

Today I just witnessed the absolute wreck Doordash et al. are laying on local businesses. A large laundromat in my neighborhood closed recently, today I walked past it, all the washing machines had been removed from the premises, and large signs on the windows advertised laundry done through Doordash.

The play looks simple:

  • Buy the laundromat using endless VC money.
  • Gut it to prevent customers coming back to the same place.
  • Funnel them to the online service where laundry is either sold at a premium or at a loss and done off-site, potentially albeit unlikely using the recovered hardware.
  • (Optional) Resell the lot to a developer to make some $$$ back out of the scheme.

Absolutely nothing of value was created by this move for the people who've always come to this place for laundry. Maybe it was meant to close anyway, but the presence of the Doordash advertisement tells me it could have gone another way.



Partages info-culturels du 28/01/2023

🛈📰đŸŽč🎹📚 đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»đŸŒđŸ”—

En vrac : un rattrapage du plus significatif que j'ai dĂ©jĂ  partagĂ© rĂ©cemment + divers autres liens susceptibles de vous intĂ©resser mais n'incluant pas volontairement ce que vous avez dĂ©jĂ  partagĂ© ! Une #RevueDeWeb illustrĂ©e Ă  l’aide de #MidJourney et #WordCloudLayout

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Surprise 🙄

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Surprise 🙄

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On androids, Silicon Valley, automation, "algorithmically disposable people", and the "gig economy"


This thread makes a VERY SOUND POINT.

Transcript (iffy grammar choices intentionally not corrected except where noted):

After the premiere of Picard name checked Bruce Maddox, decided to head back and watch Measure of a Man, TNG S2E09.
And it turns oit Maddox is a bit of a tech bro. Startling how well this holds up three decades later. This kind of guy is still a problem.
As a refresher, The Measure of a Man was TNG at its hammiest, most thought provoking best.
A courtroom drama where the fate of Data hinges on the question of whether he is sentient being deserving of what we'd call basic "human rights".
After Riker delivers a devastating presentation that proves Data is an elaborate machine, Picard joins Guinan for a drink.
Guinan warns Picard that civilizations love nothing m,ore than to create "disposable people," to do the jobs no one else wants, with no recourse.
Guinan's point is that by creating a special category that allows Data to be property by an arbitrary distinction, the Federation risks creating a permanent underclass.
This was the lever Picard needed — he wins the argument by appealing to Starfleet's high mindedness.
This got me to thinking about Silicon Valley innovation.
Today, androids are far beyond our technological capabilities. So what the Valley did was build it lean.
Rather than building artificial laborers, the tech industry invented artificial supervisors.
When the algorithm determines who gets fired, when you work, what you get paid, and everything else about your daily life, there's no limit to the cruelty of the workplace.
The human needs of the laborers are invisible to the software.
You don't need to invent an entire android under this model, nor do you need to bear the costs of manufacture.
The software becomes an abstraction around real humans, but the owners of the business never need see them or interact with them in a supervisory context. [The workers are] rows in a [database].
We're left with "algorithmically disposable people." Entirely commodified labor that can be discarded at will.
No one has to look them in the eye when they're fired. No one need think of their kids or dependent parents.
No one has to worry about a thing — except the workers.
Gig workers are precarious not only because they lack benefits, but also because the everyday bedrock of their work is determined by a black box algorithm designed to extract maximum profit for a distant corporation.
They are raw material to be optimized.
And what is so dark about this is that the software is perfectly suited to this task.
Software perfectly shields the humans profiting from this one-sided equation from confronting the personal toll it takes on the algorithmically disposable people the company is chewing through.
One of the most striking parts of [Twitter user, I think] @Mikelsaac's Super Pumped is how OPTIONAL it was for Uber management to interact with drivers.
They could hide away, pop out to interact with the drivers IF THEY WANTED, and go back into hiding again, and the machine kept working either way.
This isn't just a function of software.
This is also an outcome of an unequal economy. You can't treat workers as disposable if they have more appealing, more reliable, more humane alternatives.
The gig economy depends upon economic desperation and limited opportunity.
So this isn't JUST Silicon Valley's fault. It's [a] symptom of an enormous broken system.
But it illustrates how this industry can use software to extract value from vulnerable populations with limited recourse.
We have a lot of work to do to make this right for people.
All of this is an inversion of the drama Star Trek imagined. But its [sic] warning is still important:
Automation can be used to hide our cruelty from view.
But we're still responsible for it.

