

Chez nous (14 du côté de mon père et 12 du côté de ma mère les camps de bûcheron, c'était plus fou! mais c'était dans la joie de grand-papa et des oncles qui s'échangeaient la guitare et le violon.
Mais c'était, chez-moi dans une simplicité inouïe!.
Les hommes racontaient... des histoires pour faire rire.
On riait!
Les enfants se tenaient loin...
C'était la soirée des grands...
Ils se racontaient l'année
Au fil de la soirée, ils entraient dans les détails;
Mais pas trop de politique:
Chacun sachant pour qui avait voté l'autre:

Les enfants, on se tenait loin...
l'escalier en colimaçon qui menait au sous-sol du duplex,
Grand espace entouré de bancs et de chaise;
c'est là que tout se passait.

De l'escalier en colimaçon
Moi et les cousins s'y assoyaient pour écouter les "vieux".
En les écoutant
Au travers leurs farces
On apprenait!
Ce n'était pas des farces...
Je comprenais...

En haut, les chambres étaient remplies de manteaux
Le bain rempli de Clac et de bottes

Au salon, quelqu'un jasais avec un autre
Dans la cuisine, les femmes s’afféraient à préparer
Le buffet, apporté par chaque famille.
Les chambres étaient des montagnes de manteaux

Toute la famille était là!
J'étais comme un chat qui cherche la paix

#text, #réflexion



Quand décembre s'en vient

Un son qui frétille
Qui avance si lentement
Je sens le vent
Qui monte de l'avent
Doux, doux
Mon enfant
Vois les herbes séchés
Qui frissonnent
Que le grand manteau blanc
Viendra, bientôt
Les réchauffer
D'une couverture
Douce, douce
Toute de blanc revêtue
Et ce sera une nuit
De repos
Ce son qui frétille
Quand décembre arrive
Je Le sens,
Je l'entend
Mon amour.

#poésie, #text


(Another random text I wrote - not sure how to tag them... at least this one has an image to go with it)

The Hypnonaut

The cockpit reeked of spilled beer and sweat. He laboriously climbed into the seat and put on his helmet. It was dark outside... and cold. His hands shook, black dust falling from them like the stars from the green sky. He had the fumes of his body and the dirty machine hanging in his nose, a stabbing pain in his gut, an emptiness, cold and painful in his breast. It was not a picnic this job, not a fruit cake, not a biscuit of rose mead, not a sweet frog. He turned on the broiler and the stew. Checked the altitude and carborundum. The instrument boards were old and covered in porridge. He hated his job.

The lights were changing. Soon the machine would lift its skirts and rise into the reverse abyss. He felt his senses change, the taste of blood in his mouth became perfumed in a sort of bitter way. He felt the bodies of the other place press against his pelvis, For a second he hoped that it would become erotic, that the machine would navigate in the atypical way it sometimes did. But a short look at the sky told him otherwise. The patterns were there. they stood out in a darker, colder green - terrifying the shit out of him.

He could not remember if he had applied for this job or if he had been drafted. He pulled the lever and slowly turned the steering wheel while the machine roared. Down under the knickers he could hear that one of the hold ups had a strange, rattling sound, the whole hosiery was falling apart. He opened the little refrigerator and took out a cold Carlsberg Elephant beer. She would hold. He stroked the warm skin of the seat affectionately. "My love," he mumbled while she shook in orgasms slowly rising from the ground. "My love."

She was a Hogwhore 3000 hypnowessel and she had brought him safely back each and every time. Old - yes, but he was still here. Still able to crawl out from the cockpit every morning. The emptiness in his breast began to ache. Patterns in the sky churned and collided. This mission was going to be a nightmare.

#story #fiction #Shortfiction #text #freewrite #hypnonaut #dream #Eros #Death #nightmare #patterns #Katharsisdrill


