

#Taiwan is using generative #AI to fight Chinese #disinfo

Source: https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2023/09/taiwan-using-generative-ai-fight-chinese-disinfo/390573/

Enter generative #AI tools such as large language models, which power some of the big breakthrough online AI tools such as #ChatGPT. “This year, because gen AI is just so mailable, they just fine-tuned a language module together that can clarify such disinformation…adding back a context and things like that. So we're no longer outnumbered,” she said. It also allows the citizen-run venture to remain as such, as opposed to run by the #government, which is important for its credibility.

That sounds very naive to me. I've learned so far from #Trump's "war on truth" that when someone has dived too deep into the right rabbit whole, no more fact checking or credibility helps. The opponent can always produce #fake and #propaganda via AI faster than you can refute. In the end, #conspiracy ideologues don't care about the #truth.

#china #technology #fakenews #news #future #politics #military #war #terror #problem #rabbitWhole #conflict #society


LA Times: Why Fox News’ lies about Trump’s defeat probably aren’t protected by the 1st Amendment…

Probably?! Still wondering how/why one person (McCarthy) in Congress can give away potentially classified, certainly editable footage of the #Jan6 insurrection/ #sedition to the demonstrably biggest source of #disinformation ever seen, with the apparent goal of concocting an alternative to the extensive #Jan6 inquiry by Congress, and giving "equal time for conspiracy and fabricated alternative to reality". How could this happen? Should McCarthy be included in new indictments for treason, as Carlson, friend of Putin and false narrative, is given keys to our 'official history'? How did this actually happen? Is this the final nail in the coffin of #truth, #history, and rationality in the USC? Carlson's 'qualification' to be handed the keys to our country's official history, for him to re-write and present to the non-reality-affirming #TrumpVirus cultists?

#Fox #GOP #whitenationalism #disinfo #disinformaton #dereliction #treason #McCarthy #Fox #TuckerCarlson


Устройство государственной власти в России: правительство (Путин на фото), армия, полиция.
Я всегда думала, что законодательная, исполнительная и судебная.

The structure of state power in Russia: government (Putin on photo), army, police.
I always thought it was legislative, executive and judicial.

#school #russia #textbook #propaganda #disinfo #putin


regardless of how much #disinfo there is in this, i'm still glad i'm not letting strangers and unaccountable institutions of imbalanced power jab me.
... and doubly so when reconsidering the likes of: https://youtube.com/watch?v=G8Us_UCc5lY
possibly one of the very most important interviews, especially vitally important these days... if not already a little late... though, dont believe you cant put the toothpaste back in the tube. there are ways.

adds to the suspicion/incredulity/distrust from overhearing another middling insider say something like "once the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have everybody running scared of a disease without symptoms".

#biosovereignty #totalitarianpanopticon #trackingpeople #nojab #whatsinit #monitorringchips #beyondblack #mediamanipulation #interesting #important #theydonothaveyourbestinterestsatheart
#stevengreer #williampawelec


I went from being #homeless, to living in a tent at a dilapidated squat, to having a #corporate job that totally drained my soul (selling large tents… oh, the irony!) & made me feel like I was part of the worst dark carnival of a circus ever! ~ After 2 years of ‘sticking it out’: It took me over a year to fully recover mentally / physically…

This #militarized #scientific #corporate #dictatorship has fucked with my life long enough.

The last 3-4 years have been pure insanity of ‘trying to make it work’ in the system after being active in the ‘counter-culture’ for the majority of my life… I’m finally ‘back to normal’ (whatever the hell that is) and I want to apologize to everyone (like #OpESR & Crew) that I basically ditched to try and make my life more ‘stable’…

It wasn’t worth it, and now i’m back to where I was all those years ago. ~ I miss my homies, I miss my anonfam, I miss my crew as all the people around me are lost in the #disinfo #doublespeak #doublethink #propaganda #matrix and here I am, again, outcast by all of my #realness