

Spionage-Affäre: Razzia in Büro des AfD-Europaabgeordneten Krah

Spionage-Affäre - Büro des AfD-Europaabgeordneten Krah durchsucht

Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat Büroräume des AfD-Europaabgeordneten Maximilian Krah durchsucht. Hintergrund sind Spionagevorwürfen gegen einen Ex-Mitarbeiter Krahs.#AfD #MaximilianKrah #Spionage #China
Spionage-Affäre: Razzia in Büro des AfD-Europaabgeordneten Krah


Chinas Staatspräsident Xi Jingping zum Staatsbesuch in Frankreich

Xi Jingping in Paris - Diplomatische Sondierungen beim Staatsbesuch

Kann Chinas Staatspräsident die Vermittlerrolle in Gaza und in der Ukraine übernehmen? Das widerspräche laut Experten den eigenen Interessen der Volksrepublik.#ChinasAußenpolitik #CHINA #ChinaundEuropa
Chinas Staatspräsident Xi Jingping zum Staatsbesuch in Frankreich


‘Yes, #Ukraine’ … the Middle East paradigm interlinks directly with the Ukraine paradigm where #Russia has succeeded in destroying so much of the western supplied, air-defence capabilities in Ukraine, giving Russia near complete air dominance over the skies.

Positioning scarce air defense ‘to save #Israel’ therefore, exposes Ukraine (and slows the U.S. pivot to #China, too). And given the recent passage of the funding Bill for Ukraine in Congress, clearly air defence assets are a priority for sending to Kiev – where the West looks increasingly trapped and rummaging for a way out that does not lead to humiliation.

But before leaving the Middle East paradigm shift, the implications for Netanyahu are already evident: He must therefore focus back to the ‘near enemy’ – the Palestinian sphere or to Lebanon – to provide Israel with the ‘Great Victory’ that his government craves.

In short, the ‘cost’ for #Biden of saving Israel from the Iranian flotilla which had been pre-announced by #Iran to be demonstrative and not destructive nor lethal is that the White House must put-up with the corollary – an attack on #Rafah. But this implies a different form of cost – an electoral erosion through exacerbating domestic tensions arising from the on-going blatant slaughter of Palestinians.

source and more


Only for those who are able to listen to the pro-Russian/Chinese and Western critical stance on certain Western policies, for everyone else it is a waste of time.
Some of these points need review, but I will say that it is important to hear all positions on issues.

source & more
#China #diplomacy #EU #hippocracy #international-laws #Russia #Sanctions #Taiwan #Ukraine #USA

I avoid taking sides, but I tend to listen more to the side that is hated by the masses.
Therefore, I like to share posts that contradict the mainstream news without completely assuming their truthfulness. Because, I want to avoid having to stand there at some point and say with the chorus.
“I didn't know anything about all this.”


Very great to see the DUMMY TOYS live. They are great, uncompromising, angry and in your face. It would have been charming if there had been a few more punks and not just Kiez people, but good. If you have the chance to see them live, go and catch them. Buy a T-shirt and the record if you have the money. They are the last flame in the dark. Stick together, unity is a weapon. WAR IS NIGHTMARE!

#anarcho #china #diy #punk


https://qoto.org/@bibliolater/112361737170719247 bibliolater@qoto.org - "Incense spheres discovered in Tang hoards, which are the earliest artefacts found to date, reveal multicultural origins upon close examination. Persian and Sogdian silversmith elements, Buddhist ideas and Syriac Christian liturgical practices, may all have left their traces on the making of the object."

Fang, F. X. (2024). Scent, Art and Astronomy: New Light on Tang Incense Spheres and Their Global Connections. The Medieval History Journal, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09719458231226000

#OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #DOI #Medieval #Medievodons #History #Histodon #Histodons #Asia #China #India #Iran #CentralAsia #Academia #Academic #Academics @histodon @histodons @medievodons