

The untold story of the world’s biggest #nuclear #bomb

Source: https://thebulletin.org/2021/11/the-untold-story-of-the-worlds-biggest-nuclear-bomb/

Designed to have a maximum explosive yield of 100 million tons (or 100 megatons) of #TNT equivalent, the 60,000-pound monster bomb was detonated at only half its strength. Still, at 50 megatons, it was more than 3,300 times as powerful as the atomic bomb that killed at least 70,000 people in #Hiroshima, and more than 40 times as powerful as the largest nuclear bomb in the US arsenal today. Its single test represents about one tenth of the total yield of all nuclear weapons ever tested by all nations.

#history #coldwar #usa #Military #explosion #weapon #sundail #project #science #apocalypse #endoftheworld #doomsday


Einmal mehr ist es so weit: Ich bringe einen Text aus meinem kleinen Rotzeblögchen in der dort gepflegten Orthografie und Rotzigkeit, ohne Rücksicht auf die heißen Tränen der Deutschleerer und Dudenfreunde. Wer allergisch auf rotzige Sprache und kreative Schreibweisen reagiert, sollte genau jetzt mit dem Weiterlesen aufhören.

Mist, schon wieder weltuntergang!!1!

Von angesehenen Experten für Künstliche Intelligenz kommt eine neue, eindringliche Warnung vor Gefahren der Technik. „Ohne ausreichende Vorsicht könnten wir unwiederbringlich die Kontrolle über autonome KI-Systeme verlieren“, schreiben die Forscher in einem Text in der neuen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift „Science“. Mögliche KI-Risiken seien Cyberattacken in großem Maßstab, gesellschaftliche Manipulation, allgegenwärtige Überwachung und sogar die „Auslöschung der Menschheit“ […] Den Autoren des Textes in „Science“ machen speziell autonome KI-Systeme Sorgen, die zum Beispiel selbstständig Computer nutzen können, um die ihnen gestellten Ziele zu erreichen. Die Fachleute argumentieren, dass es auch bei Programmen mit guten Absichten unvorhergesehene Nebeneffekte geben könne. Denn so, wie das Training von KI-Software laufe, halte sie sich zwar eng an ihre Spezifikationen – habe aber kein Verständnis dafür, welches Ergebnis dabei herauskommen soll. „Sobald autonome KI-Systeme unerwünschte Ziele verfolgen, könnten wir nicht mehr in der Lage sein, sie unter Kontrolle zu behalten“, heißt es in dem Text […] sei „Software zu entwickeln, die schlauer als Menschen ist, eine von Natur aus gefährliche Unternehmung“, warnte er. Man müsse dringend herausfinden, wie man KI-Systeme kontrollieren könne, „die viel smarter als wir sind“

Inzwischen frage ich mich ja manchmal, ob solche aufrüttelnsollenden warntexte vor der g’ttgleichen allmacht der so genannten „künstlichen intelligenz“ inzwischen auch mithilfe von tschättGPT verfasst werden. Oder vielleicht immer noch althergebracht von der reklameabteilung der klitschen ohne seriöses geschäftsmodell, die davon leben wollen, dass man ihre angelernten neuronalen netzwerke überall verbastelt, um damit unter obszönem stromverbrauch nichtexistente probleme zu lösen. 😁️

Wo die kwalität des erzeugten immer mieser wird; wo man sich nach der guten alten volltextsuche im web zurücksehnt; wo neue, großartige erfolge nicht mehr kommen; wo wahnfug und frömmigkeit gerade dumm genug für überzeugende kommunikazjonsleistungen sind; wo man dummen technik-aberglauben verkaufen will; wo man schon fernerliegende kwellen fürs anlernfutter anzapfen muss, weil mit dem offen verfügbaren stoff nix neues, beeindruckendes mehr gerissen wird… tja, da muss halt die apokalypse her, um aufmerksamkeit zu generieren.

