

https://climatejustice.social/@breadandcircuses/112093951203096593 breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social - Woo-hoo, this is it!  🎉 Let’s celebrate! 🥳  If you live in the USA, today is Earth Overshoot Day for 2024!!

That means we’ve used our entire carbon budget in this country for the full year. We have exceeded our Ecological Footprint.

So, as of today, no one will be driving ICE cars or flying on airplanes. All our fossil fuel power plants are shutting down until next January. No more single-use plastics for the rest of the year. Everything is getting delivered by bicycle or on foot, and —

  — wait, what? It doesn’t mean that?

It means nothing changes at all? You mean we’ll still be polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases and poisoning our bodies with microplastics?

Nothing changes? Nothing??!!


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual



#weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis #saveisraellfromisrael #middleeast #geostrategy #geoprimacy #scapegoats #collectivepunishment #sackthePNAC #washington #cowboys #villains #hegemony #homogeny #russia #ukraine #turkey #hungary #sweden #finland #neutrality #provocation #terrorism #egypt #israel #palestine #nato #history #ignorance #agnotology #duopoly #boughtpoliticians #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike
#thestate #thecorporation #thebank #theracket
#bigbrother #bigbaron #bigbank #bigbully #bigbot
#theareusingyou #cuibono #returnoninvestment #warisaracket #businessasusual
#democracy #ococ #ourchoice #ourcountryourchoice

(though i will add, the point he makes, near the end, about the borders and capacity to support, is in error... in the broader contexts of imperial abuses contributing to that (more walls and closed border not a solution), and eliminate the suppression of emancipatory technologies, then there's more than enough headroom to support the world many times over, and no manufactured scarcity (nor isolationism) to infect our minds manipulating us into fearful dependent obedience to our abuser. ... but other than that 1 point... this is jam packed with stuff worth your time to #consider, no matter your #politicalphilosophy ).


A new analysis of the activities of twelve major fossil fuel giants shows that the companies are misleading the public about their emission-reduction commitments while raking in record profits from fossil fuels, which are driving catastrophic extreme weather events across the globe.

In a report published Wednesday, Greenpeace examines the decarbonization pledges, investments, and profits of six global fossil fuel giants — including Shell, BP, and TotalEnergies — and six European oil companies.

The results indicate that in 2022 close to 93% of the oil giants' investments on average went to keeping the companies on the "fossil oil and gas path" while just 7.3% were aimed at promoting "low-carbon solutions" and sustainable production.

Kuba Gogolewski, a finance campaigner at Greenpeace, said that "as the world endures unprecedented heat waves, deadly floods, and escalating storms, Big Oil clings to its destructive business model and continues to fuel the climate crisis."

"Instead of providing desperately needed clean energy, they feed us greenwashing garbage," Gogolewski added. "Big Oil's unwillingness to implement real change is a crime against the climate and future generations. Governments need to stop enabling fossil fuel companies, heavily regulate them, and plan our fossil fuel phase-out now. They will never change on their own."

Yes, that is the point. They will never change on their own.

FULL STORY -- https://www.commondreams.org/news/oil-company-emissions

ALTERNATIVE LINK -- https://web.archive.org/web/20230826041730/https://www.commondreams.org/news/oil-company-emissions

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Greenwashing


Bourgeoisie - Histoire de ta bêtise

S’adressant à l’électeur d’Emmanuel Macron, François #Bégaudeau fait la somme des aveuglements qui le font se prendre pour un #progressiste de pointe là où il n’est qu’un #conservateur de base.

Tu es un bourgeois.
Mais le propre du #bourgeois, c’est de ne jamais se reconnaître comme tel.
Petit test :

Tu votes toujours au second tour des élections quand l’extrême droite y est qualifiée, pour lui faire barrage.
Par conséquent, l’abstention te paraît à la fois indigne et incompréhensible.
Tu redoutes les populismes, dont tu parles le plus souvent au pluriel.
Tu es bien convaincu qu’au fond les extrêmes se touchent.
L’élection de Donald Trump et le Brexit t’ont inspiré une sainte horreur, mais depuis lors tu ne suis que d’assez loin ce qui se passe aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne.
Naturellement tu dénonces les conflits d’intérêts, mais tu penses qu’en voir partout relève du complotisme.
Tu utilises parfois (souvent ?) dans une même phrase les mots racisme, nationalisme, xénophobie et repli sur soi.
Tu leur préfères définitivement le mot ouverture.

Si tu as répondu oui au moins une fois, ce livre parle de toi.
Prends le risque de l’ouvrir.

Oui, jamais les #inégalités dont tu profites, toi le #bobo, ne seront ton sujet de discussion.
Si tu es choqué des #émeutes de ces derniers jours, toi qui profite de la vie à l'abri dans tes beaux quartiers... C'est que tu vis dans le monde des #bobos. Et le contraste devient de plus en plus saisissant : confort et fête dans un quartier, et dans la même ville, émeutes dans le quartier d'à côté.

Ce qui m'amuse (si je puis dire), c'est que ce n'est que le début. Et ce contraste ne pousse les bobos, qu'à profiter encore plus, se disant qu'il faut vivre sa #vie et blabla... ce qui pousse encore plus à l' #injustice, et créé encore plus un contexte explosif....

Attention, car le #précipice arrive pour tous.... mais comme il y a toujours une #justice, il sera perçu comme bien plus gigantesque par certains... #contraste finalement inversé, oui...
Que ne ferait-on pas pour nier l'évidence, le #déni à l’œuvre dans toute sa splendeur, qui pousse certains encore plus au #racisme, car c'est finalement de la même veine... tant la #politique de Macron est devenue identique à celle de #Salvini en #Italie, s'agissant de l' #immigration (cf un professeur d'université en Suisse)...

La #bourgeoisie, c'est la #droite, libérale ou conservatrice, mais qui veut maintenir ses #privilèges. Et s'il faut être #raciste pour cela...
C'est assez comique, les partisans #FN #RN #Zemmour qui se la jouent opposants à #Macron, non ? Quand, en fait, ils sont main dans la main...


et #Collapse #Effondrement #EnMarche ... #BAU #BusinessAsUsual #MIT


Cory Doctorow: The Swerve

People are already getting really badly hurt, and it’s only going to get worse. We’re poised to break through key planetary boundaries – loss of biosphere diversity, ocean acidification, land poisoning – whose damage will be global, profound and sustained. Once we rupture these boundaries, we have no idea how to repair them. None of our current technologies will suffice, nor will any of the technologies we think we know how to make or might know how to make.

These boundaries are the point of no return, the point at which it won’t mat­ter if we yank the wheel, because the bus is going over the cliff, swerve or no.

Focus on the swerve. ...

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31992218


#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #BusinessAsUsual #TheSwerve #CoryDoctorow #LetsRoll #MassCivilResistance


remember how we felt about the #statusquo and #businessasusual and #croneycapitalism and their #bullshitjobs and #economicslavery and #rentier #control keeping us in #disempowerment and #manufactured #dependence on our abuser, #forcing us into #abuse (along with our abuser) of the #environment upon which we really depend, and each other, as #parasites, the #parasitism cajouled under #duress of striving to be the most #worthyvampire under the #fear, the #terror, of "or else". be that #violence of #destitution, or outright #violence, inherent to the system. remember how you felt, about it all, in autumn 2019...


and then return to #now...


and your pure being, before the exacerbation of terror.