#GigEconomy #SiliconValley #DisposablePeople


You think shit is bad. You have no idea: Capitalism, the gig economy and its victims

Meet the Customer Service Reps for Disney and Airbnb Who Have to Pay to Talk to You

Arise Virtual Solutions, part of the secretive world of work-at-home customer service, helps large corporations shed costs at the expense of workers. Now the pandemic is creating a boom in the industry.

[The public persona:]

Airbnb, battered by the pandemic recession, announced in May that it would be laying off a quarter of its workforce. In a post hailed for its empathy and transparency, CEO Brian Chesky wrote, “We will have to part with teammates that we love and value.” He outlined a generous severance package. Departing employees would receive 14 weeks of pay plus an extra week for each year at the company; help from professional recruiters to land new jobs; and 12 months of continued health insurance.

[The hidden reality:]

Around the time Chesky made this announcement, another group of people working with Airbnb also lost their jobs. But these weren’t called layoffs and weren’t accompanied by a compassionate note from the CEO. And the workers, who handle the day-to-day tasks of bookings, cancellations and keeping the peace between guests and hosts, got no severance. There was no health insurance plan to be extended.

These American workers — cheap, disposable and isolated — worked through a company called Arise Virtual Solutions, a little-known business that has helped some of America’s best-known businesses shed labor costs.

... Arise’s workers not only don’t work for its clients, they also don’t officially work for Arise. Like Uber drivers or TaskRabbit gofers, they are independent contractors. To get gigs, they first absorb substantial expense, paying for their own equipment and training, and then have fees deducted from every paycheck for the “use” of Arise’s “platform.”

Arise has faced, and lost, legal challenges alleging that its arrangements with agents violate federal labor law and cheat workers of what they are rightfully owed. One judge called the arrangement an “elaborate construct” created by Arise to get around labor law. Nevertheless Arise has been able to avoid altering its model in any significant way, aided in part by a 5-4 ruling from the Supreme Court, written by Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch.

[The wealthy rig the game so that they always win.]

... The “biggest benefit” Arise provides is to help companies “squeeze wastage out of a typical workday,” as John Meyer, a former Arise CEO once explained to a trade publication. Meyer, who has remarked that “business is sports for adults,” said that “a typical employee has a utilization rate of 65 percent because you’re paying for their lunch, breaks, and training.” Without that “low utilization” and other overhead, Arise costs up to 30% less than a traditional call center, Meyer said.

... After paying about $1,500 for home office equipment: a computer, two headsets and a phone line dedicated to Arise; after paying Arise to run a check on her background; after passing Arise’s voice-assessment test and signing Arise’s nondisclosure form; after paying for and passing Arise’s introductory training, to which she devoted three days, unpaid; after paying for and passing a certification course to provide customer service for Arise client AT&T, to which she devoted 44 unpaid days; after then being informed she had to get more training yet — an additional 10 days, for which she was told she would be paid, but wasn’t; and then, after finally getting a chance to sign up for hours and do work for which she would be paid (except for her time spent waiting for technical support, or researching customer issues, or huddling with supervisors), Tami Pendergraft spent three weeks fielding telephone calls from AT&T customers, after which she received a single paycheck.

For $96.12.

[Read the whole article to find out how this scam works. It is horrifying.]

#Capitalism #GigEconomy #Exploitation



Gig Economy Company Launches Uber, but for Evicting People

"SINCE COVID-19 MANY AMERICANS FELL BEHIND IN ALL ASPECTS," reads the website copy. The button below this statement is not for a GoFundMe, or a petition for calling for rent relief. Instead, it is the following call to action, from a company called Civvl: "Be hired as eviction crew."

During a time of great economic and general hardship, Civvl aims to be, essentially, Uber, but for evicting people. Seizing on a pandemic-driven nosedive in employment and huge uptick in number-of-people-who-can't-pay-their-rent, Civvl aims to make it easy for landlords to hire process servers and eviction agents as gig workers. ...


#eviction #civvl #gigEconomy #covid19