

#ukraine #gas# #storage
Russia targeted gas facilities that secure EU supply: Zelenskiy | REUTERS Russia targeted gas facilities that secure EU supply: Zelenskiy | REUTERS 22 hours ago.
- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said a Russian attack targeted gas facilities important for supply to the European Union, and that the attack included electricity and gas-transit facilities.
- Bloomberg News: Ukraine Says Russia Barrage Aimed at Underground Gas Storage. Kremlin strikes damage gas equipment in far western Ukraine.


It's a nice #SunnyDay outside and it really feels like spring. The #bees are busy making use of the #flowers, while the flowers are busy making use of the bees.

The #UK #ElectricyDemand is currently 32 GW and of that, 25.2% is coming from #SolarEnergy, 17.1% is coming from #WindEnergy, 16.8% is coming from #NuclearEnergy and 9.9% is coming from #Biomass and only 7% is coming from #Gas. There is also a fair amount coming from continental Europe through the various interconnections.


#Environment #Electricity #FossilFuels #GreenhouseGases Renewables #RenewableEnergy


Ein Jahr nach #Bergkarabach

#Aserbaidschan ist autoritär, lebt von #Öl und #Gas und richtet die nächste #Klimakonferenz aus. Was ist der richtige Umgang mit dem Gastgeberland?

taz #schiffers #Bestechung #COP29 #Alijew #Ibadoglu #Klimakrise #Armenien #EU #Boykott


"Es hat jahrelang #Abgeordnete des #Europarat -s, darunter auch #Bundestagsabgeordnete , bestochen, wie in dieser Woche im deutschen Fernsehfilm „ Am #Abgrund “ zu sehen ist. "

"Im #Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex von #Transparency International belegt das Land Platz 154 von 180."

Wir scheinen aus Russland und Putin rein gar nichts gelernt zu haben
