

Roman Bystrianyk, in the 1990s, went through all the data he could get his hands on about the #mortality rates from famous old diseases, from the 1800s, through to 1990s, and found something astonishing. Those diseases, in ALL cases, were reduced almost to zero BEFORE the 'vaccines' for them became available.

That means we have been completely #bamboozled about the entire #vaccine #story from the beginning.

Way Of The #Truth #Warrior - Dissolving Illusions With #RomanBystrianyk
2 hour 16 minutes - Posted Jul 8, 2023


‘If you win the popular #imagination, you change the game’: why we need new stories on #climate

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/jan/12/rebecca-solnit-climate-crisis-popular-imagination-why-we-need-new-stories

In order to do what the climate #crisis demands of us, we have to find stories of a livable #future, stories of popular power, stories that motivate people to do what it takes to make the #world we need.


Our greatest power lies in our roles as citizens, not consumers, when we can band together to collectively change how our world works.

#news #story #journalism #press #environment #nature #emissions #co2 #earth


Let me tell you a #story.. It starts with me and myself, having a .... very colourful childhood and youth. Not always in positive manners, but in a lot of sexual manners too..

I grew up to be a cis-bi/pansexual male, liking the "passive role" a lot but having no problem being the male part. ;)

Years, a few decades later actually, i'm in a hetero relationship and got to work in the night shift in a hotel right near the Reeperbahn in the St. Pauli district of Hamburg.

And late at night, like really late about 3 to 4 a.m. or so ... a pair stumbles into the entrance way which turn out to be some nice femme, holding someone else on the leash.

I was a tiny bit stumbled to be honest, but i recognized the person on the leash as the one leaving earlier and leaving the correct room number key to me to put in the safekeeping spot for that room.

So i actually didn't hesitate at all. Visual inspection checks out, the person i have seen is present. Somebody else requests the key, while said person is there and aware whats going on and does not seem distressed.

So ... what do you do?

Give the mistress the fscking key...... i don't care about however this constellation came about ... and i wont ever.

But .. i got a nice knowing heads up and a thank you from a random male who was just getting his breakfast at the buffet, hours later.

Sorry for this long story but.

That's how you fucking deal with $any $person you encounter.

#NotJustAlly ;)
#cis #trans #drag #pan #bi #whateverthefuck #RandomShit ;)


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The #Unseen #Story of #UFO#MikeClelland
Once again the media says we are not alone as if it was the first time we've heard this. We are on this side of the door in a tight little claustrophobic hallway, and on the other side of the door is an infinite vastness! We are not alone. The magic of synchronicity shares a glimpse of our connection to everything in the universe.

I understand how people take in a story, and how they need a symbol or a sign on the door. But the owl is meaningless to what is on the other side of the door. It’s just the doorway that’s important. The owl is the right symbol for the door. We are on this side, and EVERYTHING else is on that side of the door. There is a LOT more! We are in this little tight hallway here, and on the other side of the door is this vastness!

The Unseen is a fast-paced thriller, full of plot twists and intrigue. Yet, beneath that, the book conveys a deeper story. One of mystery and yearning—an exploration of the deepest aspects of reality.

A lonely odyssey culminates in a town full of mystery and secrets. Ghosts from the past, and premonitions of the future, emerge in the face of questions without answers. Spiraling twists and turns keep the pages turning, all while pulling the reader to the edge of reality and beyond.
#freemantv .com


1994's Most Bizarre #Suicide

Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1994s-most-bizarre-suicide/

Investigation to that point had revealed that the decedent had jumped from the top of a ten story building with the intent to commit suicide. (He left a note indicating his despondency.) As he passed the 9th floor on the way down, his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast through a window, killing him instantly. Neither the shooter nor the decedent was aware that a safety net had been erected at the 8th floor level to protect some window washers, and that the decedent would not have been able to complete his intent to commit suicide because of this.

#story #crime #justice


I performed at a #spokenword event last night for the first time in a long while. I was really nervous, but it was good. The theme was World War III Literary #Cabaret.

