

Sat Yoga On Breaking The Matrix, Psychosis, & The Coming Golden Age

In this episode Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk, & Shunyamurti practise jnana yoga together and discuss the function of yoga, the apocalypse, God, parenting in times of destruction, the great awakening, #ego, #god consciousness, lost #souls, the #kingdom of #heaven on #Earth, #illusion, trauma, the #death of #culture, psychosis, #nuclear #war, duty to #dharma, #non-duality, frozen #light, #matter & #anti-matter, Love, and the end of #suffering.

Shunyamurti is a spiritual teacher and the founder of Sat Yoga. Sat Yoga is dedicated to raising human consciousness, offering teachings and retreats to aid in healing and self-realization.

#yoga #spirituality #matrix #psychosis #consciousness #love


A quotation by Jefferson, Thomas

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) American political philosopher, polymath, statesman, US President (1801-09)

“Declaration of Independence” (4 Jul 1776)

#quote #quotation #despot #despotism #endurance #government #overthrow #put-up-with #rebellion #revolution #suffering #tyranny

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/jefferson-thomas/22061/


In this world, few people look with the eyes of compassion, and so we are cruel and merciless toward each other. The weak are always oppressed by the strong. I still see that my reasoning that day was correct, for it arose from love and understanding. Love and understanding can ease the suffering of all beings. The truth is the truth, whether or not it is accepted by the majority. Therefore, I tell you children, it takes great courage to stand up for and protect what is right.

--- The Buddha, in Old Path, White Clouds, by Thich Nhat Hanh

#ThichNhatHanh #buddhism #compassion #suffering #cruelty #oppression


🇧🇦 #Bosnien-Herzegowina, Una Sana Kanton

Der tägliche Kampf ums Überleben,
an der Peripherie #Europa​s.
Menschen leidend im Stich gelassen,
beschämendes Schweigen der #EU.

#ShameOnEU #VergUEnza

via @veladzic_a




#Rational #Suicide
There is no rational reason for me to go on living. I have nothing to look forward to but #suffering, #pain, #misery and #death. My life has been getting worse, relentlessly for more than 25 years. There are no signs of things "turning around." Everything I liked about being alive is in the past. My suffering is going to increase, and accelerate now. It's just a fact. I could #delude myself into a #fantasy that some part of my life is worth living. The delusion will be costly, and when I am no longer able to maintain the delusion, I will be worse off for having deluded myself. For a short period of time I can have delusional #happiness, but when it can no longer be maintained, I will be even more #miserable.

It makes sense for me to take the delusion, however. So long as I accept that it will come at the cost of a quick suicide when it can no longer be maintained. This translates to something akin to: buying a #gun and as much #marijuana as possible. Then smoking marijuana and having a good time until I am out of money. Then killing myself before I have to continue and face the consequences of the delusion. Or maybe #opiates of some sort? I am not sure what delivers the most false happiness reliably. This is the reasonable path of action.


I CAN See the Future
There is no path toward a positive outcome in my life. Every door is #suffering and #death. The only "choice" I have in my "life" is when and how horribly I am going to #die. It is impossible to know which is the least awful #future. I just know that all possible futures are awful. I don't have any #idea what to do about it. There are lots of low odds, horrible events that could kill me, but the most likely is a #HeartAttack. There is no way around it. I think I could put it off a few years one way or the other, but it's inevitable at this point. I am going to have a heart attack that will either kill me or leave me broke and homeless. There are several ways I can get there:

70% likelihood - I will not be able to find a job. I will be living on the verge of homelessness. I have a heart attack. This is the situation where I am most likely to die outright, because I will be arriving in the Emergency Room as a poor person, and the staff will be much more likely to just let me die. But if I don't, I will lose all my money, be totally broke, and homeless when I get out. Then I will be permanently #unemployable, in #debt, and #homeless

27% likelihood - I get some kind of horrible job that doesn't provide enough money for "health insurance". I have a heart attack. I rack up an enormous hospital bill, but it is somewhat based on reality. It exceeds all my savings, nevertheless. I am fired, of course. I am released from the hospital in time to deal with my #eviction. I am left unemployable, indebted, homeless.

3% likelihood - I get a "good" job that pays for "health insurance." I have a heart attack. Any job that is good enough to pay for health insurance will be stressful enough to bring a heart attack sooner. Nevertheless, since I am "insured" I receive better, and thus, much more expensive care in the hospital. That is, right up to the moment I am #fired. Then I will burn through my savings very quickly. But the higher standard of care means the bill I am now stuck with will be much, much higher (possibly millions of dollars). I will be released from the hospital in time to be evicted, and be unemployable, massively indebted, unemployable, and homeless. And in this state, the debt will be such that I will be barred from credit, and public aid in all likelihood. In some ways, though this is the most survivable scenario, it is also the worst.


If you missed the Peace Pledge Union's National Alternative Remembrance Ceremony today, you can still watch here:


#WhitePoppies are worn in the run-up to #RemembranceDay every year by thousands of people in the #UK and beyond. They have been worn in this way for over eighty years.
The #WhitePoppy stands for three things. They represent #remembrance for all #victims of #war, a commitment to #peace and a challenge to attempts to glamorise or celebrate war.

You can buy white poppies through our online shop here. You can also find them in a number of shops, cafes and other outlets across the UK.

White poppies are at the heart of our National Alternative Remembrance Ceremony every year. On our events page you can find out about this and other alternative remembrance ceremonies around the country. You can watch and read about our 2020 ceremony here.

Remembering all victims of war
White poppies stand for remembrance of all victims of all wars. This includes #wars still being fought. It includes people of all nationalities. It includes both #civilians and members of armed forces.
In wearing white poppies, we remember all those killed in war, all those wounded in body or mind, the millions who have been made sick or homeless by war and the families and communities torn apart. We also remember those killed or imprisoned for refusing to fight and for #resisting war.

Today over 90% of people killed in #warfare are civilians.

We differ from the Royal British Legion, who produce red poppies. The Legion has traditionally said that red poppies are to remember only British armed forces and those who fought alongside them. In 2019 they shifted their position to say that they "acknowledge" civilian victims of war, but did not extend their remembrance to all nationalities.

A recent poll shows that 83% of UK adults believe victims of war of all nationalities should be included in remembrance, whilst 86% believe civilians should be included.

We want to remember #British #military dead, but they are not the only victims of war. We also remember the many civilians who have died or suffered in war, both in the past and today, in Syria, Yemen and many other places around the world. #Suffering does not stop at national borders, and nor should remembrance.

#peace #propeace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism