#Jewel 5/23/1974 #Birth US singer
Jewel - #Angel #Standing By
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mCsSAipwM
New information has emerged that the COVID vaccine Pfizer distributed was not produced using the same process as the vaccine that was tested prior to gaining approval for distribution. Retired nurse instructor and popular YouTuber Dr. John Campbell speaks with sociologist Josh Guetzkow about the ramifications of this possible clinical trial a bait-and-switch.
Jimmy and guest Craig Jardula discuss the unwillingness of so many to face the increasingly obvious con job nearly every aspect of the COVID pandemic represented.
Shout out to the #people who #never wore a fear #mask, never social #distance, never #tested and obviously never took the #poison. You deserve to be recognized for #standing your #ground.
An early image of Newgrange #before #excavations and restorations (destruction). #Photograph by William A. Green.
The #first #drawing of #Newgrange by Edward Lhuyd, #1699, showing the mound to be a huge truncated cone of stone with a #standing #stone at the #summit.
Right on. This needs to go viral. Outstanding
#Brave #Witness Leaves the Entire #Congress #SPEECHLESS with #EPIC #Speech - Gets a #Standing
The #Awful #Truth About #Standing For The #Truth. #Vinny Eastwood with Bill Grant on #Revolution #Radio
#wtf RENNES, #France (AFP) — Around 40 #standing #stones thought to have been erected by #prehistoric #humans 7,000 years ago have been #destroyed near a famed archaeological site in northwest France to make way for a DIY store, an angry local historian has revealed.
The stones in #Carnac were between 50-100 centimeters (20-40 inches) high and stood close to the main highly protected areas of one of Europe’s largest and most mysterious pre-historic tourist attractions.
“The site has been destroyed,” local archaeologist Christian Obeltz told AFP on Wednesday, having revealed the clearance of the land in the Ouest-France newspaper.
He believes 39 standing stones — known as menhirs — have been lost, estimating their age to be around 7,000 years based on carbon dating conducted on stones nearby in 2010.
The land was granted a building permit from the local mayor’s office in August last year and DIY chain Mr. Bricolage is currently building a new store there.
Mayor Olivier Lepick told AFP that he had “followed the law” and pointed to the “low archaeological value” of objects found during checks before the construction process began.
The land was not situated in a protected area and had been earmarked for commercial use, he added.
Carnac is famed for its vast fields of stone megaliths which stand in long lines close to the Atlantic coast in the windswept Brittany region.
There are around 3,000 of them on the two main protected areas which extend over more than six kilometers (four miles).
The stones are thought to have had a sacred and funereal function, although various theories exist.
Guy #Standing
Guy Standing is a Professorial Research Associate at SOAS University of London and a founding member and honorary co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), a non-governmental organisation that promotes a basic income for all.
Was covered by the water of a reservoir since the Franco times.
#Huge #complex of 500 #standing #stones found in #megalithic #Spain
Abschied von der Mittelschicht | Doku HD | ARTE - YouTube
Rund ein Drittel aller #Beschäftigten in #Europa lebt in #Unsicherheit. Obwohl sie #Arbeit haben, teilweise sogar mehrere #Jobs gleichzeitig, kommen sie nur knapp über die Runden. Sie bilden das sogenannte " #Prekariat". Die wachsende #Angst vor der Armut führt zu einem Gefühl des sozialen #Ausschlusses und auch zu #Zweifeln an der #Demokratie. #Populistische #Parteien profitieren.
Nicht nur in #Deutschland oder #Frankreich wächst die #Kluft zwischen #Arm und #Reich. Selbst in #Schweden, das vielen noch als „ #Sozialparadies“ gilt, wird die #soziale #Schere immer größer. Jeder fünfte #Rentner lebt dort unter der #Armutsgrenze, #Frauen sind besonders betroffen. In #Spanien sind mehr als die Hälfte der unter 30-Jährigen prekär beschäftigt. „Das Prekariat lebt immer hart am Rand der #Verschuldung. Ein #Fehler, eine #Krankheit zum falschen Zeitpunkt, ein #Unfall oder einem Familienmitglied passiert irgendwas, das kann das Ende bedeuten“, so der britische #Wirtschaftswissenschaftler #Guy #Standing. Welche Explosivität steckt in der neuen Klasse des Prekariats? Wie steht es um Europas sozialen Frieden? Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen gehen mit der Idee eines Grundeinkommens einher? Wie könnte man der großen Unsicherheit und der Polarisierung des politischen Systems entgegenwirken? Karin de Miguel #Wessendorf und #Valentin #Thurn spüren diesen Fragen in der Dokumentation „Abschied von der Mittelschicht – Die prekäre Gesellschaft“ nach und begleiten junge und alte Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas bei ihrem Alltag im Prekariat.
#Dokumentarfilm von K. de Miguel Wessendorf und V. Thurn (D 2019, 89 Min)
laying down, sitting, and standing at the same time...
#dog #layingdown #sitting #standing #atthesametime #multitasking