

The Crippled Fox and the Generous Lion

On a certain day, a man was seized by a spiritual thirst. In those days, when you were spiritually thirsty, you went to the forest.
So this man went deep into a nearby forest and found a tree, under which he sat cross-legged and began intoning the sacred syllable aum.

Now, you can do aum for only so long. After that, the stomach has its own aum, which asserts itself periodically! Each time his stomach growled, the man would go to town for a meal. He would then come back and resume his austerities.

One day, he returned after his meal and sat down on a rock. He was about to resume his chanting when he noticed a fox. It had lost both its forelegs but was still well-fed and healthy. This struck the man as distinctly odd. in a jungle, governed by the law of the survival of the fittest, it was strange to find a disabled but healthy animal. How had this fox managed to survive?

The man looked at it with some surprise. After a while, he resumed his practices.
That evening, while meditating, he heard the growl of a lion. He promptly forgot his aum and clambered up a tree.
A lion came by with a large chunk of meat in its mouth. To the man's amazement, the lion walked up to the crippled fox, dropped it in front of him, and walked away. the fox began tucking into his dinner.

The man looked on in disbelief. The same practice went on day after day. The man could not believe his eyes. A crippled fox being fed by a generous lion! this was a miracle.

"This has to be a message from God," he thought. "What is God trying to tell me?" He struggled with that question for a while, and then it dawned on him. When even a crippled fox was being fed in the jungle by a generous lion, why should he keep running to town in search of food? Surely God wanted him to trust he would be provided for and wanted him to focus on what really counted--his spiritual practice.

So the man changed his strategy. For the next three days, he kept up his [i]aum]/i] practice without stirring from his spot. By the fourth day, he was considerably weakened; by the fifth day, he could barely stay conscious; by the seventh day, he was gasping for life, caught in the throes of death.

A yogi happened to be passing this way. Hearing these noises, he found the man and asked; "What happened to you? Why are you in this condition?"
"Because a divine message came to me. I obeyed it, and see my plight!" Groaned the man.
"What divine message?"

And so the man related to the yogi the entire story of the crippled fox and the generous lion. "So tell me, yogi," gasped the man, "was this a divine message or not?"
The yogi said, "Yes, of course this was a divine message. But why did you choose to imitate a crippled fox rather than a generous lion?"

A short story by Jagadish Vasudev via his book on Karma.

#Story #Karma


Man Dies In Crash; Discovers Truth About Guilt And Forgiveness In Emotional #NDE:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z7vnMIgoWe0

#JeffreyOlsen's NDE #near-death-experience #story is a number one international best-seller, and Olsen inspires audiences globally with his intriguing story of perseverance and inner strength.

After a horrific automobile accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff (including the amputation of his left leg) he found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries and eventually heal both physically and emotionally.

At the time of his accident, Olsen had incredible Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences,
bringing him insights not common in today’s world, and on a journey through the afterlife, getting a glimpse of life after death. Jeff has integrated these experiences into
everyday life, inspiring others to embrace the beauty around them and choose joy in all they do.

Olsen’s latest book, WHERE ARE YOU? is a collaboration with his oldest son Spencer, who also survived the accident at the age of seven. They have captured in a simple and powerful way their #healing #journey through the innocent perspective of that seven-year-old child. “Where Are You?” is a heartfelt #book for all ages and perfect for anybody who misses someone.

Among Jeff’s many accomplishments, he is most fulfilled by simply being a husband, father and friend.


#h0ffman | A #life in The #Demoscene & #Music #Production | #Legends in #TheCave - #RMC


Visit The Cave and talks like this at https://retrocollective.co.uk/
The #demoscene is rich with creativity, talent and tales of the people who contribute to it. Veteren "scener" h0ffman tells us his #story today from the #origins of the #scene to #modern day #demo #parties and all that's involved in being a part of it.

#retrocomputer #retrogaming #amiga #zx81 #zxspectrum #commodore #c64


AI-generated #fiction is flooding #literary magazines — but not fooling anyone

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/25/23613752/ai-generated-short-stories-literary-magazines-clarkesworld-science-fiction

At times, the submitter hasn’t even bothered to replace “[name]” with their own.

Using #ChatGPT, The Verge was able to replicate some elements of submissions Williams has seen. A prompt to write a short #sciencefiction #story — plus copy-and-pasted information from #Asimov’s submission guidelines — produced stories with dozens of similar titles in succession, like “The Last Echo,” “The Last Message,” “The Last Day of Autumn,” and “The Last Voyager.”

Now imagine what potential we are giving away and how much #energy we are wasting because #capitalism sets the wrong incentives.

In the #future, one side will generate masses of #spam via #AI in the hope of making a quick buck, and the other side will try to fend this off with AI. We can automate the entire #internet with all the trolls, fact checkers and #fake #news. The result will probably be much worse than #Facebook and #Twitter already are.

#dystopia #problem #scam #humanity #civilization #economy #money #profit #system #manipulation #propaganda #intelligence #technology #bot


The #cabal's #reaction to the @ #ProjectVeritas #story is one of the swiftest and extreme I've ever seen. Within minutes Jordon Walker's LinkedIn page was deleted, (unfortunately there are no working archives), Go ogle ( BLACKGOO) restricted searches, and an army of shills, fact-checkers, and bots were deployed to smear Project Veritas and any evidence of Walker's ties to Pfizer as fake. This displays the immense amount of power that Big Pharma has.

The Daily Mail got a call and took down their article, archived here:


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Apropos, the hare and owl, kangaroo, & Jethro Tull too,
as narrated by Mr. Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond

JETHRO TULL´S "The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles"

Maybe even a 'roo / "kangaroo word" or two too.

