Drivers in Cape Town could access official CCTV footage in certain circumstances
Regarding privacy, Nqavashe said that the footage can’t be provided to just any member of the public, although there are ways to access this information.
However, he said there are two ways people can apply for access to footage under certain circumstances, such as proving to an insurer that a car crash wasn’t their fault.
The first is to apply using a case number, which can be retrieved from the case detective or the insurer.
If this option fails, the metro has an application that citizens can use to request access to the information under the Promotion of Access to Information Act by motivating their case.
CCTV is used actively to combat crime in Cape Town, but it is good to know there is also some public benefit that taxpayers could get back from it too.
And for those residents with street facing private cameras, they can also join the city’s greater CCTV network, which, according to Nqavashe, could yield multiple benefits.
He said residents with street-facing CCTV could add their cameras to the network, giving them access to the larger network when they need it.
Cape Town is using these cameras, as well as drones, and other systems to also actively monitor their infrastructure. Unfortunately, there are still high crime rates surrounding the theft of taxpayer-paid infrastructure. Anything made of metal, is in danger of being unbolted and carried away.
See mybroadband.co.za/news/securit…
#Blog, #capetown, #CCTV, #technology
Billionaire #LarryEllison says a vast #AI -fueled #surveillance #system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
"We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that #problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."
To learn from China means learn to win 🤔
#future #orwell #bigbrother #news #security #cctv #police #news #camera #technology #society #china
@Mark Lansbury 26/05/2024 14:30:11
Russian Guided Glide Bomb into DIY Superstore
#Video from #CCTV of the bathroom fittings department.
#Terrorism #DIY #superstores #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #CiviliansKilled #CiviliansTargeted #CiviliansAttacked #RussianTerrorism #StopRussianAggression #RussianAggression
Eye in the sky... Watching you watching me...
Committee to Protect Journalists calls for #investigation into alleged targeting of #Ukraine journalist
According to accounts from Slidstvo.Info and other local media outlets, on April 1, 2024, two officers from a local military recruitment office approached #Shulhat while he was grocery shopping, attempting to hand him a notice to report to their office. When Shulhat began recording and questioning the officers about potential links to his probe into Vityuk’s property holdings, they promptly left. Although individuals in Shulhat’s age group are legally subject to conscription under Ukraine’s martial law regulations, the circumstances surrounding this event suggest a deviation from established procedures outlined in Ukrainian law. Notably, #CCTV footage examined by Slidstvo.Info revealed the two officers entering the supermarket accompanied by a civilian, identified by Slidstvo.Info as an SBU representative. This individual pointed out Shulhat before departing. Shortly after, the officers approached Shulhat, addressing him by name, and informed him of the need to update his personal information with the #recruitment board, citing his recent 27th birthday.
‘Nie wieder’ betekent ook: nooit weer zulke databanken met persoonsgegevens
Danny Mekić (De Volkskrant)
(...) Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog drong het besef door dat het mede dankzij de ‘perfecte Jodenadministratie’ was dat een groot deel van de Joodse gemeenschap in Nederland door de bezetter kon worden opgespoord en gedeporteerd. Een belangrijke les: privacy en persoonlijke gegevens zijn het beschermen waard. ‘Nie wieder’ betekende ook: nooit meer registers met persoonsgegevens die, eenmaal in verkeerde handen, desastreuze gevolgen kunnen hebben. (...)
(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)
In 1953, 1983 en 2009 werd de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer herbevestigd in respectievelijk het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens, onze Grondwet, en het Europees Handvest. In 2018 trad de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming in werking.
Maar nu we deze grondrechten eenmaal hebben, tekent zich een zorgwekkende trend af. Terwijl het aantal ernstige misdrijven op een historisch dieptepunt is, reageren we volgens criminologen steeds ‘hysterischer’ op de steeds minder overgebleven bedreigingen, ten koste van die zwaarbevochten grondrechten.
Hoewel overtuigend wetenschappelijk bewijs van effectiviteit ontbreekt, blijven we het land volhangen met steeds meer camera’s. (...) Alle vervoersbewegingen worden geregistreerd: ‘openbaar’ vervoer vereist een chipkaart en vliegtuigpassagiers worden vastgelegd in internationale databanken.
En het einde van de grondrechtenuitverkoop is nog niet in zicht. Vanaf 6 oktober moeten mensen die naar de Europese Unie willen reizen een gezichtsscan en vingerafdrukken afstaan. Nederlandse politici willen een identificatieplicht invoeren voor sociale media. Om strafbare feiten op te sporen wil de Europese Commissie preventief de digitale privéberichten van alle Europeanen gaan scannen, inclusief foto’s en video’s. Ook die van u. (...)
‘Je hebt toch niks te verbergen?’
Ja, totdat de bezetter ineens op de stoep staat. Verzetsstrijders? Alle communicatie gekoppeld aan je identiteit wordt afgeluisterd. (...) Nuttig voor de veiligheid? Volgens hoogleraar Geoffrey Stone hebben de Amerikaanse geheime diensten, die jarenlang dit soort gegevens verzamelden, er nooit één aanslag mee kunnen voorkomen. (...)