My #story, #Balls, is below. It's a performance piece, not sure how it'll come off reading it from a screen. So just picture me turning to stage right, waving my fist and shouting "Plonkers!" at the right moment.
#WritingCommunity #writers #WorldWar3


My grandparents grew up in caves. Granddad says it wasn’t safe to go outside most of the time. Some people who did got sick, some even died.
My parents remember it too from their childhood: they were taken to shelter in the big underground spaces when the burning rain came, or the choking clouds that often followed it.
They say it was because of the wars. World Wars, they call them. They say there were three of them.
But they were all over long before even Granddad was born. There are stories, but I think nobody really knows what happened in the before times.
It all sounds scary, but really – people causing burning rain? It doesn’t seem very likely, does it?

What I do know, is that we’re doing better now. Better than when I was a child, and even better than when the elders were. We’re growing more food and we’ve recovered lots of machines and books and stuff from the before times.
There are a lot more people in our valley than when I was a kid, both from growing families and from strangers who have come to join us. We’ve explored more of the ruins and fixed up homes. It seems to be the same all over the land. We’re in a period of prosperity.

Now, even though we understand some of the old technology, there are still lots of machines we find that we can’t get to work. Mum says they need something called electrisss— something...
She’s in the science team, so she should know. They make a little electrisss in big boxes called batch-reez. Apparently they used to have lots of it, judging my all the machines. No idea what they needed so many machines for.
I think that was one of their ages, in the before time. They had a stone age, and a bronze age, and a plastic age. Maybe also an electrisss age. I wonder what that makes us now.

But even though we’ve figured out so much, it’s not all good news. Since there are more of us, the land is getting crowded. There’s only so much wood to gather, so many animals to hunt. The people in the next valley are getting jealous of us. Plonkers!
There have been some fights over the past couple of years, and it’s getting worse. There were some bad clashes, and a few people were killed just last week.
We’ve had no choice but to build up our defences. We do have some weapons, even some guns from the before times, although the powder is hard to make.

I heard some of the elders talking, saying there were tensions all over the land, with clans grouping together. One of them said it would lead to war. She thinks people are just built that way. We’re doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
I think she’s wrong. I’ll tell you why.

We’ve recently recovered a... carrnon? Conan? Cannon. A cannon.
A big old metal thing. Our weapons team got it to work. It shoots big metal balls. It’s not the most accurate thing.
Apparently they found it in a museum. Maybe in the before times they didn’t know how to use it properly. But some of our fighters worked it out. You load it with these big metal balls filled with the fire powder and use more of the powder to send it flying. Something like that.

The cannon balls explode when they land or hit something.
I watched a few days ago. They tested it out on an old building. The devastation!! The whole house collapsed, rubble and dust flying everywhere. And the noise of the explosion!
Imagine – if these cannon balls were fired on people. We could annihilate each other. Surely that fear will cause all civilised people to recoil in horror and end all fighting. Surely with these cannons, there can never be another war!


City Leftovers

Oui je suis toujours vivant. Mon boulot d'ingesclave me prend beaucoup (trop) de temps et j'ai toujours plein de choses dans les tuyaux à vous montrer et à faire mais difficile de trouver le temps sans que ma santé finisse par en prendre un coup...

J'ai redécouvert des petites pépites jamais mise en ligne ou édité, parce qu'à l'époque j'avais ni le skillz ni les bons logiciels pour rattraper l'exposition catastrophique de mes photos : Dans l'ordre chronologique :

Quelque part au Maroc, 2011

Je ne sais plus dans quel vite c'était, mais c'était très impressionnant, des blocs entiers de bâtiments d'époques avec une architecture occidental était en ruine comme s'il y avait eu un cataclysme. Des types suspects se dressait dans les gravas sans que je comprenne ce qu'ils faisaient. Je me rappel que mon père m'avait dit que c'était un spot pour les crackheads la nuit. Grosse ambiance.

