Webbed Briefs: What happened to text inputs
Brilliant video from @heydon@front-end.social about web designers making the web worse:
São Paulo (SP) 2021
In het Braziliaanse São Paulo zag ik op een meubelstuk dit paneel met een trein op een brug. Het was trouwens een wat vreemd meubel, circusmeubel genoemd (móvel de circo). Het is in 1917 ontworpen door Pedro Antonio da Silva Pimentel. Het is een meubelstuk dat op meerdere manieren kan worden gebruikt. Ik zag het uitgeklapt als bed met commode. Zie de foto hieronder. Als laatste een (slechte) foto van internet, die de andere mogelijkheden laat zien.
São Paulo (SP) Brazilië 2021
Op de afbeelding (van internet) hieronder met de alle mogelijkheden van dit meubel: links als kaptafel, midden als bureau en tenslotte als bed (zoals hierboven). Als kaptafel is hij hier te zien op een betere foto, maar die kan ik niet overnemen.
#brasil #brazil #brazilie #design #foto #fotografie #furniture #meubels #photo #photography #sao-paulo
Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2022/11/24/zomaar-een-trein/
La maison de la boîte aux lettres... (suite)
Ce qui est particulier, de cette maison, c'est qu'elle est au milieu de bungalow des années 30-40...
J'aime beaucoup ce style!
© Réjean Leroux 2022
23 Novembre — #mywork, #myphoto, #photo, #photographie, #photography, #foto #amateur, #couleur, #gimp, #Montreal, #Montréal, #design, #art, #architecture
Une boite aux lettres originale et moderne!
J'adore le graphisme basé sur la graphie!.
je vous partage la maison, sur le prochain post...
© Réjean Leroux 2022
23 Novembre — #mywork, #myphoto, #photo, #photographie, #photography, #foto #amateur, #couleur, #gimp, #Montreal, #Montréal, #design, #art, #graphisme
Mid nineties Peter and me won the 2nd prize in an art competition in Neumarkt i.d. OPf, Germany. The task was to design the inner courtyard of the local high school... I designed the octagon and the waterfall with the water coming from underneath the sculpture. The inox work was done by a friend from the Linz Kunstuni. The granite squares are 700x700 mm / 27.6x27.6in. It is Aalfanger granite
In the middle on a granite stand there is Peter's sculpture, named Karyatide.
How #SiliconValley helps spread the same sterile aesthetic across the world
source: https://www.theverge.com/2016/8/3/12325104/airbnb-aesthetic-global-minimalism-startup-gentrification
We could call this strange #geography created by #technology "AirSpace." It’s the realm of coffee shops, bars, #startup offices, and co-live / #work spaces that share the same hallmarks everywhere you go: a profusion of #symbols of comfort and quality, at least to a certain connoisseurial #mindset. Minimalist #furniture. Craft beer and avocado toast. Reclaimed wood. Industrial lighting. Cortados. Fast #internet.
This confluence of #style is being accelerated by companies that foster a sense of placelessness, using technology to break down geography. #Airbnb is a prominent example. Even as it markets unique places as consumable goods, it helps its users travel without actually having to change their environment, or leave the warm embrace of AirSpace.
#design #creativity #art #artwork #news #consume #capitalism #economy
In #StructuralEngineering #Analysis, #InfluenceLines are used to depict the variation of quantity at a particular location as the location of a #Load or #Action is changed. In the #Animation shown, we can see the change in #BendingMoment in a #StaticallyDeterminate #Beam as a unit force moves from one end to the other. Both the #BendingMomentDiagram and the influence line for bending moment at the centre of the left-hand span, B, are shown. The influence line is often used as a tool to determine where the load should be placed to cause the most extreme cases of interest, say for #design purposes.
#MyWork #CCBYSA #WxMaxima #FreeSoftware #AnimatedGif #Engineering
Site trouvé au hasard de la navigation
#typographie, #font, #art, #Cassandre, #design, #illustration
Patchwork Fragment, Tumbling Blocks; 1870–1890.
Via: https://www.design-is-fine.org/post/695744255996608512/patchwork-fragment-tumbling-blocks-18701890
Animated logo
Un petit égotrip animé fraichement sortie de blender (source):
Encore plus de travaux en 3D et de graphismes sur mon site.
#blender #logo #design #graphicdesign #aesthetic #frenchtouch #render #blender3D #animated #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #artwork #diaspoart #computergraphic #visualgraphic #brand #visualidentity #gif #animatedgif #loop #animatedlogo #animation #retro
#Design #Figma #Adobe
Does anyone still remember Macromedia e.g. Freehand
Adobe kauft Figma für 20 Milliarden US-Dollar
Stranger Things
1 min animation video
#art #design #animation #zoom #strangerthings
Ancien wagon de Métro dans une partie de l'École de Polytechnique...
© Réjean Leroux 2022
17 Août — #mywork, #myphoto, #photo, #photographie, #photography, #foto #amateur, #couleur, #gimp, #Montreal, #Montréal, #UdeM, #design, #architecture, #concept