

The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Kshama Sawant


The Democrats and Republicans both answer to the billionaires, that’s why #working #people keep getting screwed, she says. Even so-called #progressives in #Congress, she notes, have completely failed to fight against the #establishment, and offer no #solutions. #Sawant in her decade as a member of the #Seattle-city-council has an impressive track record. She helped win a $ #15-minimum-wage for #Seattle #workers, pushed the council to #tax #Amazon, and championed #renter #protection as the #Chair-of-the-Renters-and-Sustainability-Committee. She joined the #Socialist-Alternative-party in 2006.

#chrishedges #kshamasawant #podcast #interview #workers-strike-back #labor #unions #organization #movement #strikes


Imperial Abyss ~ Yanis Varoufakis, Richard D Wolff


'It has been one year since #JoeBiden came into office. While he is at COP26 making weak and unconvincing commitments on the climate, the #collapse of the #world #order as we know it — from #environment to #geopolitics — seems #imminent. #RichardWolff and #YanisVaroufakis examine #Biden’s first year in office, and share their perspectives on the current #political and #economic order and its #future, from #techno-feudalism to the new #ColdWar on #China. They also speak about the ongoing #pandemic and the profound #transformations taking place in our time.'

#imperial #abyss #varoufakis #wolff #working-class #workers #labor #unions #strikes #capitalism #oligarchy #financialization #digital #system #foreign #policy #hegemony #us #eu #nordstream2 #empire #decline #denial #fdr #lbj #socialism #organize