

Speaking of Desert Blues...

Guitar virtuoso Mdou Moctar gets political after home country experiences coup

This was a surprise, and joy to see last night, on our PBS (public/educational) TV News Hour. Half listening to news headlines, this story came on and instantly caught my ear, and the rest of me followed. An amazing portrait of a musical prodigy with a unique talent and also a desire to share his perspective, on politics, guitar legends and life, all part of the same ocean....

Fascinating individual, talent, perspective....

#MdouMoctar #music #prodigy #Sahara #SaharaBlues #musica #musique #musik #Africa


Tunisian helicopter 'buzzes’ migrants with low-flying passes | AJ #shorts

Video shared online from shows a Tunisian National Guard helicopter making low passes over a group of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa. The National Guard sa...#AFRICA #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #REFUGEE #SAHARA #TUNISIA #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Tunisian helicopter 'buzzes’ migrants with low-flying passes | AJ #shorts


Reports that a dormant ISIS pocket in Syria has grouped up and is moving, possibly aiming to capture territory

Syrian Military: A group of approximately 500 #ISIS fighters inside the desert have started moving together

The #UN said the armed groups that signed the 2015 agreement expressed concern that the peace agreement would fall apart without mediation by the United Nations, which will abandon its mission in #Mali this year.

According to this report prepared by the UN, both the terrorist groups and the armed groups that signed the agreement are competing for control of trade and trafficking routes in the regions of Gao and Kidal, in the north of the country.

The stagnation in the implementation of the agreement, especially with regard to the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of combatants into society would be especially favoring the JNIM (terrorist group linked to #AlQaeda).
In this sense, the violence and attacks perpetrated especially by the Islamic State in the Greater #Sahara make the signatories of the 2015 Peace Agreement appear "weak and unreliable", thus generating the JNIM to take advantage of the situation to show itself as the only actor capable of "protecting" the population against the Islamic State.

Some sources affirm that the Government of Mali believes that over time the confrontation between the two terrorist groups will end up benefiting the Bamako authorities, although there are also sources that disagree with this theory and explain that time favors the jihadist groups, "whose military capabilities and community penetration are growing every day."
#Syria #Politics u


#Israel may be about to export its workhorse #Merkava tank for the first time.

Reports say Israel is in talks to sell the tank to a European and a Middle Eastern country.

The European nation in question is actually #Cyprus, according to Israeli newspaper #Haaretz, which in June cited an unnamed Cypriot official who said negotiations are underway. The Arab nation is #Morocco, Spanish outlet El Espanol reported this month.

Exporting the Merkava raises sensitive political issues. For Morocco, acquiring an Israeli tank would be a highly visible symbol of its relatively cordial relationship with Israel. Morocco is also fighting #Polisario insurgents, who are backed by neighboring Algeria, in the Western #Sahara. This raises the possibility of one Arab state employing Israeli arms against another.

With Cyprus, Israel would be selling tanks to a nation that has tense relations with #Turkey, which invaded the northern half of Cyprus in 1974. Relations between Israel and the government of Turkish President Recep #Erdogan are often contentious. (The US ending its longstanding arms embargo on Cyprus in 2022 also triggered speculation that Cyprus' Russian-made arms could go to #Ukraine.)

Nonetheless, the timing is propitious for Israel. #Russia's invasion of Ukraine has spurred Europe to rearm its depleted militaries. Eastern European nations are sending many of their aging #Soviet- and Russian-designed tanks to the Ukrainians, which means the donors will be shopping for affordable replacements — likely older tanks with a non-Russian design.

The question is whether Israel will sell Merkavas to Ukraine. For now, the answer is no. Israel is wary of antagonizing Russia, for fear that Russian forces in #Syria will interfere with Israel's airstrikes against Iranian and #Hezbollah targets there. Russia can also send advanced weapons, particularly S-400 anti-aircraft missiles, to Israel's arch-enemy, #Iran.

#Military #UkraineWar #Politics #Europe #Africa #Apartheid



A statement from the Moroccan Royal Court affirms that King Mohammed VI had received a message from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, through which Tel Aviv would recognize the "sovereignty of Morocco over the lands of the #Sahara".

Netanyahu added that "this position of his country will be reflected in all the relevant works and documents of the Israeli government."
#Israel #Morocco


15.07.2023 Über Tausend Menschen in der Wüste ausgesetzt

"Sichere Herkunftsländern" erzeugen erste Opfer

Marroko und Tunesien sollen als "sichere Herkunftsländer" gelten und die "wertebasierte Außenpolitik" kungelt mit den dortigen Regierungen über die Rücknahme von Geflüchteten. Was in diesen Ländern mit Flüchtlingen passiert wird bei uns kaum noch die Medien erreichen.

Nzz.ch ist es immerhin noch 10 Zeilen wert, wenn bis zu 1200 Migranten aus den Ländern südlich der Sahara von tunesischen Sicherheitskräften in die Wüste an die algerische und libysche Grenze deportiert werden. Die Menschen sind dann in sengender Hitze, ohne Schatten, ohne Wasser oder Essen auf sich allein gestellt.

Die Gegend an der Grenze zu Algerien und Libyen ist militärisches Sperrgebiet. Hilfsorganisationen haben erst nach über einer Woche Zugang zu den Überlebenden erhalten.

PS. Ist inzwischen geklärt worden, ob der Untergang des Fischerboots mit mehreren Hundert Menschen an Bord auf die nicht gewünschte Anleinung an ein Boot der griechischen Küstenwache verursacht wurde?
In weiteren 2-3 Wochen weiß kein Mensch mehr etwas über diesen Vorgang ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/international/tunesien-deportiert-afrikanische-migranten-in-die-wueste-ld.1746872
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3v8
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8460-20230715-ueber-tausend-menschen-in-der-wueste-ausgesetzt.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8460-20230715-ueber-tausend-menschen-in-der-wueste-ausgesetzt.html
Tags: #Sahara #Tunesien #Algerien #Libyen #Sperrgebiet #Aussetzen #verhungern #verdursten #Asyl #Flucht #Folter #Abschiebung #Migration #Frontex #Fluggastdatenbank #EuroDAC #Europol #Schengen #VisaWaiver #Verfolgung