

Unfortunately, #CNN has dropped out of my #newsfeed as a serious #news source and I will no longer link to them.

What they write there is wrong on so many levels that it is downright cheeky.

Their goal with tracking is to undermine my privacy as much as possible and not to protect it. Then they boldly lie to my face that they want to protect my privacy but I have to deactivating my blocking add-ons for it?

Please don't fall for it and steer clear of websites that lie to you so shabbily!

I use Firefox with "uBlock Origin", "Cookie AutoDelete" and "I don't care about cookies". In my opinion, this is the minimum configuration for safe surfing on the ad-infested Internet. I can no longer take anyone who doesn't like this seriously.

#fail #security #tracking #surveillance #addon #extension #configuration #software #browser #online #web #www #problem #advertisement #surveillance #economy #marketing #error


How the #NewsFeed turned #Facebook into a #juggernaut

source: https://www.theverge.com/23207172/facebook-meta-newsfeed-mark-zuckerberg-land-of-the-giants-podcast

To begin, we go back nearly two decades to #Zuckerberg’s first big bet: the creation of the News Feed. It’s a controversial origin story that shows the young founder’s initial vision for connecting people at scale, regardless of the consequences. In this episode, we talked to Ruchi #Sanghvi, one of Facebook’s first engineers who helped build the #News #Feed, which at launch, was disliked enough to spark widespread protest from users. “It was the first time we actually got a security guard to stand outside the doors of the Facebook offices,” she says.

#software #company #meta #economy #internet #social #history #society #politics


Armenia registers record number of covid deaths in single day

  • Armenia reports a record of 57 covid deaths in a single day.
    • Media frenzy ensues over a rumoured Pashinyan-Aliyev-Putin meeting in November.
    • Armenia’s parliament holds a closed session regarding the issue of demarcating the border with Azerbaijan.

Credits: Ruptly

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Russia to invest $1 billion in Armenia in coming years

  • Russia will invest $1 billion in Armenia’s economy in the coming years, according to the Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Dmitry Volvach.
    • Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan will head to Moscow for talks regarding the unblocking of regional communications infrastructure.
    • Norway has pledged to provide Armenia with a “significant” batch of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

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Russia to invest $1 billion in Armenia in coming years

  • Russia will invest $1 billion in Armenia’s economy in the coming years, according to the Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Dmitry Volvach.
    • Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan will head to Moscow for talks regarding the unblocking of regional communications infrastructure.
    • Norway has pledged to provide Armenia with a “significant” batch of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

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18.10.2021 Facebook lässt keine Veränderung zu

Newsfeed aufräumen - Abmahnung

Louis Barclay, ein britischer Start-up-Gründer und Entwickler, nutzte seit Jahren Facebook und verbrachte, wie viele andere Facebook Nutzer, viel Zeit damit, in seinem immer länger werdenden News Feed die Sachen zu finden, die für ihn wichtig waren. Er wünschte sich etwas anderes als den von einem unbekannten Facebook Algorithmus sortierten News Feed. Nachdem er eine Weile versuchte alle seinen uninteressanten "Freunden" zu entfolgen, kam er im Juli 2020 auf die Idee die App "Unfollow Everything" zu programmieren.

Das Ergebnis war ein leerer News Feed, ohne dafür irgend jemanden "entfreunden" zu müssen und er musste nur noch anlicken, wer seine wirklich wichtigen Freunde waren. Die täglich lange Zeit des News Feed Aufräumen hatte er sich gespart. Nicht Miliarden aber immerhin 13.000 Facebook Nutzer luden seine App herunter und taten es ihm gleich. Sogar die Schweizer Universität Neuenburg startete ein Experiment, in dem untersucht werden sollte, welchen Einfluss der Newsfeed auf die Nutzungsdauer und die Zufriedenheit mit Facebook hat - Ergebnisse liegen noch nicht vor.

Im Juli 2021 erhielt Louis Barclay Post. Wie der Spiegel schrieb, erhielt er von einer Kanzlei im Namen von Facebook eine Abmahnung

... und man teilte ihm mit, dass der Konzern Barclays Facebook- und Instagram-Konten deaktiviert habe. Er dürfe nie wieder die Websites, Apps, Netzwerke und Dienste des Konzerns aufrufen.

Der Grund sei, dass er Facebooks Markenrechte und Nutzungsbedingungen verletze, in denen es heißt, man dürfe "(ohne unsere vorherige Zustimmung) nicht mittels automatisierter Methoden auf Daten unserer Produkte zugreifen" und nichts tun, "das die einwandfreie Funktionsweise bzw. das Erscheinungsbild unserer Produkte unterbinden, überlasten oder beeinträchtigen könnte".