L'intérieur d'un logement social abandonné à Strasbourg, 2012

Une rue de mon adolescence, Strasbourg, 2014

Cell-ci est cher à mon coeur, je voulais pas la mettre en ligne avant d'arriver à l'éditer pour que la lumière soit conforme à l'expérience vécu ce jour là au moment de prendre la photo. Je pense que cette fois-ci on a quelque chose de pas trop mal ... :)

Un spot urbex nul en Lorraine, 2019

Plus de photos Urbex ici : http://denissalem.tuxfamily.org/Galerie/categories/Urbex/

#urbex #story #storytime #diary #art #freeart #artlibre #libre #creative-commons #cc-by-sa #picture #city #urbanexploration #photography #photographies #nikon #olympus #artwork #diaspoart



Double Feature (1/2)

Curious about the local culture, I went to see a #play. We entered an amphitheatre of sorts, although the audience sat or stood in the centre, with a few different sets on the slopes around us.

The first scene was in a set on my left; the hero was leaving their home. The second scene introduced the antagonist, in a set straight ahead of me. The coming tension was clear. Good start!

But then two scenes, and later three or more, happened at once in different directions. I didn't know which one to watch or how to follow the plot. I turned this way and that trying to take it all in, but was frustrated.

After the show I spoke to some locals. "How do you follow the #story? I couldn't keep up!"

They looked puzzled. Eventually I saw realisation on someone's face. "Ah, you've only seen the play once. You have to go at least three times to understand the story."



A nihilistic dystopia is a world where all forms of meaning and purpose have been stripped away. In this society, there is no belief in anything greater than oneself, no higher power or moral code to guide behavior. This lack of belief has led to a sense of hopelessness and despair that permeates every aspect of life.

People in this society have given up on trying to make the world a better place because they believe it is ultimately futile. They have lost their sense of community and connection with others, leading to rampant individualism and isolation. There is no trust or loyalty between individuals, as everyone is out for themselves.

The government in this world is corrupt and oppressive, with laws used only to maintain power rather than promote justice. The ruling class exploits the masses for their own benefit, leaving the majority of people impoverished and struggling to survive.

In this nihilistic dystopia, technology serves as a means of control rather than liberation. People are constantly monitored and manipulated through advanced surveillance systems and mind-control technologies. The natural environment is destroyed, with pollution and over exploitation of resources leading to widespread environmental degradation and an inhospitable world.

Overall, a nihilistic dystopia is a world devoid of hope, meaning, and purpose. It is a bleak and oppressive place where individualism reigns supreme and cooperation and compassion have been replaced by greed and exploitation.
#ArtificialIntelligence #Art #Story



The #story behind " #CherrymoonTrax - The House Of House" by Yves Deruyter | #Muzikxpress 186


In 1994 Yves Deruyter, Axel #Stephenson and #FrankyKloeck teamed up for a project which they called #Cherrymoon Trax. The first release was the #hard #trance #track “The House Of House”. Because of the upcoming 30th anniversary of “The House Of House”, I sat down with Yves Deruyter, to ask him about the story behind this #massive #classic.

#music #rave #yvesderuyter #thehouseofhouse #muzikxpress


Peter " #HitHouse" Slaghuis : la #story - #DJ #LittleNemo - #Histoires #Electroniques

Retour sur la #carrière écourtée accidentellement de #PeterSalghuis alias HitHouse : #producteur, #remixer, son 'Jack To The Sound Of The Underground" a été un morceau #culte de la fin des années 80, mais c'est aussi le remixer qui a lancé la carrière de #NuShooz en 1985, et l' #auteur de plusieurs #hits #hardcore avec son #groupe #HolyNoise.

#musique #music #house #eurodance


Yesterday I was invited to the daycare where my daughter goes to be able to see her play there, do activities with her, talk to the teachers, etc. However, my games with my daughter are usually pretty intense, and we ended up running through the room playing "monster". Other kinds joined, and all hell broke loose. Needless to say, the teachers were not exactly happy with me. But I made it all good today. I baked them some peanut butter-chocolate cookies and some cupcakes. All was forgiven :)

#cookies #vegan #veganbaking #cupcakes #RedemptionByBaking #story #food