

MIRLO 🐦 une alternative à Bandcamp libre et collective 🎶

Mirlo: a free and collective alternative to Bandcamp


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🇫🇷 Un magasin de musique en ligne libre et collectif fait son apparition ! ✊🎶 Leur objectif: proposer un outil simple, efficace et adapté aux artistes qui veulent vendre leur musique en ligne. Le site fonctionne déjà et les futures mises à jour risquent de vous plaire: 🤝 fédération, 👕 vente de merch et CD, 💸 rémunération récurrente ou ponctuelle, 👔 gestion d'artistes et labels... le tout porté par des valeurs anticapitaliste et anarchistes ! Ses 3 fondateurs, vétérans dans ce domaine (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) sont actuellement à la recherche de financements *pour l'année 2024... *Donnez-leur un coup de main !
⏩ Partagez ce post, faites un tour sur leur site et sur leur kickstarter, et voyez par vous-même ;)

🇺🇸 An opensource and collective music storefront appears ! ✊🎶 Their objective: build a simple efficient and adapted tool for the artists selling their music online. The website is already up and running but future updates might interest you even more: 🤝 federation, 👕 disc & merch store, 💸 recurring patronage or one-off payments, 👔 artists and label management... all brought together by anticapitalistic and anarchistic values ! Its 3 veteran founders (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) are currently seeking infrastructure funding for the rest of 2024... Help them out !
⏩ Share this post, have a look around on their website and kickstarter page, and see for yourself ;)

#mirlo #bandcamp #layoff #layoffs #musician #musicien #collective #collectif #music #musique #musica #distribution #distributionplatform #corporate #startup #jeunepousse #bigtech #share #support #kickstarter #crowdfunding #crowdfunder #financementparticipatif #opensource #libre #anarchist #anarchiste #anarchy #anarchie #anticapitaliste #anticapitalisme #anticapitalist #queer #lgbt #lgbtqia+ #lgbtqiap+ #lgbtqiap #lgbtq #lgbtqia #community #communauté #network #label #e2c #exit2community #exittocommunity #solidarity #solidarité #economy #economie #économie #ampled #new-york #newyork #funding #label #musiclabel #productivity #partage #entraide #social #internet #online #travail #work #cooperation #collaboration #ethique #ethics #culture #storefront #magasin #federated #fédéré #federation #2024 #patronage #mécénat #remuneration #funmusicplace


Oh Tucker Carlson! Your sugar daddy's calling!

RealJournalism - 2024-02-19 05:36:04 GMT

A pair of right-wing influencers tried to move to #Russia from #Canada because they were sick of the #LGBTQIA culture and Putin would protect them from the decadent west. Except once they moved there, the Russian bank froze their assets and won't give them back. Now they are between a rock and a hard place. You can leave Russia -- as long as you have money, and as long as you haven't been called up into the army. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/18/2224293/--Christian-family-moves-to-Russia-to-escape-LGBTQ-and-now-can-t-get-out-of-their-living-hell?pm_campaign=trending&pm_source=sidebar&pm_medium=web


Bubba Copeland outing: It’s clearer than ever what the far right wants for LGBTQ+ people.

In America today, so much has changed that it might seem ludicrous to say that I fear a return to an environment like the 1950s and ’60s moral panic over homosexuality, with its climate of secrecy and fear, and the central role of the press in driving harassment, humiliation, firings, and sometimes suicides. In parts of the country where LGBTQ+ acceptance is firmly ensconced, there’s likely not much conservatives can do to roll back the tolerant attitudes decades of activism have won. But in other places where extremists have taken over governance, LGBTQ+ life, particularly trans life, seems much more precarious than we might have thought.

#outing #LGBTQIA #LGBT #suicide


A major LGBTQ+ org just left X over the site's cyberbullying of queer youth - LGBTQ Nation

In its announcement, GLSEN wrote that the platform’s “discriminatory policies and harmful practices… continue to put LGBTQ+ youth at risk.” Specifically, the organization mentioned X’s quiet removal of a policy that protected transgender people from deliberate misgendering and deadnaming.

#LGBTQIA #LGBT #trans #transgender #ElonMusk #X #Twitter #hatred



"Dans le film, l’association, l’Arche de Noé, accueille des jeunes #LGBTQIA+ mis à la rue par leur famille. Parce qu’en 2023, malheureusement, des gens doivent encore se justifier de leur #sexualité. Enfin des gens, non. Les personnes LGBTQIA+. Les #hétéros, eux, ils doivent jamais se justifier… Pourtant il y en a, ils font des dingueries hein !"

#FranceInter #humour #LisaDelmoitiez


Shared via Fedilab @FediGarden@social.growyourown.services 🔗 https://social.growyourown.services/users/FediGarden/statuses/110877056463995259

Arabi.gay is a server for LGBTQIA+ people who are Arabs, from the SWANA region or Arabic speakers (including all dialects). Members have to be over 18.

:Fediverse: https://arabi.gay (in Arabic)

For more info see their About page at https://arabi.gay/about or contact their admin @ishraaf

#FeaturedServer #العربية #Arabic #Arab #Arabs #SWANA #SouthWestAsia #Asia #NorthAfrica #Africa #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #Queer #Gay #Lesbian #Bisexual #Trans #Questioning #Intersex #Asexual #Ace #Bi
