

Ca craint pour notre vie privée : Mauvaise nouvelle pour les voleurs. Il va devenir plus facile de localiser son téléphone portable en cas de vol. On pourra récupérer sa position GPS, même quand il est éteint.


Qu'en pensez vous ?

Comment s'en protéger ?

#bluetooth #surveillance #android #iphone #telephone #mobile #vieprivee #nfc #privacy


#Android #Mobile OS Snooping By #Samsung, #Xiaomi, #Huawei and #Realme Handsets

[...] It is worth noting that much of the functionality of the Android OS3 is provided by so-called system apps. These are privileged pre-installed apps that the OS developer bundles with the OS. System apps cannot be deleted (they are installed on a protected read-only disk partition) and can be granted enhanced rights permissions not available to ordinary apps such as those that a user might install. It is common for Android to include pre-installed third-party system apps, i.e. apps not written by the OS developer. One example is the so- called #GApps package of #Google apps (which includes Google Play Services, Google Play store, Google Maps, Youtube etc). Other examples include pre-installed system apps from Microsoft, LinkedIn, Facebook and so on.
We intercept and analyse the data traffic sent by the Android OS, including by pre-installed system apps, in a range of scenarios [...]

Details of installed apps. Samsung, Xiaomi, Realme, Huawei, Heytap and Google collect details of the #apps installed on a handset. Although less worrisome than #tracking of user interactions with apps, the list of installed apps is potentially sensitive information since it can reveal user interests and traits, e.g. a muslim prayer app, an app for a gay magazine, a mental health app, a political news app. It also may well be unique to one handset, or a small number of handsets, and so act as a device #fingerprint (especially when combined with device hardware/system configuration data, which is also widely collected).




OUKITEL представляет сразу две новинки 2024 года

смартфон OUKITEL WP36

В то время как высокотехнологичные мобильные бренды конкурентов продолжают задирать цены на свою продукцию, опустошая карманы потребителей, компания OUKITEL — надежный производитель сверхпрочных гаджетов поступательно стремится предлагать новинки аудитории по справедливым и осмысленным ценам. Очередное доказательство позитивной тенденции — 11-дюймовый планшет RT8 и телефон WP36 с защитой 128 дБ, которые станут премьерой российского рынка мобильных […]

Сообщение OUKITEL представляет сразу две новинки 2024 года появились сначала на AB-NEWS.

#mobile #дисплей #смартфоны #lang_ru #ru #abnewsru #abnews #наукаитехника


Jansen, artiste néerlandais et ses Strandbeest ( bêtes de plage), étonnant et très intéressant pour l'inventivité du déplacement, la détermination créative et bien d'autres choses...
https://www.strandbeest.com/ (video)
https://www.audemarspiguet.com/com/fr/news/art/theo-jansen-strandbeest.html (video)
#art #mobile #plage #animal #vent #video