

Handelskonflikt mit China: USA steigern Antidumpingzölle

E-Autos, Solaranlagen, Halbleiter: Für viele Produkte aus China fallen in den Vereinigten Staaten schon bald viel höhere Zölle an.#vereinigtestaatenvonamerika #China #Dumping #GNS #Ökonomie #Öko #Feed
Handelskonflikt mit China: USA steigern Antidumpingzölle


Wer verdient beim Militär nicht genug?

Hacker in Gehaltsdatenbank des britischen Militärs

Das wollten Hacker wohl genauer wissen und sind in das System für Gehaltsabrechnungen des britischen Militärs eingedrungen. Dabei sind die Namen und Bankdaten von gegenwärtigen Angestellten und von Veteranen und Veteraninnen gestohlen worden. Die Regierung ist "not amused", weiß aber angeblich nichts über die Hintergründe.

Ein britischer Nachrichtensender macht China für den Angriff verantwortlich. Die Information, wer im britischen Militär vielleicht mit seinem Gehalt und den Aufstiegschancen nicht so zufrieden sein könnte, kann ein entsprechende KI wahrscheinlich aus den Daten herausfinden.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Grossbritannien-Gehaltsabrechnungssystem-des-Militaers-gehackt-wohl-von-China-9710040.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Au
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8771-20240509-wer-verdient-beim-militaer-nicht-genug.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8771-20240509-wer-verdient-beim-militaer-nicht-genug.html
Tags: #Großbritannien #China #Militär #Datenbank #Gehaltsabrechnungen #Frieden #Krieg #Hack #Cyberwar #Spionage #Anwerbung



Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

3 men charged in UK with assisting Hong Kong intelligence service

by Associated Press

London --

British police have charged three men with assisting the Hong Kong
intelligence service amid growing concern that hostile states are
trying to interfere with democracy and economic activity in the U.K.

The three men were among 11 people arrested earlier this month in
Yorkshire and London by counterterrorism police using provisions of a
new law that allows suspects in national security and espionage cases
to be detained without warrant. The eight other suspects were released
without charge.

Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, Matthew Trickett, 37, and Chung Biu Yuen,
63, are also charged with foreign interference, the Metropolitan Police
Service said. They will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on

"A number of arrests were made and searches carried out across England
as part of this investigation," Commander Dominic Murphy, head of the
Met's counterterrorism command, said in a statement. "While led from
London, the Counter Terrorism Policing network has been crucial to
disrupting this activity."

The announcement comes as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak prepares to
deliver a speech on Monday in which he is expected to say that Britain
is facing an increasingly dangerous future due to threats from an "axis
of authoritarian states," including Russia, China, Iran and North
Korea. Tensions with China flared last year after a parliamentary
researcher was arrested on suspicion of spying for Beijing, charges
that Chinese officials called a "malicious smear."

Hong Kong's security bureau, Hong Kong police and the office of China's
foreign ministry in Hong Kong didn't immediately respond to requests
for comment.

The British government last year passed a new national security act
that gave police additional powers to tackle foreign espionage. The
legislation was needed to combat the "ever-evolving" threat of foreign
interference and in "response to the threat of hostile activity from
states targeting the U.K.'s democracy, economy, and values," the
government said.

The arrests in the current case were made on May 1 and 2. The
investigation is continuing, police said.

#hong-kong #china #uk #espionage #counterterrorism #metropolitan-police #met #the-met



Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

Former spy alleges global Chinese spy network hunts and abducts dissidents

by Phil Mercer


An investigation by Australia's public broadcaster accuses China's
secret police service of tracking down dissidents living overseas.

A former Chinese spy now living in Australia told Australian
Broadcasting Corp.'s Four Corners program that a unit of the Chinese
secret service had been operational in Sydney as recently as last year.

The spy - named only as "Eric" - has described a shadowy world of
deception and abduction. The former Chinese agent told ABC how he'd
been ordered by the secret police in Beijing to target dissidents
overseas, including in India, Thailand, Canada and Australia.

'Eric' said he would gain their confidence and lure them to countries
where they could be kidnapped and sent back to China.

He told journalists from the investigative Four Corners program that he
fled last year to Australia.

Australia's domestic spy agency has not confirmed any of the details of
the alleged Chinese spy ring.

'Eric' said he worked as an undercover agent for a unit within China's
federal police and security agency, the Ministry of Public Security,
between 2008 and early 2023.