Abends kurz nach 9 Uhr da sitze ich nun auf der Terrasse und gucke so, in den mit Wolken bedeckten Himmel, der hier in Schweden auf diesem Breitengrad immer noch sehr hell ist und ich sehe in 10 m Höhe wie zwei große Libellen ihre Kreise zwischen zwei Bäumen ziehen. Was die wohl fangen? Ich hätte nun gerne ein Foto davon gemacht aber mir ist die Aussichtslosigkeit dieses Unterfangens bewusst. Keine Schwalben kein Wind. Nur das leise Rauschen des Baches auf den ich von der Terrasse herunterblicken kann. Wenn ich genau hinsehe kann ich auch einige kleinere Insekten sehen die in rund 5 m Höhe durch die Luft fliegen. Es sind aber sehr wenige.
#no_photography #no_fotografie #mywork #photograph
#kein_foto #no_photo #photographie #Fotograf #Natur #Nature #myphoto #myart #myfoto #Sverige #sweden #text #bildbeschreibyng


one of my bestestest frens sent me some precious words; they touch my soul like nothing since long. as I have been incarnated in Russia at least one time (I cry over it to not be a Russian soul). and only one who knows the feeling to be Russian or has at least a "Russian" soul can understand this fact... anyways, here's the text:

The West doesn’t understand the Russian conception of Motherland.

We cannot be defeated. Because we have a difference between the Motherland and the state, which the West will not understand.

The Russian word «Родина» (that is translated here as Motherland) is associated with the words “genus”, “kin”, “people” (all containing the Russian root «род»). The Motherland is what we love. But the state…we have problems with the state all the time.

The state has been mocking the Motherland for many years. But when trouble comes, the Motherland forgives the state and stands up for it.

Therefore, the enemy cannot defeat us: he attacks the state, but the response comes from the Motherland. He doesn’t know that our Motherland is on duty around the corner.

Hitler learned all the roads of our country from maps. He came – and the Motherland had no roads.

Napoleon decided to liberate the Russian state from serfdom. Did you ask the Motherland? The Motherland’s peasants drove him back to Paris.

We and the West will never understand each other, because we feel the world differently.

Mikhail Zadornov

#Russia #motherland #homeland #understanding #west #Heimat #quote #text

Can we, this evening, look at that factor? - the factor which the mind avoids, that sense of complete loneliness with which we are superficially familiar. What is it to be lonely? Can we discuss that now and keep to that issue, and not introduce any other problem?I think this is really very important. Because so long as that loneliness is not really understood, felt, penetrated, dissolved, - whatever word you may like to use, - so long as that sense of loneliness remains, dependence is inevitable, and one can never be free, one can never find out for oneself that which is true, that which is religion. While I depend, there must be authority, there must be imitation, there must be various forms of compulsion, regimentation, and discipline to a certain pattern. So, can my mind find out what it is to be lonely, and go beyond it? - so that the mind is set totally free and therefore does not depend on beliefs, on gods, on systems, on prayers, or on anything else.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

#Krishnamurti #freedom #loneliness #issue #text


there is always a new #word to be discovered, to be learned... today I read a #German #text where intrinsisch is part of a sentence; in #English it is intrinsic. within 71 years I had never before stumbled upon this word... it is a good one! #language is such a gift!

the sentence reads,

Ein einfacher Satz, der sich schließlich zu einer inneren Prägung weiterentwickelt hat. Zu einem permanenten intrinsischen Auftrag, aktiv zu sein und vor allem, die geistigen Kräfte mit den körperlichen und den schöpferischen zu vereinen.

A simple sentence that eventually developed into an inner imprint. A permanent intrinsic mandate to be active and, above all, to unite the spiritual forces with the physical and creative ones.


GNU Linux Debian 11 - text to speech (text2speech) - read out text loud - listen to computer spoken text

instead of reading massively long passages of text (which can become tiresome fast)

it might be nice, to have the computer read out that text?

let’s do that 🙂

multiple choices

there are different Open Source text2speech systems, programs out there…

multi language talent: pico tts

(no not the text editor)

  • supported languages:
    • English, US (en-US) / English, GB (en-GB)
    • Spanish (es-ES)
    • French (fr-FR)
    • German (de-DE)
    • Italian (it-IT)

The Pico service produces audio streams using WAV containers and PCM (signed) codec with 16bit depth.

“The Pico Text-to-Speech (TTS) service uses the TTS binary from SVOX for producing spoken text.”

