peter-handke-controversial-nobel-win

The Austrian playwright, whose Slovenian heritage had inspired in him a fervent nationalism during the Balkans war, had publicly suggested that #Sarajevo’s #Muslims had massacred themselves and blamed the Serbs, and denied the #Srebrenica #genocide. Seven years after #Rushdie’s scorching condemnation, in 2006, he would also attend war criminal #Milošević’s funeral.

#fail #crime #war #terror #author #Slovenia #Balkan #history #news #humanrights #Serbia #Milosevic