

Cryptographers' Feedback on the EU Digital Identity’s ARF #200

This is the EU Digital Identity Wallet, eiDAS 2.0.


Unfortunately, we believe that some of the currently suggested design aspects of the EUDI and its credential mechanism fall short of the privacy requirements that were explicitly defined after extensive debate in the Digital Identity regulation. The main reason for this shortcoming in the current proposal is that it relies on cryptographic methods that were never designed for such requirements. We do not see a way to fix the proposed solution to meet all the privacy features as required by the regulation; we believe that a larger redesign is in order.

#privacy #security #surveillance #identification #credential #eu-digital-identity #digital-identity #cryptographic #cryptography #digital-wallet #eu #digital-identity-wallet


The AI #attack on #humanity has begun: With books about #mushrooms on Amazon, it is trying to poison people.

source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/01/mushroom-pickers-urged-to-avoid-foraging-books-on-amazon-that-appear-to-be-written-by-ai

Leon Frey, a foraging guide and field mycologist at Cornwall-based Family Foraging Kitchen, which organises foraging field trips, said the samples he had seen contained serious flaws such as referring to “smell and #taste” as an identifying feature. “This seems to encourage #tasting as a method of #identification. This should absolutely not be the case,” he said.

Some wild mushrooms, like the highly poisonous #death cap, which can be mistaken for edible varieties, are #toxic.

#AI #technology #book #Amazon #news #warning #problem #health #poison #skynet #mushroom


Pourquoi les policiers n’affichent pas toujours leur matricule RIO en manifestation

DÉCRYPTAGE - Des fonctionnaires choisissent de ne pas porter ce numéro obligatoire pour «éviter les représailles» des manifestants ou, comme l’indiquent certains syndicats, en raison d’un matériel inadapté.


Autant de mauvaise foi….c’est incroyable.

#rio #police #identification #horslaloi #crs #police #cagoule #honte


remembering conversations had in 2020, (in which someone (of identical iq to me) was reflexively scoffing at an idea and dismissing it without any apparent further investigation, and my, knowing i do not know, exploring at least some surface claims/hypothesis of (for want of better terminology) method of action (e.g. receptor site attenuation)), i did a little websearch for 5G and COVID19 correlation...

a plethora of corporate news websites simply stating outright there's no correlation, and using the scrutiny-disuading adhominem terminology of "conspiracy theories" / "conspiracy theorists" and the even more orwellianised "conspiracy" redefined as meaning some kind of laughable falsehood.

so then i took a different tact, and separately looked up maps of 5G deployment, and then also maps of covid19...

... then the claims, from those news corporations (who, incidentally, get their advertising funding from those who profit from the uptake of the so called vaccines under terror), starts to look undermining of their credibility, to have stated it so absolutely.

similar to how those news sites would state things in absolute certainty, contrary to all prior established best practices in science, where known margin of error and uncertainty would also be presented, back at the start of the scare. ... which, even if one knew nothing of event201, nor operation lockstep, should in itself have been enough to raise alarm bells of something being seriously wrong. but then, once terror is induced, rational cognition is impared and ocluded, with the survival brain's fright-mode activated loudly to the fore.

now i dont kow if there's a causal relationship between 5G deployments and the "COVID19" (which appeared, by that name, on government documents listing diseases of concern, at least as early as 2015), but there does seem to be a temporal and geographic correlation, far more pronounced than is claimed in the corporate news propaganda [(which i think is fair to call it propaganda, rather than journalistic service)]. and as such, it gets one wondering again about the assertions of some doctors, researchers, historians, of the correlations (even aledged causations) from past new electro-magnetic frequency technology deployments and widespread breakouts of disease. various radio and flu correlations for example.

but i do know you're not in the realm of science if you just bark adhominems dismissively at ideas. science requires an enquiring open mind. if you're presuming to already know, and shout down any who utter an idea that conflicts with your convictions, on the basis of their character, without entertaining the idea and exploring it further, then perhaps you're opperating from a more limbic place, than a more considerate contemplative explorative cognitive curious place. more scientism's dogma, than science. more identification with convictions, than curiousity to explore evidence. more presumption, stubbornly clung to, than ideas put to the test. more hate, than education. more official doctrine of the doubleplus goodthink to be obeyed, than true egalitarian pedagogy.