“You manually need to install the pico2wave binary in order for this service to work correctly. You can, e.g., install it with apt-get on an Ubuntu system” (src)

show me the src: https://github.com/naggety/picotts

<span style="color: #00ffff;">lsb_release -a</span>; # tested on
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:    11
Codename:   bullseye

# if not already, install the genious mplayer & ffmpeg packages :)
# (or some other player that can play wav files)
<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update
apt install mplayer ffmpeg</span>

# pre compiled package (not the latest, but might just do the job)
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt search libttspico-utils
apt install libttspico-utils</span>
libttspico-utils/stable,stable 1.0+git20130326-11 amd64
  Small Footprint TTS (binaries)

# compile from src
# as non-root
<span style="color: #00ffff;">git clone https://github.com/naggety/picotts.git
cd pico/picotts/pico

su - root
apt update; apt install autoconf libtool help2man libpopt-dev debhelper;</span>
Ctrl+D # log off root
<span style="color: #00ffff;">./autogen.sh

su - root
cd /software/pico/picotts/pico
make install

</span># remove packages (not needed anymore)<span style="color: #00ffff;">
apt-get remove --purge autoconf libtool help2man libpopt-dev debhelper
apt-get autoremove --purge</span>

how to let it read text, usage example:

copy and paste the text the user wants to have read out loud into a file called read.txt

# for US-English
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l en-US -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;</span>

# for UK-English
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l en-GB -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;</span>

# for Spanish
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l es-ES -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;</span>

# for French
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l fr-FR -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;</span>

# for German
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l de-DE -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;</span>

# for Italian
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat read.txt| pico2wave -l it-IT -w ./read.text.wav; mplayer ./read.text.wav;rm -rf ./read.text.wav;


script it 🙂

usage example of the script:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">/scripts/read.sh read.txt en</span>
# create the script<span style="color: #00ffff;">
vim /scripts/read.sh</span>

<span style="color: #ff6600;">#!/bin/bash

echo "... converting text $1 to computer spoken audio"

if [ "$2" = "en" ];
    # for US-English
    cat $1 | pico2wave -l en-US -w ./read.text.wav;

if [ "$2" = "uk" ];
    # for UK-English
    cat read.txt| pico2wave -l en-GB -w ./read.text.wav;

if [ "$2" = "es" ];
    # for Spanish
    cat read.txt| pico2wave -l es-ES -w ./read.text.wav;

if [ "$2" = "fr" ];
    # for French
    cat read.txt| pico2wave -l fr-FR -w ./read.text.wav;

if [ "$2" = "de" ];
    # for German
    cat read.txt| pico2wave -l de-DE -w ./read.text.wav;

if [ "$2" = "it" ];
    # for Italian
    cat read.txt| pico2wave -l it-IT -w ./read.text.wav;

echo "... starting playback"
mplayer ./read.text.wav;

echo "... removing temporary wav file"
rm -rf ./read.text.wav;


english only but with accents: flite

flite supports only english (?) but that even in DIFFERENT ACCENTS! X-D

<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update; apt install flite;</span>
flite/stable,now 2.2-2 amd64 [installed]
  Small run-time speech synthesis engine

# get more english language accents
<span style="color: #00ffff;">wget -r --no-parent --no-directories --accept flitevox http://www.festvox.org/flite/packed/flite-2.0/voices/
# usage example
<span style="color: #00ffff;">cat speak.txt | flite -voice /path/to/flite/voices/cmu_us_awb.flitevox


creditz: https://cstan.io/?p=11840&lang=en

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #text #speech #audio

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/04/25/gnu-linux-debian-11-text-to-speech-text2speech-read-out-text-loud-listen-to-computer-spoken-text/


GNU Linux Debian 11 - text to speech (text2speech) - read out text loud - listen to computer spoken text

instead of reading massively long passages of text (which can become tiresome fast) it might be nice, to have the computer read out that text? let's do that :) multiple choices there are different Open Source text2speech systems, programs out there... multi[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #text #speech #audio

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/04/25/gnu-linux-debian-11-text-to-speech-text2speech-read-out-text-loud-listen-to-computer-spoken-text/


GNU Linux Debian 11 - text to speech (text2speech) - read out text loud - listen to computer spoken text

instead of reading massively long passages of text (which can become tiresome fast) it might be nice, to have the computer read out that text? let's do that :) multiple choices there are different Open Source text2speech systems, programs out there... multi[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #text #speech #audio

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/04/25/gnu-linux-debian-11-text-to-speech-text2speech-read-out-text-loud-listen-to-computer-spoken-text/


J'irai écrire, pas où tu penses
Ce s'ra sur une nappe
où t'imagines pas
Qu'on y ait renversé
ne serrais-ce,
ne serrais-ce,
qu'une toute petite
goutte de café
et là, de mon petit doigt
je dessinerai un chemin

#poésie, #text