

Schüsse an der bulgarisch-türkischen Grenze:

Bordermonitoring #Bulgaria ist sehr besorgt über die tödliche Gewalt an der bulgarisch-türkischen Grenze, die sofort gestoppt werden muss.

#refugees #violence #BorderPolice #FortressEurope
via @fiedler_mathias


#borderpolice #fortresseurope


Eurojust coordinates action against massive #investment #fraud with hundreds of thousands of victims #worldwide

source: https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/news/eurojust-coordinates-action-against-massive-investment-fraud-hundreds-thousands-victims

At the request of the Spanish, German and Finnish authorities, #Eurojust and #Europol have supported an action against a massive investment fraud involving the use of cryptocurrencies. The victims of this major online fraud are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. During operations on 8 and 9 November in #Albania, #Bulgaria, #Georgia, North #Macedonia and #Ukraine, 15 call centres were searched and 5 suspects arrested.

#Europe #crime #police #bitcoin #crypto #news


🇧🇬 Die Geflüchtetenlager in #Bulgarien sind derzeit im Ø zu 90% belegt, mit starken regionalen Schwankungen: #Pastrogor & #Lyubimets an der 🇧🇬/🇹🇷 Grenze sind überfüllt. Das geschl. Zentrum Lyubimets soll mit Containern um 1.200 Plätze erweitert werden.

via @fiedler_mathias


#Bulgaria #refugee


🇧🇬 Der saudische Aktivist Abd al-Rahman Al-Khalidi @alkhabd21, wurde am 23.10.2021 in #Bulgarien festgenommen, nachdem er einen Asylantrag gestellt hatte.
Mittlerweile wurde er in Abschiebehaft in #Busmantsi/#Sofia verlegt. Dort werden ihm lebenswichtige Medikamente verweigert.





Ladies and gentlemen, friends and enemies!

As Lenin said, art belongs to the people.

We offer our newspaper to those who do not like us - we hope to influence them for the better.
However, we have to somehow live together, the world is big and fascism is lurking everywhere, we are trying to brush Russia with a brush and pen, which will affect the political climate in Bulgaria. Our small and fertile country is extremely strongly influenced by the state of Russia, so we want not just deputinization with de-Stalinization, but complete and unconditional HUMANIZATION of Russia and the Russophiles.

That is why in PRAS-PRESS 115 we continue to give caricature refuge to Russian and Ukrainian artists.
In addition, we irritate Putin's G-points in Bulgaria - his female column in Bulgaria, the dazzling Tsuni-Guncheva, Kor-Ninova, Mitro-ma-Fani.

For the girl of the issue we have chosen Putin's Trojan pony in Bulgaria - Stefan Yanev.
Reader! Do not be neutral, stop dehumanization and make even Russian trolls hear the voice of a dormant conscience.


#PrasPress #cartoon #bulgaria


🇧🇬 In #Bulgarien nimmt die Anzahl der verhafteten Geflüchteten kontinuierlich zu. Die meisten Menschen in den DCs Lyubimets und Busmantsi, sowie im 'Transitzentrum' Pastrogor stammen aus #Afghanistan, darunter viele Minderjährige, ein Großteil unbegleitet.

via @MovingEurope


#Bulgaria #PushBacks #Bulgaria #Refugees


#Bulgaria #politics seem to have played a big role in selecting chiefs and delegates who backed Benoît Battistelli‘s unlawful proposals, which treat workers almost like slaves and ordinary citizens as disposable ‘collaterals’ • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ http://techrights.org/2021/10/25/bulgaria-like-bavaria/#Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/10/25/bulgaria-like-bavaria/


Today we examine the role of #Bulgaria in Benoît Battistelli‘s liberticidal regime at the #EPO (as well as under #AntónioCampinos , from 2018 to present) with particular focus on political machinations • 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 ⚓ http://techrights.org/2021/10/25/bulgaria-epo/#Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/10/25/bulgaria-epo/