

The number one cause of unnatural human death and suffering throughout history is government in one form or another.

Giving government the monopoly on force is simply giving a small, powerful group of people the ability to kill or tyrannize everybody else, and then hoping they won't do so.

#1776 #USA #2ndamendment #2a #usconstitution #secondamendment #monopolyonforce #selfpreservation #selfdefense #seventeenseventysix #government #tyranny #freedom #uk #liberty #liberté #godgivenrights #1a #naturalrights #humanrights #guns #firearms #defenserifle #assaultrifle #america #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstates #guncontrol #law #eu #jurisprudence #rightsofman #truth #justice #sovereignty #usconstitution


The #Democrats & their #UniParty "#Republican" enablers are setting a #trap for Constitutionalist #gun owners.

"Red Flag" #laws are intended to target #Constitutionalist Americans via #Internet #surveillance, sending #law enforcement to confiscate #guns from people who are passionate about their #rights & will use their guns to defend those rights from infringement.

When Constitutionalists defend their rights against #infringement of them through the use of "Red Flag" laws, Democrats will falsely claim these incidents are #proof "Red Flag" laws #work & then use them to #disarm #Americans with impunity.

#redflaglaws #redflaglaw #redflags #redflag #usa #2ndamendment #2a #righttobeararms #trap #subterfuge #con #setup #usconstitution #rinos #shallnotbeinfringed #nra