i considered adding various versions of the maps here, so you could see the correlations yourself, but then realised, if you're already habituated to being spoonfed out of your active curiousity, i might not be helping, by becoming the next truthsayer for you to unquestioningly lap up the new truth from. lool. so... i'll leave it for you to go explore some websearches on that yourself. see how much you think, from the results you find after even a couple minutes websearching, that the assertions of the corporate media and its conflicts of interest, are rightly absolute in their certainty of no correlation, or, if a correlation vividly jumps out at you, or somewhere in between, more inconclusive (which still would undermine the assertive absolute certainty of no correlation).

and then doesnt it get you wondering about all the s.m.a.r.t. technology, the patents for "warfare" and population control, and the various announced plans of the billionaire clique...

i dont know. but it seems the certainty presented is not only unfounded, but in error, from what i see when looking outside their well curated overton window.

#overtonwindow #conflictofinterest #patents #lookup #correlation #causation #certainty #unfounded #overcertainty #thecorporation #forprofitmedicine #deskillers #eugenics #thebillionaireclique #covid19 #5G #curious #consider #claims #corporations #credibility #contrary #science #scare #terror #terrorism #event201 #operationlockstep #cognition #causal #convinced #claimed #claims #convictions #contradictions #maps #journalism #epistemology #logic #adhominem #doubleplusgoodthink #hourofhate #obey #censorship #smart #control #controlgrid #iq #inteligence #arrogance #presumption #identification #conviction #arewelearningyet #counterargument #covidiacy #complicity #concentrationcamps #cowards #complicit #corruption #catastrophecapitalism #catastrophecuration #catastrophecreation #corporatism #culls #curiousity #Cwords

. . .

not to mention they have patents on the viral lines, and a string of aledged frauds on those virus patents at least as early as 2002, and there being leaked quips from middling insiders asserting things like "when the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms", and all this being outlined in the #ProjectforaNewAmericanCentury ( #PNAC ) and surrounding planning documents... just may be enough to consider, maybe it's not like the corporate news propaganda hymn sheet sings over and over to us. #cuibono just may be, maybe, worth consideration...

but, i dont know. i can imagine ways of error in this, and can imagine there are ways of error beyond my imagining. seems healthy to keep an #openmind.
as to do otherwise,
is to #totalitarianise.

it's just people.
we can still mend this.
#itsjustpeople #wecanstillmendthis #restorescience #restoredemocracy #endcensorship #freespeech


marc rees sur Twitter : "Le porno a servi de laboratoire d'essais. La logique est désormais étendue aux réseaux sociaux, alors que les autorités ne s'entendent même pas sur une solution de contrôle d'âge. Un amendement propose déjà de l'étendre aux forums de discussion. Qui sera le suivant sur la liste ?" / Twitter

#politique #identification #contrôledâge #reconnaissancefaciale #internet #web #réseauxsociaux #forums #tweet #marcrees


"They dont care about you, at all, at all, at all!" -- George Carlin.

if you can stomach facing the horror of this....
"This is a unification issue"
"40 million people a year are trafficked" "it's a 150 billion a year industry"
"5.5 million children every year are trafficked around the world, most dont live past 7 or 8"
#RapedAndTortured #Pedophillia #HumanTrafficking #Malignancy #AbsolutePowerCorruptsAbsolutely #notapedophileapsychopath #Psychopathy #ControlledNarrative #StockholmSyndrome #Deranged #Detatched #ChildAbuse #ChildSexSlaves #Predators #Underclass #FaceTheHorror #DivideAndConquer #NoStrongManComingToSaveYou #HumanRights #ChildrensRights #AbuseOfHumanRights #Censorship #deception #division #consent #WeCanENDThis " #Yaughting " #Love #Mendwards #Identification #Abuse #Traumas
"look at #pedogate2020, watch #outofshadows" and #AChildsVoice if you can find it.
"seek the truth. dont wait for them to tell you."
"First, learn about Alice Miller and her work: #DramaOfTheGiftedChild #ForYourOwnGood #TheBodyNeverLies. Those 3 books right there, are paramount to understanding the lingering effects of harmful parenting. And we're not just talking about mom saying a bad word to us. I'm talking about systemic abuse that is in the home, that is carried within us for a very long time, and we tell ourselves a story that mom and dad did the best they could. And half of that is true. Because if they had known what they were doing to you at the time, they would have stopped. I hope.
The second thing, is to #Learn #EFT. #EmotionFreedomTechnique. It was developed by #CarlDawson and it has now been integrated into #MatrixReImprinting. You can go on youtube and look up the videos there. This is something you can do yourself. There's also something called #Havening by ~PaulMcKenna. These are all on youtube. But EFT and Matrix-Reimprinting by Carl Dawson ~ And there's many many practitioners out there now~ and what this thing is ~ I've done it myself ~ It takes the emotions of the past, and the thoughts associated with them, the anger the rage, the depression, the sadness, which we often burry, or get busy with doing something else, and breaks the connection permanently. This is a technique that has cured people with #PTSD for over 20 years, #ManicDepression, in 60 seconds, has been cured permanently, for people who have been on every single drug. And there's endless testimonies to this. And there's practices of wide demonstrations of this being done on people. It is a beautiful thing. And i is the thing that we need to begin to change our brains. To change the way we think. And to open our minds to a loving heart, that each and every one of us is born with. Because we have a battle ahead. We are going to have a lot of human carnage that we dont see yet, having manifested, because of the #Horrors that have been sewn into #Society, and our children, that are being summoned by this #energy, this #negativeenergy, this #anger. And they're going to be pulled from themselves even further, and given a righteousness to act in violence against their fellow human beings.
I cannot tell you the depths of how far this goes. I can only point you in one direction. If you look up Ronald Bernard, and his testimony, in the International Tribunal of Justice, in 2018. It's about a 33 minute video, it will tll you the entire time that we're living through right now. And it is very important. And there is a message of love and #hope in there."

