


Looming crisis: Millions at risk as #WIC funding hangs in balance
By Alexandra Jacobo -January 18, 2024

..."The clock is ticking for #Congress to address this looming crisis. Without immediate action, the ramifications could be dire. A failure to meet President Joe Biden’s emergency funding request for WIC by the impending deadline would lead to a substantial budget shortfall. This financial gap threatens to force states to reduce WIC participation, potentially leaving up to 2 million eligible young #children and #pregnant and #postpartum adults without crucial support.

The situation is exacerbated by the current legislative gridlock. The possibility of a government shutdown looms large, adding further uncertainty to the already precarious funding state of WIC and other essential programs.

Behind the statistics are real families whose lives are intertwined with WIC’s support. A survey by ParentsTogether Action highlights the program’s impact: 64% of WIC recipients reported they would struggle to afford necessary infant formula without the program, and over half would face challenges in meeting their own nutritional needs.

The personal accounts are poignant. Families express how WIC has enabled them to access nutritious foods, critical for their children’s development, which they otherwise couldn’t afford. The threat of reduced funding isn’t just a policy debate; it’s a potential blow to the well-being of millions of vulnerable Americans.

The debate over WIC funding has taken a distinctly partisan tone. Progressive advocates, including Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal and Rep. Cori Bush, have been vocal in their criticism of the opposition to fully funding WIC. They argue that such resistance, primarily from Republican lawmakers, prioritizes tax breaks for the wealthy over essential support for low-income families."...


Pregnant women in peril from Israel’s bombardment | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Pregnant women and their unborn children in Gaza are among those in danger from Israel’s bombardment and siege. Thousands of expectant mothers have no medica...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Israels #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #birth #bombardment #care #children #danger #expectant #latestnews #medical #mothers #newsheadlines #pregnancy #pregnant #siege #unborn #women
Pregnant women in peril from Israel’s bombardment | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


#Russian #journalists from Izvestia uncovered a ~prostitution~ Child Traficking ring which supplied underage Russian girls to clients in Bahrain.

The people requesting the services of the girls were mainly #Arabs from Bahrain and the surrounding countries but also American officers from the #US #Navy's 5th Fleet which is stationed in #Manama, the capital of Bahrain.

The girls, aged between 13 and 17 years old were lured to the country by a group of Russian citizens which would seize their passports and other IDs to prevent them from escaping the country and then handing them over to their #Bahraini partners.

The ring is active since at least 2013 and at least one girl died due to physical trauma at the hands of one of the abusers after trying to escape the hotel where she was housed in. They were sold to clients for between 7000 to 14.000 USD.

The journalists, which worked undercover, also found out that a lot of the girls got #pregnant and were forced to carry out #abortion late into the pregnancy with some giving birth to dead fetuses which would end up thrown into garbage bins.

Izvestia discovered that the Russian girls were significantly more expensive than the girls brought there from #Thailand, #Uzbekistan or #Vietnam.

#HumanTraficking #Cdime #Inhumanity


Eight Months #Pregnant and Arrested After #False Facial Recognition #Match

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/06/business/facial-recognition-false-arrest.html

Handcuffed in front of her home on a Thursday morning last February, leaving her crying children with her fiancé, Ms. Woodruff was taken to the #Detroit Detention Center. She said she was held for 11 hours, questioned about a crime she said she had no knowledge of, and had her iPhone seized to be searched for #evidence.

What happened to good old police work? Today, it seems, without a second thought, the cops arrest anyone if their name just pops off a computer screen.

#technology #ai #video #cctv #crime #police #problem #news #fail


"Covid19 vaccine safety on Pregnant woman". Study outcome ~ no clue ⚠🤦‍♂️😧⚠

Publication title: Risk of preterm birth, small for gestational age at birth, and stillbirth after covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy: population based retrospective cohort study (Published 17 August 2022)

…Regulators are responsible for oversight and must inform the public about what went wrong in study NCT04754594 or C4591015.
Without access to individual participant data for independent scrutiny of randomized controlled trials we do not have reliable evidence to recommend Covid-19 vaccines for pregnant women.

