

An interview with World Without War: 3 x 5 lessons from a 20 years old movement


World Without War is a member of #War Resisters' International based in #SouthKorea, and is one of the most successful #pacifist and #antimilitarist movements in #Asia, taking action on issues such as the #arms trade, ending mandatory male #conscription and #activist #empowerment.

This year, WWW is celebrating its 20th anniversary by celebrating its achievements, reflecting on its challenges, and envisioning the coming years/decades. To mark this occasion, we interviewed front-line #activist Jungmin Choi. She has responded to our questions in consultation with the WWW team. Here, they have dived deep into their past, present and future, making this a valuable read for the #pacifists and antimilitarists actively resisting war and reducing its causes within the country and globally.

This interview, among other things, considers issues that are crucial for the Asia #Peace Network and the wider War Resisters' International to consider, if we want to build stronger movements to resist the arms trade, take action on climate crisis and #militarism, and promote activist emotional wellbeing. As we all know, the devastating effects of these issues transcend national borders.

Happy 20th birthday to World Without War!

#antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


When their audience are stupid and can't even read anything other than shit posts from their own circles, lies like this will be repeated all over the internet and we keep hearing Biden gave Iran $6B , not that he allowed South Korea pay for the oil they had bought years ago and because of illegal sanctions and blockade Trump put on international banking system.

#Udiocracy #Iran sUS #Biden #SouthKorea #PrisonSwap #Trump #Sancrions


Iranian media reporting that $6B dollars of Iranian assets frozen in south Korea after Trump imposed sanctuons, have been released into some Iranian banks in Qatar and they can be used to purchase items "not covered by US sanctions".

Thank God #Biden is not sTrump and willing to let Iran have it's money in order to buy food and medicin.

Iranian government has said that the dual nation prisoners will be released when the money has officially in the Iranian banks, and not a minute before that.

#Sancrions #PrisobeExchange #SouthKorea #Iran #Economy #Qatar #Politics

نابع ارزی توقیف‌شده ایران در کره جنوبی آزاد شد

رئیس بانک مرکزی: با پیگیری‌های فنی و دیپلماسی موفق، تمام منابع ارزی توقیف‌شده ایران در کره جنوبی آزاد و هزینه‌های تبدیل ارز آن از وون به یورو نیز توسط کشور ثالث پذیرفته شد.

بر همین اساس، به‌زودی تمامی این منابع یورویی به حساب‌های ۶ بانک ایرانی در قطر واریز و به‌صورت پرداخت بانکی جهت خرید کالاهای غیر تحریمی استفاده می‌شود. مابقی این منابع هم در صورت سپرده، مشمول دریافت سود بانکی خواهد شد.

منابع ارزی ایران در چند کشور دیگر نیز به‌زودی در دسترس قرار می‌گیرد که اخبار و آثار آن در بازار و مبادلات تجاری مشاهد خواهد شد.


Aircraft from the Japanese Self-Defense Force alongside Military Aircraft from the United States, #France, #Britain, #Germany, and #SouthKorea have arrived in #Djibouti in order to prepare for a Joint-Military Operation to Evacuate Foreign Nationals and Diplomats still in Sudan.

I am so fucking tired of this so called New World Order. How many millions have to die for the world powers to just let people live their lives as they wish? How much money and power do they need? How much MORE power and money do they need? It just no end to this madness.

#Sudan #Politics #Africa #US #Russia #Money #NewWorldOrder


US Intelligence Leaks Shed Light on Surveillance on Allies

The leaked documents contain extensive top-secret data related to U.S.-friendly nations including Ukraine, South Korea, and Israel.

The reported leaks of highly classified documents that have been trending online recently shed light on the extensive spying activities conducted by Washington on its allies and foes alike.

#Politics #US #Spying #Ukraine #Israel #SouthKorea Europe #CIA #Pentagon #NSA