Wie wäre es denn in so einem fall mal mit gutem, altem steckerziehen? Oder ist die menschheit dazu schon zu blöd geworden? „Alexa, wie zieht man einen Stecker aus der Steckdose?“ Oh, da steht ein robocop-terminator vorm rechenzentrum und schießt mit einem schrotmunizjonmaschinengewehr vorwarnungslos alles zu brei, was die stromversorgung bedrohen könnte? Na, den hätte man vielleicht doch nicht bauen sollen, so schlimm waren die raubkopierer, schwarzfahrer und mülltonnenessensdiebe doch auch wieder nicht. Dann eben mit einem elektromagnetischen impuls durch zündung einer atombombe für technisches versagen sorgen? Oh, die ganzen atomböller haben wir bis dahin schon längst den angelernten neuronalen netzwerken übergeben, wegen unserer, wisst schon, sicherheit und zur abschreckung unserer feinde? Na, dann mendelt sich die menschheit eben raus und wird durch maschinen ersetzt. Sind ja auch viel produktiver, diese maschinen. Und viel geiler. Und viel intellenter. Oder durch staatenbildende, emergent intelligente kakerlaken. Die sind zwar nicht ganz so produktiv, aber dafür im gegensatz zum monströs energieverbrennenden rechenzentrum mit simuliertem neuronalem netzwerk sehr genügsam und auch unter widrigen umständen anpassungsfähig. Die überstehen sogar einen globalen atomkrieg und das fimbulvetr des nuklearen winters. Denen zieht keiner so leicht den stecker!

Wir menschen hingegen, wir sind zusammen mit unserer gesamten, das leben erst einigermaßen erträglich machenden zivilisazjon darauf angewiesen, dass wir schlau bleiben. In „natürliche intelligenz“ wird nur leider gar nix mehr investiert. Weder p’litisch noch wirtschaftlich. Tja, ab in die idiocracy und ins zweite mittelalter! Viel spaß beim anbeten der robotergötzen! Ihr versteht es nicht, es muss ja g’tt sein!

Mit Stable Diffusion erzeugtes Bild eines Roboters

Aber es gibt ja auch beruhigende worte:

[…] für solche Dringlichkeit müssten sich zunächst auch nur andeutungsweise Systeme abzeichnen, „die schlauer als eine Hauskatze sind“

Ehrlich gesagt, ich finde diese menschen viel beunruhigender, die nicht deutlich und sofort erkennbar schlauer als eine hauskatze sind. Einige dieser menschen sind nicht einmal deutlich erkennbar schlauer als eine kakerlake und haben hier trotzdem ganz schön karrjere gemacht. Gruselig, sowas!

Auch weiterhin viel spaß mit den angelernten neuronalen netzwerken, die von jornalisten, p’litikern und anderen nixblickern — also von leuten, die euch nicht einmal ruckelfrei erklären könnten, was ein algoritmus ist — regelmäßig mit dem reklamewort „künstliche intelligenz“ bezeichnet werden, damit ihr alle in hl. ehrfurcht davor erstarrt und auf der stelle dumm wie die pfosten werdet! Denn dass dumm gut kauft, ist allerorten wohlbekannt, wo man von der reklame lebt und/oder p’litisch bis in den kern korrupt ist. Nicht daten sind der rohstoff des 21. jahrhunderts, dummheit ists.

#Blah #Doomsday #Heise #KünstlicheIntelligenz #KI


#evil #monster Bill Gates, WEF Wants Humans To Be CHIPPED, Creepy Patents PROVE #Doomsday #Agenda:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BQAwnJ7tlLY

00:13 The World Economic Forum aims to microchip the entire population, linking it to various aspects of life, raising concerns about privacy and control.
00:42 Bill Gates invested in a company developing birth control implant chips, reflecting a potential use of technology for controlling population growth.
00:55 Microsoft was awarded a patent (060606) for a device connecting to the body, collecting biometric data in exchange for access to cryptocurrency, invoking references to biblical prophecy.
01:23 Bill Gates funded a birth control microchip lasting 16 years, with remote control capabilities, sparking concerns about ethical implications and depopulation agendas.
03:28 The discussion delves into the theory that the apparent New World Order agenda presents a manufactured evil, with figures like Trump and Elon Musk positioned as false lights to counteract it.
04:50 Elon Musk's role is discussed in the context of biblical prophecy, with speculation on whether he could be the false prophet creating an image (AI) that the world would worship.
08:33 The influence of cultural narratives, particularly superhero movies, is highlighted in shaping societal values and perspectives, drawing parallels with Elon Musk's persona as portrayed in films.
11:41 The discussion shifts to the potential risks of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with Elon Musk's Neuralink seen as an attempt to integrate humanity with AGI to prevent uncontrollable scenarios.
15:27 The concept of "Deus Ex Machina" is explored in the context of Elon Musk's actions and statements, suggesting a narrative where Musk positions himself as a savior figure in the face of advancing #AI.


enter image description here

"One of the most harrowing episodes in #StarTrek franchise #history!"
The USS #Enterprise encounters the wrecked USS #Constellation and its distraught commodore who's determined to stop the #giant #planet-destroying #robot #ship that killed his crew.

