

Ai Weiwei veröffentlicht Film über Lockdown in Wuhan

"Der Künstler Ai Weiwei
hat einen Film über die
Stadt Wuhan und den
Lockdown veröffentlicht.
Er sagt, es gehe um das
"Gespenst" der chinesischen
Staatskontrolle. Die Aufnahmen
sind meist private Clips von
Bürgerinnen und Bürgern."




Umgang mit der Corona-Krise – Was tun?

In unserem dreiteiligen Artikel ging Steff Brenner in Teil I und II der Frage nach, wie sich die syndikalistischen Gewerkschaften Deutschlands und der Welt mittlerweile auf die veränderten Umstände eingestellt haben. In diesem letzten Artikel werden die neuesten Entwicklungen reflektiert und über die möglichen Handlungs- und Bündnismöglichkeiten in den nächsten Wochen spekuliert.


#Syndikalismus #Corona #COVID19 #Sars-CoV-2


A choir decided to go ahead with rehearsal. Now dozens of members have COVID-19 and two are dead | LA Times

the choir outbreak is consistent with a growing body of evidence that the virus can be transmitted through aerosols — particles smaller than 5 micrometers that can float in the air for minutes or longer.

...a study published March 17 in the New England Journal of Medicine found that when the virus was suspended in a mist under laboratory conditions it remained “viable and infectious” for three hours — though researchers have said that time period would probably be no more than a half-hour in real-world conditions.

...it’s possible that the forceful breathing action of singing dispersed viral particles in the church room that were widely inhaled.

...some people happen to be especially good at exhaling fine material, producing 1,000 times more than others.

Amateur singers interested in choral music tend to be older, but the group includes some young adults.

...The youngest of those sickened was 31, but they averaged 67


#covid-19 #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirus #SARS-CoV-2 #SocialDistancing #aerosols #distancing


The Covid Report 21-04-20: What Price A Life?

"What will be the consequences of the lockdown, how might we get out of it, and what will the new economic order look like after all this is over?" Must-watch UK programme interviewing four experts from the world of health, economics and law.

#covidreport #pandemic #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #covid-19 #sarscov2 #sars-cov-2 #sars_cov_2 #coronavirus #coronavirusdisease #coronavirusdisease2019 #ppe #personalprotectiveequipment #facemask #facemasks #uk #unitedkingdom #united-kingdom #united_kingdom #lockdown #economy #academic #health #economics #law