"We have to start learning: We cannot be caught in this division anymore. The people who that are the doing the division, know very well, how to make you angry. And you have to say that's about enough. And when you do, and when this world comes together, against these #monsters. They will have no more power, because the only weapon that they have is fear. And that's how they get to these kids, they give them fear, and they put fear into them, and they keep them controlled through fear, and they do exactly that with you, through the #Television, through #TheMedia, through your #Politicians, through all these institutions to cause you #despair and anger and negativity, where argue amongst each other."




"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning


Deterring #Scraping By #Protecting #Facebook Identifiers

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2022/09/deterring-scraping-by-protecting-facebook-identifiers/

Most companies use unique identifiers within the URLs of their website. #Identifiers are a way to uniquely reference people or #content such as posts, pictures and videos. Within Facebook, these identifiers are known as #FBIDs and we use them to load content for people.

enter image description here

Every Facebook #link you distribute from your #account can be traced back to you!

#url #uri #warning #tracking #surveillance #meta #internet #economy #politics #id #identification #problem #anonymous #click #news


Si quelqu'un.e reconnaît ces graines ?... :)
Je n'ai pas réussi à les identifier. Elles sont locales, région Occitanie / Aude, mais je ne me souviens plus près de quel végétal je les ai récoltées. :/
Merci à vous !...

#flore #graines #identification


#Apple and #Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests

source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-30/apple-meta-gave-user-data-to-hackers-who-forged-legal-requests

The systems for requesting data from companies is a patchwork of different email addresses and company portals. Fulfilling the legal requests can be complicated because there are tens of thousands of different law enforcement agencies, from small police departments to federal agencies, around the world. Different jurisdictions have varying laws concerning the request and release of user data.


“Dark web underground shops contain compromised email accounts of law enforcement agencies, which could be sold with the attached cookies and metadata for anywhere from $10 to $50,” said Gene Yoo, chief executive officer of the cybersecurity firm Resecurity, Inc.

Our #security is therefore the #responsibility of #authorities who cannot even secure their own access to the #Internet for #law #enforcement. Brave new world.

#police #fail #privacy #crime #cybercrime #hack #hacker #identification #access #problem #news #justice #politics


#data12-10-2021 #data10-12-2021

#STORY - https://diaspora.microdata.co.uk/posts/2591731 -

#LAST #COMUNICATION - https://tovari.ch/posts/68042 - https://tovari.ch/posts/66969

#PETITION - https://tovari.ch/posts/68295 - https://tovari.ch/posts/68512


#Italy #international #denunce #interpol_HQ #europol
those below are involved and are not interlocutors for the future credible legacy

