


loads of good tips for you to investigate suitability for you and yours.

#health #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #supplements #neuropeptides #happiness #pleasure #depression #cramps #liverspots #sleep #insomnia #nutrients #nutrientdepletion #nutrientdeficiency #ww3 #waronpeople #genocide #feedingonourunhappiness #happiness #depopulation #feedingoffourmisery #misery #deliberatelystarved #liedto #fat #lies #wecancorrectallthat #wecanmendthis #glyphosate #fulvicminerals #shilajeet #gratitude #forgiveness #consciousness #realization #guthealth #friendlybacteria #candida #ibs #chrones #probiotics #fermentedfoods #cabbage #saukraut #glutathione #nac #rawcarnivore #fecalimplants #mendwards #miraclecures #heavymetaltoxicity #oceanswimming #healing #saltwater #cold #waves #completelycured #cured #grounded #skin #folkcures #bacteria #realize #foodsupply #joyous #joyousmending #mending #mendwards #methylcobalamin #magnesium #iodine #vitaminc #magnesiumascorbate #aminoacids #frequency #harmoncs #vibration #charge #radio #longwave #shortwave #gentle #diathermin #tesla #nikolatesla #teslahealingdevice #bringingitback #bringinghealingback #pain #progressing #regressing #losttechnology #bewarethephramacon #bewaretherentiers #yettorecoverfromww2 #homeopathichospitals #rockerfellamedicine #medicineboughtout #conventionalmedicine #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #poisoners #manufacturedscarcity #digitalsignals #toxic #healthharmonics #intune #cosmic

and, because of #censorship , download a copy while you can, before it gets deleted.


#Brown #Skin #Matters is a interesting project (1) to document dermatological conditions on non-white skin. It was started by Ellen Buchanan Weiss, a mother who got concerned when she tried to research a rash and found out that most images on the internet, as well as most images used in medical schools, are of white skin.
She’s started an Instagram account (1), that already has many pictures of medical conditions shown on black or brown skin, and she’s launched a crowdfunding campaign (2) to gather resources to launch a stand alone website and database, and widen collaborations with physicians and researchers.
NPR has published an essay on the Brown Skin Matters project (3).

(1) https://www.instagram.com/brownskinmatters/
(2) https://www.gofundme.com/f/brownskinmatters
(3) https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/11/04/774910915/diagnostic-gaps-skin-comes-in-many-shades-and-so-do-rashes


War is Over (for the 5th time)


“How can you have a #war on #terrorism when war itself is terrorism?” ~ #HowardZinn

“There is no instance of a #nation benefitting from #prolonged #warfare.” ~ #SunTzu, #TheArtOfWar

“Until the #philosophy which holds one #race #superior and another #inferior is #finally and #permanently #discredited and #abandoned, #everywhere is war. And until there are no longer #first-class and #second-class #citizens of any nation, until the #colour of a man's #skin is of no more #significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the #basic #humanrights are #equally #guaranteed to #all without regard to race, there is war. ~ #HaileSelassie

“The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between #nonviolence and #nonexistence.” ~ #MartinLutherKingJr.

“If we don't #end war, war will end us.” ~ #HGWells

#redactedtonight #leecamp #biden #combat #presidents #propaganda #illegal #occupation #iraq #quotes