Damit nicht genug, verlangte Facebook, dass er

  • seine App, die Chrome-Browser-Erweiterung abschaltet und aus dem Chrome Store entfernt,
  • eine Liste aller jemals von ihm betriebenen Facebook- und Instagram-Konten vorlegt,
  • eine Liste aller derzeit von ihm kontrollierten Internetdomains,
  • eine genaue Beschreibung der Funktionsweise von "Unfollow Everything" inklusive des Quellcodes,
  • eine Aufstellung aller mit der Erweiterung erzielten Einnahmen (die natürlich kostenlos war),
  • sowie den Nachweis, dass er alle jemals von Facebook empfangenen Daten gelöscht habe.

Mangels des finanziellen Risikos kapitulierte Louis Barclay vor den Forderungen des Internet Giganten.

Fassen wir noch einmal zusammen: Er wollte dem Konzern nicht wirklich schaden, er wollte sich und anderen den "Genuss" an Facebook nur angenehmer machen. Aber mit seiner Auswahl der "News" hatte er den Einfluss des Konzerns auf die erhaltenen Nachrichten und Werbung verändert und damit direkt in das Geschäftsmodell von Facebook eingegriffen. Ähnlich erging es vor ca. 10 Jahren der Möglichkeit WhatsApp auf Linux PC zu nutzen - auch dies wurde in kürzester Zeit unterbunden, weil dieses Programm nicht die Informationen lieferte, die der Konzern von seinen Nutzern sammeln möchte

Mehr dazu bei https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/unfollow-everything-wie-facebook-gegen-einen-mann-vorgeht-der-den-news-feed-aufraeumt-a-2362d7aa-297b-4176-aea0-4abdf28405a5
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7803-20211018-facebook-laesst-keine-veraenderung-zu.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7803-20211018-facebook-laesst-keine-veraenderung-zu.htm
Tags: #NewsFeed #Facebook #Abmahnung #Veränderung #Werbung #Markenrechte #AGB #Erscheinungsbild #Microsoft #Apple #Google #GAFAM


Putin refers to Artsakh as Armenia while discussing demining efforts in the region

  • Azerbaijani forces fire upon an Armenian military ambulance in northeastern Karabakh.
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin refers to Artsakh as Armenia when discussing demining efforts in the region.
    • The mannequins and helmets representing dead Armenian soldiers have been removed from Baku’s much criticized Military Trophy Park. ****

Credits: Ruptly

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Armenia’s Parliament to Form Karabakh War Fact-Finding Commission

By Mark Dovich

Armenia’s ruling Civil Contract party will convene an investigative commission to study the circumstances of last year’s war in and around Karabakh, Vice Speaker Alen Simonyan said at a news conference on Monday. The development came after a two-hour closed-door meeting of top Civil Contract leaders, including acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Simonyan did not provide any further details on the committee’s future composition or legal purview. Nonetheless, it is understood that the Civil Contract leadership will invite members of the other two parties represented in parliament (National Assembly), the Armenia Alliance and the I Have Honor Alliance, to join the commission, as well as representatives of parties not currently seated in the National Assembly.

“The ruling party has already made such a decision for itself. We have considered the issue of the mandatory involvement of extra-parliamentary forces,” Simonyan told journalists at the news conference.

Lawmakers have been calling for the formation of an investigative commission since late last year to study Armenia’s disastrous defeat in the Second Karabakh War when Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a Russia-brokered ceasefire agreement. For instance, the Bright Armenia party, which lost its representation in the National Assembly in last month’s snap parliamentary vote, drafted a bill in December that would have formed such a fact-finding commission.

“Ideally, it would be an independent, non-partisan commission, made of renowned statesmen and professional researchers who would have full access to all relevant sources of information, including classified information,” said Simon Saradzhyan, a Boston-based researcher, via email.

Saradzhyan was the lead author of a major report, “The Causes of Armenia’s Defeat in 2020,” published earlier this year. In the document, Saradzhyan and his co-authors from Armenia and around the world underlined “the urgency of establishing a Fact-Finding Commission” in Armenia to study the Second Karabakh War.

The National Assembly last established such a commission in June 2019, at Pashinyan’s urging, in order to investigate the circumstances of clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in April 2016. Known as both the Four-Day War and the April War, the fighting left dozens of soldiers and civilians dead on both sides. At the time, it was the worst outbreak of violence between the two sides since the end of the First Karabakh War in 1994.

However, when the commission finished its investigation in September 2020, lawmakers decided not to make the findings public. Then-Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan, a leading member of the Civil Contract party, defended the move, saying the final report contained state secrets.

The fate of the new commission is uncertain. Whether it too can keep its findings secret remains to be seen.

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#artsakh #newsfeed #politics #top #գլխավոր #armeniaazerbaijanwar2020 #karabakhwarfactfindingcommission