First, "Pro-Trump intellectuals" is an oxymoron unless the "intellectuals" in question have a decidedly nefarious purpose.
Oh look, they do!
Just goes to show that intelligence does not imply good intentions.
One thing the Trumpers got right is that they recognized the reality that intelligence (or rather, privilege) does not imply good intentions: They (like the rest of us) know that the rich and powerful (some of whom are intelligent) are out to fuck us.
But where they went wrong, in their simplified Disney World view of how the universe works, is that therefore all intelligent/educated/informed/liberal people are evil.
The reason this headline, "Pro-Trump Intellectuals", is so shocking is precisely because most smart people are also smart enough to be ethical. Many smart folk may hesitate to contemplate the fact that many smart people are not ethical.
For our current purposes, what matters is that some dangerously smart people feel emboldened to explicitly espouse fascism in a form they know the rubes won't recognize as such.
We must not assume our adversaries are idiots, even while the likes of MTG would tempt us to do so. Yes, the foot soldiers are mouth breathing idiots who can't tie their own shoes or wipe their own asses. They are racist, sexist, homophobic, hyper-religious zombies, but they are being led by a group of wealthy, intelligent, powerful, psychopathic motherfuckers who will do anything to get what they want.
It's not the pro-Trump morons we should be afraid of.
Pro-Trump intellectuals think voters are 'too far gone' — and they must discard democracy to save America: analyst
#Trump #Conservatives #Intellectuals #Fascism #Nefarious