

Schneematsch - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Ja, aber wo?

Unter 15cm #Schneematsch

Im Moment fährt man bei uns gefühlt durch #Smoothies. Der Schnee ist sehr schwer und auf meiner kurzen Runde habe ich 2 #Autos unter umgestürzten und jede Menge umgeknickte #Bäume gesehen. Verluste in unserem #Garten :

Ein kleiner #Ahorn, der #Raps, 70% des #Johannisbeerstrauches und wahrscheinlich der #Bambus, aber da muss ich mal abwarten.

Da es taut entspannt sich die Lage.

Passt gut auf euch auf!



Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


Darum stehen SUVs in der Kritik

Verkehrspolitik - Darum stehen SUVs in der Kritik

An verschiedenen Orten gibt es Maßnahmen, durch die SUVs aus Innenstädten verbannt werden sollen. Doch warum stehen die Fahrzeuge eigentlich in der Kritik?#SUV #SUVs #Autos #Autoverkehr #Umwelt #CO2Emission #Verkehrspolitik
Darum stehen SUVs in der Kritik


Concrete consequences: European study highlights issue of increasing width of cars

The study sheds light on the challenges posed by the evolving dimensions of vehicles and their impact on urban infrastructure and safety.

It states that new cars in Europe have been widening at an average rate of 1 cm every two years, with approximately half of the newly sold vehicles already surpassing the suitable width for planned street parking spaces.


#transport #autos #cars #transportation #environment #SUV


Tesla owners fuming as they are hit with £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

"After complaints from me, we received a call at 5.30pm on the Wednesday saying the battery was damaged due to water ingress and it was unfortunately not covered by the battery’s 8-year warranty and so the repair would be around £17,500. Did I wish to proceed?? I was flabbergasted and couldn’t really find my words."

John said he pressed representatives of #Tesla on whether he or Rob were at fault for the damage, to which he claims he was told that it was a weather issue. He added: "They said that the battery is effectively submerged in water. How can that be our fault?

"After finally getting to speak to a manager, he told me it had water in it due to the fact the weather in Scotland has been so bad. That was the issue. They said it’s not necessarily my fault but it’s not Tesla’s to pay under warranty. He reminded me there was a yellow weather warning in some parts of Scotland.

"I pushed him on this and said I've never heard or something like this happening. He said it can happen with Range Rovers and Mercs but I'm just not buying it. To date, it's been a disaster of a service and the stress and worry of this is excruciating.

"I said to the manager, ‘so, my understanding is, Teslas are unfit for purpose in Scotland?.” I’ve been driving for 30 years and this is my most premium car to date and this is what it does when Edinburgh’s roads get puddles or a little wet!"


#EV #cars #autos #Scotland #battery #Electric #ElectricCars #Scotland #rain #weather #Capitalism #CapitalismFails #scam #Consumer #complaints #BoycottTesla