Source: https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2022-071416/rr-0

Based on study: To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women 18 Years of Age and Older. Phase 2 & 3 trial. (Finished July 15, 2022)
Notice: Trial phase 2 & 3 = safety & efficacy study!!

#clinicaltrials #pfizer #mrna #c19 #covid19 #vaccine #studies #health #adverse #unborn #pregnant #baby #news #wakeup


Risk of preterm birth, small for gestational age at birth, and stillbirth after covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy: population based retrospective cohort study (Published 17 August 2022)

...Regulators are responsible for oversight and must inform the public about what went wrong in study NCT04754594 or C4591015.
Without access to individual participant data for independent scrutiny of randomized controlled trials we do not have reliable evidence to recommend Covid-19 vaccines for pregnant women.

source: https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2022-071416/rr-0

Study: Pfizer c19 jab (bnt162b2) pregnancy safety & efficacy trial (phase2/3) → Finally Finished! ⚠

#clinicaltrials #pfizer #mrna #c19 #covid19 #vaccine #studies #health #adverse #unborn #pregnant #baby #news #wakeup


Pfizer c19 jab (bnt162b2) pregnancy safety & efficacy trial (phase2/3) → Finally Finished! ⚠

Full overview of ClinicalTrials studies for BNT162 Pfizer Vaccine:

Phase 2
A phase of research to describe clinical trials that gather preliminary data on whether a drug works in people who have a certain condition/disease (that is, the drug’s effectiveness). For example, participants receiving the drug may be compared to similar participants receiving a different treatment, usually an inactive substance (called a placebo) or a different drug. Safety continues to be evaluated, and short-term adverse events are studied.
Phase 3
A phase of research to describe clinical trials that gather more information about a drug’s safety and effectiveness by studying different populations and different dosages and by using the drug in combination with other drugs. These studies typically involve more participants.

#clinicaltrials #pfizer #mrna #c19 #covid19 #vaccine #studies #health #adverse #unborn #pregnant #baby #news #wakeup


UK Birthrates by Ethnic Group per 100,000 of Population from 2007 to 2019 based on UK government data.

This analysis demonstrates that African & Asian heritage citizens of the UK have reproduced at an average 1.89x (189%) greater rate than Indo-European (White) autochthonous British heritage citizens.

#birthrates #indoeuropean #asian #african #whitebirthrate #ukbirthrate #europeanbirthrate #europeans #brits #british #england #english #whites #whiteprivilege #fertilityrate #fertility #fertilitycrisis #lowbirthrate #study #information #stats #statistics #data #analysis #charts #graphs #un #wef #autochthonous #reproduction #uk #baby #children #offspring #white #pregnant #pregnancy #immigration #multiculturalism #multiracialism


Pfizer jab pregnancy trial phase*2/3* → ongoing 🤦‍♂️⚠

Full overview of ClinicalTrials studies for BNT162 Pfizer Vaccine:

Phase 2
A phase of research to describe clinical trials that gather preliminary data on whether a drug works in people who have a certain condition/disease (that is, the drug's effectiveness). For example, participants receiving the drug may be compared to similar participants receiving a different treatment, usually an inactive substance (called a placebo) or a different drug. Safety continues to be evaluated, and short-term adverse events are studied.
Phase 3
A phase of research to describe clinical trials that gather more information about a drug's safety and effectiveness by studying different populations and different dosages and by using the drug in combination with other drugs. These studies typically involve more participants.

#clinicaltrials #pfizer #mrna #c19 #covid19 #vaccine #studies #health #adverse #unborn #pregnant #baby #news #wakeup


According to Pfizer data reported to the FDA and recently released to the public via FOIA request, 20.07% of pregnancies are terminated as a result of administering the Pfizer mRNA "vaccine" to pregnant women.

Assuming the Pfizer data is authentic, this risk profile means that nobody who is pregnant should take the Pfizer mRNA Covid "vaccine."

5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-FEB-2021

#pfizer #pfizervaccine #fda #foia #pregnancy #pregnant #abortion #USA #UK #baby #babies #children #child #vaccines #vaccination #mrna #vaccine #albertbourla #billgates #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #risk #women #female #woman #fertility #data #statistics #report #study