#server #facebook #google #online #code #identification











#server #twitter #google #online #code #identification












http://www.gdf.gov.it/ - https://www.carabinieri.it/- https://www.tribunale.rimini.giustizia.it/ - https://www.procura.rimini.giustizia.it/ - http://www.prefettura.it/rimini/multidip/ - https://www.mit.gov.it/ - https://www.difesa.it/ - https://www.giustizia.it/ - https://www.interno.gov.it/ - https://www.mef.gov.it/ - https://www.poliziadistato.it/ - https://www.polizialocalerimini.it/ - https://www.quirinale.it/ - https://www.governo.it/ - http://www.camera.it/ - http://www.senato.it/ - http://www.procuragenerale.ancona.it/ - http://www.giustizia.marche.it/ - http://www.tribunaleurbino.it/ - https://www.tribunale.laquila.giustizia.it/ - https://www.cortecostituzionale.it/ - https://www.echr.coe.int/ - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/ - https://ec.europa.eu/ - https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ - https://europa.eu/european-union/ - https://www.consilium.europa.eu/ - https://www.icc-cpi.int/ - https://www.aci.it/


](https://2000leo.home.blog/ooooo-12.jpg "enter image title here")#FOTO #NAMEooooo-12


#data12-10-2021 #data10-12-2021

#STORY - https://diaspora.microdata.co.uk/posts/2591731 -

#LAST #COMUNICATION - https://tovari.ch/posts/68042 - https://tovari.ch/posts/66969

#PETITION - https://tovari.ch/posts/68295 - https://tovari.ch/posts/68512


#Italy #international #denunce #interpol_HQ #europol
those below are involved and are not interlocutors for the future credible legacy

#server #facebook #google #online #code #identification











#server #twitter #google #online #code #identification












http://www.gdf.gov.it/ - https://www.carabinieri.it/- https://www.tribunale.rimini.giustizia.it/ - https://www.procura.rimini.giustizia.it/ - http://www.prefettura.it/rimini/multidip/ - https://www.mit.gov.it/ - https://www.difesa.it/ - https://www.giustizia.it/ - https://www.interno.gov.it/ - https://www.mef.gov.it/ - https://www.poliziadistato.it/ - https://www.polizialocalerimini.it/ - https://www.quirinale.it/ - https://www.governo.it/ - http://www.camera.it/ - http://www.senato.it/ - http://www.procuragenerale.ancona.it/ - http://www.giustizia.marche.it/ - http://www.tribunaleurbino.it/ - https://www.tribunale.laquila.giustizia.it/ - https://www.cortecostituzionale.it/ - https://www.echr.coe.int/ - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/ - https://ec.europa.eu/ - https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ - https://europa.eu/european-union/ - https://www.consilium.europa.eu/ - https://www.icc-cpi.int/ - https://www.aci.it/


#FOTO #NAMEooooo-12


#USA Today resists #FBI subpoena seeking #data of those who read #story about agents’ killing

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/usa-today-fbi-subpoena/2021/06/04/4741213a-c550-11eb-8c18-fd53a628b992_story.html

FBI agents sent the company a subpoena asking for records, including #IP addresses and #mobile #identification information, of those who accessed a Feb. 2 article about the shooting during a 35-minute window that same day.

#crime #internet #surveillance #police #justice #news #surveillance #freedom #democracy #politics


Votations fédérales suisses
#suisse #e-id #id #identification #votation #opensource #libre

La campagne sur l’e-ID est lancée

Les référendaires ne sont pas contre l'introduction d’une e-ID reconnue par l’Etat mais s'opposent à l’implication d'entreprises privées. Pour eux, il en va de la souveraineté de l’Etat. Dans un communiqué publié en décembre dernier, ils déclarent que les données privées sensibles ne doivent en aucun cas tomber entre les mains des banques, des compagnies d'assurance ni des entreprises. «La création d’un passeport numérique en mains privées est une attaque contre la souveraineté de l’Etat. Notre engagement pour la défense de la souveraineté démocratique dans l’espace numérique n’est pas une opposition aux progrès technologiques. Au contraire, il est la condition de la confiance des citoyens en ce progrès», explique Nuria Gorrite, Présidente du Conseil d'Etat vaudois. «Pour un Etat performant du 21ème siècle, la délivrance d'une e-ID doit être une évidence. Sa privatisation équivaut à une déclaration de faillite de l’Etat numérique», estime de son côté Gerhard Andrey, conseiller national du Parti Les Verts.



Dust in my eye

...In 2014, Facebook filed a patent application for a technique that employs smartphone data to figure out if two people might know each other. The author, an engineering manager at Facebook named Ben Chen, wrote that it was not merely possible to detect that two smartphones were in the same place at the same time, but that by comparing the accelerometer and gyroscope readings of each phone, the data could identify when people were facing each other or walking together. That way, Facebook could suggest you friend the person you were talking to at a bar last night, and not all the other people there that you chose not to talk to....

