

The Myth of Plastic Recycling

The plastic industry has spent tens of millions of dollars promoting the benefits of plastic, a product that, for the most part, was buried, was burned or, in some cases, wound up in the ocean. The problem has existed for decades. In all that time, less than 10 percent of plastic has ever been recycled.

Meanwhile, plastic production is ramping up.

#plastics #plastic #recycling #ESG #scam #environment #climatechange #Pollution #Capitalism #Environment



When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.

#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc


How to Get an #ESG #Rating Upgrade

source: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/how-to-get-an-esg-rating-upgrade-1.1698815

These environmental, social and governance #performance measures are starting to matter, in addition to the core financial measures such as profits or debt. “ESG is in boardrooms all around the world,” John Kerry, U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, said in September.


Seen that way, a company’s high carbon #emissions would only negatively affect its ESG rating if there’s a risk of strict regulations to curb emissions. Instead, ratings reward the most rudimentary of businesses practices.

#news #emission #climate #finance #fail #environment #politics #economy #business


Up to €7 billion investment could be needed to reach 20GW of solar module manufacturing capacity in Europe

Europe’s solar technology specialists may need up to €7 billion (US$8.51 billion) in capital investment in order to scale up domestic manufacturing to be globally competitive, but continued support will be vital to sustain the industry in the long-term.
#solar, #news, #european, #commission, #r.e., #esg, #europe, #baywa