

Image/photoSol wrote the following post Sun, 25 Aug 2024 18:41:53 +0300

New Complaint Filed Alleging that U.s. Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

#New #Complaint Filed Alleging that #US #Postal #Service ( #USPS ) #Committed #Electoral #Fraud in the #2020 #Presidential #Election

"A new development that merits attention. A complaint was filed on Friday before the U.S. District Court in Maryland presenting evidence that the USPS acted illegally in shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, New York to Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020. The suit was brought by attorney Brian Della Rocca, but the critical evidence was collected by two friends of mine — John Moynihan and Larry Doyle. Full disclosure, I have known John since 1998 and we were partners in BERG Associates, LLC. John, in my opinion, is one of the best financial and forensic investigators in the world. Hands down."


#USA #Biden #neocons #zionists #deepstate #corruption #american #elections #fraud #democracy #fail


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#nasty world ,

orders compliance with the #evil #agendas of the #insane ones

you must take the poisons or else

Booster Jab is a #money-grab

Vax-pushing #EU chief Von der Leyen's husband is an executive in the #COVID-19 #vaccine #business, and there are major #crimes being #committed by her and the EU over this.

There are already court filings in #Europe, which EU media and EU NGOs - nearly all in Soros' pocket - are trying to hide.

It's also coming out that Von der Leyen - #Germany's former defence minister - is pushing for the #war, and #killing all those tens of #thousands of untrained Ukrainians #dying in the #minefields - apparently to #enrich her friends in the #weapons #industries. Von der Leyen hints she has friends in NATO who can whack people dead if they don't shut up about her crimes.

The 4th Reich's new twist is that it's led by criminal women, German women at the top. EU offices are largely female.

From a brief filed with Judge-President Lenaerts of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg: "Ursula Von der Leyen seems to be in major financial crimes involving millions, with her husband in the covid vaccine business ... Belgium has jurisdiction over crimes in EU offices, so OLAF and EPPO [EU prosecutors] would need to use Belgian officials to prosecute.

"Von der Leyen shields herself by engaging in open corruption with Belgian gov't ministers ... Belgium operates a bribery-extortion scheme over EU Citizen Rights, openly violating important CJEU Court Order C-535/19 of 15 July 2021, guaranteeing universal EU Citizen national Health System Access ... Belgium demanding bribes from EU citizens

"Honest EU Commission staffers are being intimidated and terrorized by Von der Leyen---"Von der Leyen, corrupt to the core regarding both covid vaccine contracts and her joining in crimes with Belgium and violation of Court Orders, is thought by some at the EU to be under blackmail by foreign powers, and this is related to Von der Leyen's continuous posturing and promotion of military conflict in Ukraine."


Register for the Belmarsh Tribunal: Free Julian Assange


The #HighCourt will hear the #appeal on #October27-28 in #London, which will decide #JulianAssange's immediate fate. He remains #imprisoned in #maximum #security #Belmarsh #prison for two and a half years, despite #winning his #extradition #battle in the UK’s #DistrictCourt last January. For now all eyes must be focused on the appeal at the High Court at the end of October. #Public #pressure is the only thing that can end the deliberate, punitive #incarceration of #Assange. This is, when all is said and done, the most #important #press #freedom #case of the 21st century.

Just a few days before the extradition #hearing in Julian’s case (October 27-28) and inspired by the #Russell-Sartre #Tribunal that put the US government’s #war-crimes in #Vietnam on trial, we are bringing together leading #lawyers, #politicians and #journalists to put the US government on trial for its crimes in the 21st century — from #atrocities in #Iraq, to #torture in #GuantánamoBay, and the country’s huge #surveillance program.
Talking about the Russell-Sartre Tribunal, #Russel said that the tribunal “represented no state power; it had no capacity to sentence the accused”. But he added something important: “I believe that these apparent limitations are, in fact, #virtues. We are free to conduct a solemn and #historic #investigation, presented to the #conscience of #mankind”.
You are already part of the conscience of #humankind. Become part of the #struggle to #free Julian Assange and #protect other #whistleblowers and #journalists. Protect what is #right and #fight what is so obviously wrong.
Members of the Belmarsh Tribunal, named after the prison where Assange has been imprisoned for more than two years, include #DanielEllsberg, #YanisVaroufakis, #RafaelCorrea, #StefaniaMaurizi, #RenataÁvila, #JeremyCorbyn, #KenLoach, #TariqAli, #SelayGhaffar and many others.

#SrećkoHorvat, cabinet member of the #Progressive #International and one of the founders of the #BelmarshTribunal, said:
“After the #revelations about the #murderous #CIA #plans to #kill a #publisher and #journalist on #British soil, not only the current #US #government but also the #UK government must be held responsible for still keeping Assange in #prison.The #Biden administration should #dropthecharges against Assange and the UK government should #free him immediately and end the #suffering and #torture of a #courageous #man who has #committed #no #crime. In a #society in which telling the #truth becomes a crime, we are all #accomplices of crime as long as Assange is in prison.”

#join #mobilize #organize

#Organized by #TheProgressiveInternational the tribunal will hold its first #physical #proceedings in #London at the #ConvocationHall, #ChurchHouse, #Westminster at 3pm BST, #22October. #register #attend-online

“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth." - Julian Assange.

#freejulianassange #diem25 #noextradition #weareallassange #23october-marchforassange