Not just dust.

Not just Facebook.


A critical point about social media -- or any public or trackable posting of data, is that it leaves identifiers which can be traced back. And these are creating records which are accessible and can be processed at rates and volumes never previously possible. It is a new "data physics". The rules of the universe have changed.

I've long been aware of persistent identifiers -- the pattern of yellow dots that colour laser printers leave, as an example (Whistleblower Reality Winner was caught based on this, due to copies of documents shared with the NSA and posted online by The Intercept), or the patterns of dead pixels in most digital cameras. There are reasons I not only don't post photos of myself but photos from my camera. But even similar patterns of dust on lenses -- an ephemeral identifier -- can be used to match up devices. As can location and timing data, gait data, and more, available from the gyroscopes which let you play pinball or tilt-ball games on your smartphone or tablet.

Or facial recognition of faces in crowds. A Hacker News commenter notes that he and his current partner turned out to have both been in a photo taken at a march before they met, which was auto-tagged after they'd followed one another online.

With 7.3 billion people in the world, all it takes are 33 bits of distinct identifying information. That can come from all kinds of sources, but location, purchase data, facial recognition, device "fingerprints" (ranging from specifically-encoded UUIDs to incidental patterns such as described here) are often sufficient. And centralised systems create repositories from which a tremendous number of such patterns can be sorted, sifted, and matched automatically.

I'm not sure how future options, including distributed and decentralised systems, will change this. But it's something I'm very much keeping in mind.

It's not about Facebook

It's not about Facebook. It's not about whether Facebook does or doesn't do this, or will or won't in the future. It's that the nature of online discussion creates highly persistent, highly detailed, not very apparent to the user data trails that can be used to draw all kinds of connections and inferences between people.

Many, many years ago, when the Web was young, and I was only slightly old, I went on an outing with some friends. We'd had a guide who had a slightly unusual name, linked to a cultural reference, and who mentioned that they'd transferred from one uni to another. I did not remember the name offhand or a last name.

But with that information, in about 20 minutes, I was able to narrow down the list of possibilities to a single person based on the then-prevalent practice of unis of listing student rosters online, as well as track down parents, hometown, and other information.

It's one of a few bits of sleuthing I've done over the years, others have have started from more or less information, produced more or less detail, sometimes been successful, sometimes not. But here was 33 bits of information captured in three pieces of data.

Today there's often a bit more of a shell wrapped around some aspects of this, but with either a very little bit of privileged access (a PI's licence, access to a skip-tracing database, Lexis-Nexis, etc.), there is all kinds of information online. Financial, legal, and other records similarly.

It's not that none of this data existed before. Some did. But it was buried in paper files, or microfiche, and you had to log road or air miles traveling to remote outposts to gather it (or pay someone to do so). And a huge amount of the information simply did not exist. (Though bits did: AT&T's comprehensive calling data files dating to the 1980s.)

I'm still not sure what to make of the difference between having information and knowing it. Trivial case in point -- I'd been looking for information on historical Usenet populations and usage, and discovered that that had been sitting in the pages of a book within a metre of my head for much of the past decade -- John S. Quarterman, The Matrix. I had the information but I didn't know it.

And that's for an individual. How much "knowledge" does an institution have? How many cases do the 13,000 agents of the FBI manage, how many suspects do they "know"? Is the information that they hold knowledge, or does it simply become material to be used as an investigation opens. Either because there is an actual crime in process, or because it's become politically expedient (or of personal interest to some agent) to do so?

Or the NSA, CIA, GRU, MI5/MI6, the Chinese or Indian or Israeli information ministries, etc., etc.

And what of AI. What is the real awareness and subject-knowledge of these systems? How rapidly can they identify individuals within crowds, say? (Some of the demos I've seen are frightening, though they may also be optimistic. Or not.)

And what happens when these capabilities are weaponised. We've seen this happen to online media. There are projections of this happening to weapons systems. What of misdemeanor police enforcement (Chinese healthcare CEO busted for jaywalking as an headshot on a bus advert is registered by a street-based facial-recognition camera), or automated lawsuit filings, or weaponised AI-driven adversarial political research and online media campaign activities in the 2020 election cycle? Drug lords, business empires, white nationalists, whatevvah.

Because that day's very nearly on us if not already here.

#data #surveillance #surveillanceCapitalism #privacy #panopticon #NotJustFacebook #dust #identity #identification