We kunnen kiezen voor veiligere, menselijkere methoden van beveiliging en controle. Meer agenten, in plaats van meer camera’s. Meer boa’s, in plaats van meer scanauto’s. Haatalgoritmes aanpakken in plaats van anonimiteit. Databanken terugbrengen tot proporties die beheersbaar en zinvol zijn, en niet eindeloos laten groeien. Het is een keuze tussen een toekomst waarin technologie een regime van angst, wantrouwen en controle oplegt, en een toekomst waarin de democratie is gebouwd is op respect, vertrouwen en vrijheid. (...)
De geschiedenis heeft ons geleerd dat het gemakkelijker is om rechten kwijt te raken dan om ze terug te krijgen. Laten we ervoor zorgen dat toekomstige generaties over de door ons gemaakte keuzes niet hetzelfde hoeven te zeggen.
Tags: #nederlands #nederland #privacy #surveillance #massasurveillance #data #data_mining #profilering #grondrechten #cctv #gezichtsherkenning #camera #sleepnet #sociale_media #databanken
Mouse filmed tidying up man's shed every night
After regularly discovering that things from the night before had been mysteriously tidied, he set up a night vision camera on his workbench.
It captured a mouse picking up clothes pegs, corks, nuts and bolts.
1min video & article:
#video #sheds #housekeeping #cleaning #tidy #mouse #mice #wildlife #CCTV #animals
Tell Amazon to Fix this Big Security Flaw in Ring Doorbells
Amazon is still ignoring a major security issue with its Ring Doorbell.
Research commissioned by Mozilla exposed that attackers can easily take Ring devices, including their security cameras, offline. We told Amazon, and they didn't fix it. We then told the media, and Amazon still didn't fix it.
Now we're organising people to force Amazon to act.
#Amazon #security #Ring #doorbell #RingDoorbell #flaw #SecurityCamera #CCTV #home
#cc 33 death cult
#Smart #Cities: #UK To #Install #Infrastructure On #Lampposts, #Traffic #Lights, #CCTV, #Benches, #Bins...
Source: https://www.grocerygazette.co.uk/2023/09/11/shoplifting-surge-police/
The biggest retailers in the #UK, including #Co-op, #Tesco and #Sainsbury’s, have agreed to implement new face-scanning #technology, which looks to help the #police crack down on #shoplifting.
According to The Times, #Pegasus is set to receive £600,000 from ten supermarkets including #JohnLewis, Co-op, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, #Waitrose and Next.
The supermarkets pay for the surveillance so that the police can do its job? That sounds more like #cyberpunk than #1984.
#Orwell #cctv #bigbrother #surveillance #video #news #crime #security #politics
Eight Months #Pregnant and Arrested After #False Facial Recognition #Match
source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/06/business/facial-recognition-false-arrest.html
Handcuffed in front of her home on a Thursday morning last February, leaving her crying children with her fiancé, Ms. Woodruff was taken to the #Detroit Detention Center. She said she was held for 11 hours, questioned about a crime she said she had no knowledge of, and had her iPhone seized to be searched for #evidence.
What happened to good old police work? Today, it seems, without a second thought, the cops arrest anyone if their name just pops off a computer screen.
#technology #ai #video #cctv #crime #police #problem #news #fail
In #Mannheim, an automated #system reports hugs to the #police
Source: https://algorithmwatch.org/en/mannheim-system-reports-hugs-police/
Since 2018, the German research organization has been using Mannheim’s public surveillance cameras to try to train algorithms to spot “hitting, strangling, and kicking.” Initially, Müller says, officers would switch the “AI surveillance” feature off, because so many movements were flagged. Now, the algorithms are flagging hugs as "strangling". He adds that this is not necessarily a problem, because a hug can be non-consensual: "Imagine a stranger hugs you from behind,” he says. “Here, we need the police as the decision-maker to take a look.”
#ai #technology #training #news #violence #cctv #video #surveillance
New Orleans #police use of facial recognition nets zero arrests in nine months
The #technology provided potential identities in just five cases, two of which were deemed “bad matches,” the report said.
UK supermarket uses facial recognition tech to track shoppers
Attached to the ceiling above the gray shiny floor, watching as people enter the store, is a camera. The device scans faces, matching them against a corporate database of suspicious, potentially criminal shoppers who have been placed on a watchlist
The cameras are in breach of data rights and individual privacy
Every time a customer walks into a shop or business that uses Facewatch’s system, a biometric profile is created
Facewatch also adds to their watchlist subjects of interest posted on police websites
If staff have reasonable grounds to suspect a customer of committing a crime, whether it’s shoplifting or disorderly conduct, they can add the customer to a Facewatch list of “subjects of interest.” Facewatch’s policy notice says that the police also have the power to upload images and data to Facewatch’s system.
#UK #privacy #CCTV #BigBrother #supermarket #corporate #spying #PoliceState #China #Hikvision
#UK #government ban for Chinese Hikvision #CCTV cameras
source: https://techmonitor.ai/government-computing/hikvision-ban-uk-government-oliver-dowden
#Security cameras made by Chinese company #Hikvision can no longer be installed in or on government buildings after cabinet minister Oliver Dowden declared them “current and future possible security risks”.
Playing with technology...
19 sec video sound
#russia #cctv #blunder
Russian stole CCTV cameras in Lyman and installed them at their home, in Buryatia.
— ТРУХА⚡️English (@TpyxaNews) October 11, 2022
The russian did not reset the stolen cameras, and now their real owner can watch online what is happening in russians home.
Video published by Yan Gordienko pic.twitter.com/F3MQ95tvEI