Definitely not Aqualung and a long way from Sossity or Thick as a Brick. But yet again, a story...
Whatever, all for need of a good optician. (or is it musician?)

🐰 👓 🦉 🦘🎶

It's a #fable #JethroTull #music #musica #musique #musik #story #HammondHammond #spectacles


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Phynster - Politics, the entertainment division of

An Airbus 380 is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800 km/h at 30,000 feet, when suddenly an Eurofighter with a Tempo Mach 2 appears.

The pilot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Airbus and greets the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: "Airbus, boring flight isn’t it? Now have a look here!"

He rolls his jet on its back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a dizzying height, and then swoops down almost to sea level in a breathtaking dive. He loops back next to the Airbus and asks: "Well, how was that?"

The Airbus pilot answers: "Very impressive, but watch this!"

The jet pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens. It continues to fly straight, at the same speed. After 15 minutes, the Airbus pilot radios, "Well, how was that?

Confused, the jet pilot asks, "What did you do?"

The Airbus pilot laughs and says: "I got up, stretched my legs, walked to the back of the aircraft to use the washroom, then got a cup of coffee and a chocolate fudge pastry."

The #moral of the #story is: When you’re young, speed and adrenaline seems to be great. But as you get older and wiser, you learn that comfort and peace are more important.

This is called S.O.S.: Slower, Older and Smarter.

~ it’s time to slow down and enjoy the rest of the trip.


The Legendary Song That Became the Rick Roll | The Story Of

"when you're the rick in rickroll .. it's very very different"

Yeah i can imagine that!

The Story Of The Legendary Song That Became the Rick Roll


No it's not a rickroll, yes it's about rickrolling... And about Rick himself.

Nice to watch imho. ;)

#Rick #Astley #Never #Gonna #Give #You #Up #Rickroll #Rickrolling #Meme #Story #of


Willow-Serie starker Serienstart aber dann ... :(

Schaut jemand von euch die Serie #Willow? https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/111837-willow?language=de-DE

Über das genretypische einfache Gut-Böse-Schema kann ich hinwegsehen. Die einfach gestrickten flachen Charaktere machen es einfach alle einzuschätzen. Die Serie ist wie der Film eine simple #Quest wie im #Rollenspiel. Laufe von A nach B und besorge C und dann weiter. Reicht als Story wenn auf dem Weg genug Interessantes passiert.

Was mich aber stört sind die flachen #Dialoge und die Handlung, die meinen Verstand beleidigt. In Folge 7 treffen in einem magischen Gefängnis ein Prinz und eine Prinzessin aufeinander, die aus verschiedenen Königsreichen entführt worden für ein magisches Ritual. Die Prinzessin macht sofort klar, dass sie eine starke unabhängige Frau ist und keinen Schutz braucht und sich jeden Annäherungsversuch untersagt. Der Prinz meint, dass er nichts dergleichen vorhat und sowieso in festen Händen ist. Paar Szenen später knutschen beide trotzdem rum. Wer denkt sich einen solchen Schwachsinn aus?

Entweder breche ich mit dem veralteten Bild der Prinzessin in Nöten, die vom Ritter vor dem Drachen gerettet wird oder nicht. Aber dieses rumgeeier, nur um dann doch wieder in veraltete Rollenbilder zurückzufallen ist sehr nervend :(

Abgesehen davon lügen und betrügen sich alle in der Heldengruppe pausenlos oder können sich ihre Gefühle nicht eingestehen. Klar das ist notwendig, um die Spannung aufrechtzuerhalten aber es geschieht in einer Häufigkeit die nur noch nervt. Aus jeder Mücke entsteht ein unnötiger Streit wobei doch klar ist, dass die Schicksalsgemeinschaft zusammenbleiben muss und nur gemeinsam gewinnen kann.

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#Serie #Handlund #Drehbuch #Frechheit #Verarschung #Story #Problem #Fantasy #Magie #Liebe


Winter Solstice

The night she was conceived, a faint sliver of light from the new moon travelled the sky. The night she was born, the moon was full and fat, a bright reddish harvest moon. The symbolism had been explained to death when she was still a small child.

Tied to the moon from birth, she was less concerned with the sun. When others mourned the last setting of the sun behind the mountains at midwinter, she remained calm. It would return a few days later.

So she was surprised when that year she was chosen to fetch back the light. Early in the morning they woke her up, and out into the dark and cold she was summoned, where the ritual play was carried out: There was no light in the village, someone had to go to the dragon’s cave and bring back fire, or the sun would never return. Would she be the brave soul?

She set out with a wry smile at the dramatic farewells. It was less than a mile to the cave, the provisions were unnecessary. A short walk later, she was there. She smelled the smoke from the entrance, heard the soft crackling as she stepped inside the big cave, and could just make out the large shape softly lit against the darkness.

Walking towards it, she saw the small fire burning under the belly of the stylised stone dragon, smoke flowing out its nostrils. She had never been party to this side of the ritual before, and briefly wondered who had snuck down earlier and lit the fire. She approached the stone beast head on, and now saw the fire through its holes-for-eyes, bright and flickering in one, softer in the other. Suddenly she understood. They were the sun and the moon, and the fire behind them was one.

She dutifully lit a torch from the dragon fire and carried it back to the village, so lost in thought that she was startled by the crowd that warmly greeted her, the ritual complete. A few days later, she rejoiced with the rest as the sun returned, clearing the mountains briefly for the first time in nearly a week. The light would grow day by day.

#pagan #solstice #WinterSolstice #story #shortstory #myth #writing


Not Icarus: A short story inspired by events in Lytton, British Columbia, June 2021. The town set heat records three days in a row, and on the fourth day a wildfire destroyed most of it. The story considers those of use who think of climate change as something far away, in time or place, until it affects us personally. #climatechange #story #writing #amwriting #Icarus