The specialist division is called the Political Security Protection
Bureau, or the 1st Bureau, and targets so-called enemies of the Chinese
state. It is alleged to have been working in Sydney as recently as last

'Eric' told the ABC that he was speaking out to expose the truth.

"I believe the public has a right to know the secret world. I worked
for the Chinese Political Security Department for 15 years," he said.
"Today, it is still the darkest department of the Chinese government."

The ABC said is the first time anyone from China's secret police has
ever spoken publicly. It is using a pseudonym to protect his identity.

Peter Mattis is a China analyst at the Jamestown Foundation, a
U.S-based conservative defense policy research organization. He told
the ABC's Four Corners program that Beijing wants to curb dissent among
the Chinese diaspora.

"The Political Protection Bureau has also had a role in trying to
silence dissidents as well as to map dissident networks."

The ABC has said that it has seen hundreds of secret documents and
correspondence that back up 'Eric's' allegations.

The broadcaster has reported that Chinese authorities have used
anti-corruption campaigns to return more than 12,000 alleged fugitives
to China in the past decade.

Chinese authorities have not yet commented on the allegations made in
the Australian documentary.

There has also been no response from ASIO, the Australian Security
Intelligence Organization to the claims.

#china #australia #abc #spy #spying #spy-agency #chinese-diaspora #chinese-spy-network #dissidents #four-corners #asio


War for profiting

It is important to know who are those who like to win.

According to the Monitor, “Ukraine has become a giant testing ground for #drones from all over the world – the United States, #Germany, #Poland, and other partner countries. Countless new companies are taking shape around the technology; teams of engineers are tinkering on prototypes, trying to clear the Ministry of Defense and NATO checklists of technical requirements, hoping to nail a military contract…Oleksandr Yakovenko, CEO of TAF Drones [said] the company already has four factories spread out across #Ukraine – despite suffering a sabotage attack that destroyed equipment worth $300,000 in July. The bulk of its supplies (90%) come from #China or #Taiwan. The remainder comes from suppliers in #Europe and the #US. ‘We have to create products that are cheaper than the targets,’ he says. ‘Otherwise, we will not win because our #enemy has more resources than our country.’ ”

#UK government records for a parallel-named Piranha Tech company, operating in the Liverpool area on “computer related activities” and “information technology consultancy activities”, indicate the possibility that the #Israel'is and their Ukrainian partners were considering a British company front during their start-up.

source & more


09.05.2024 Wer verdient beim Militär nicht genug?

Hacker in Gehaltsdatenbank des britischen Militärs

Das wollten Hacker wohl genauer wissen und sind in das System für Gehaltsabrechnungen des britischen Militärs eingedrungen. Dabei sind die Namen und Bankdaten von gegenwärtigen Angestellten und von Veteranen und Veteraninnen gestohlen worden. Die Regierung ist "not amused", weiß aber angeblich nichts über die Hintergründe.

Ein britischer Nachrichtensender macht China für den Angriff verantwortlich. Die Information, wer im britischen Militär vielleicht mit seinem Gehalt und den Aufstiegschancen nicht so zufrieden sein könnte, kann ein entsprechende KI wahrscheinlich aus den Daten herausfinden.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Grossbritannien-Gehaltsabrechnungssystem-des-Militaers-gehackt-wohl-von-China-9710040.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Au
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8771-20240509-wer-verdient-beim-militaer-nicht-genug.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8771-20240509-wer-verdient-beim-militaer-nicht-genug.html
Tags: #Großbritannien #China #Militär #Datenbank #Gehaltsabrechnungen #Frieden #Krieg #Hack #Cyberwar #Spionage #Anwerbung


Elektroautos von BYD sind heute international konkurrenzfähig. Das liegt an der staatlichen Unterstützung in China, aber auch an strategischen Entscheidungen.#Elektromobilität #Pkw,Auto #China #Autoindustrie #Serie:ChinasKlima-undUmweltpolitik
Ein chinesischer Traum


Bundeswehr: Marine zeigt Präsenz im Indopazifik

Bundeswehr - Marine-Schiffe unterwegs in den Indopazifik

Zwei Marineschiffe haben ein Weltumrundung begonnen. Geplant sind Übungen mit Partnernationen. Peking warnte Berlin vor einer Durchquerung der Taiwanstraße.#Bundeswehr #Marine #Indopazifik #China
Bundeswehr: Marine zeigt Präsenz im Indopazifik