The U.S.S. Constellation and its crew were destroyed by a giant robot ship which consumes planets for fuel, leaving only a guilt-ridden Commodore Decker aboard the crippled ship. Kirk beams over to begin repairs while Decker beams aboard the Enterprise.

After Kirk loses radio contact with the Enterprise, the obsessed Commodore seizes command of the #starship, determined to destroy the planet-killer, even at the cost of Kirk's ship and the entire crew.

"only a #nova could destroy like that"

#STAR-TREK: The #Doomsday #Machine - S02E06


A #Satanic #heresy called #Zionism: #Kabbalah #Freemasonry #Babylon #Doomsday #OrdoAbChao #DavidLivingstone
David #Livingstone #Origins of the Satanic Heresy called Zionism - #Gaza Kabbalah Freemasonry Babylon & Doomsday, Order From Chaos The #Great #Plan of #Secret #Societies

  1. Zionism Star of David https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-three/zionism

The main accomplishment of World War I was to free the land of Palestine from Ottoman control, contributing towards the establishment of the State of Israel, a long-standing objective of the Zionists. World War I was precipitated when the Austro-Hungarian heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The three chief assassins were Gavrilo Princip and two of his friends, who were all members of a nationalist group called the Order of the Black Hand, a secret society that had been founded in 1911 as the Union of Death to fight for Serbian liberation. The seal of the order was a clenched fist holding a skull and crossbones beside a knife, a bomb and a poison bottle.[1] The involvement of the Russians was purportedly exposed when it was discovered that a secret payment of eight thousand rubles had been given to the Black Hand leader by the Russian military attaché in Belgrade. The order had apparently been accompanied by a promise from Tsar Nicholas II, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, that he would support Serbia in the event of war breaking out between Russian and the Austro-Hungarian empire. It was also rumored that representatives of the Black Hand had met with several members of the French Grand Orient at the Hotel St. Jerome in Toulouse in January of that year. One of the topics allegedly discussed was the murder of the emperor Franz Joseph and the archduke Ferdinand.

The Zionist movement was founded by Theodor Herzl—a former member of the German nationalist Burschenschaft (fraternity) Albia—who Anti-Zionist rabbis and other Jewish opponents often compared Herzl disparagingly with Shabbetai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. The Sabbatean influences on the Zionist movement are demonstrated by its rejection of Jewish law, while also adhering to the expectations of the Messiah, whose arrival is expected to initiate the return of all Jews dispersed in the Diaspora to the Promised Land. In “Herzl’s Image and the Messianic Idea,” Arthur Kamczycki explained that, “From the very beginning Zionism opposed the conservative rabbinate and the religious Jewry in general.”[4] According to orthodox interpretation, the restoration of Zion by the Messiah could not be brought about through a human whose actions would be subject to God’s will.[5] Additionally, attempts at estimating the time of the Messiah’s arrival were seen as blasphemy. Herzl, who was aware of this discrepancy, stated that “the orthodoxy should understand that there is no contradiction between God’s will and the Zionist attempt of grabbing the destiny with one’s own hands.”

After World War I, the #British #Government would cede the territory of #Palestine to Zionist colonization, as outlined in the Balfour Declaration, written by Lord Balfour (1848 – 1930) with the assistance of Weizmann to Walter #Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (1868 – 1937), who had inherited the title of baron from his father, Nathan “Natty” Rothschild (1840 – 1915), head of the English branch of the family founded by his father, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Before placing their hopes in Britain, the German Zionists had first turned to #Germany, hoping their German imperialism would provide a protectorate in Palestine for Jewish settlement. Herzl first attempted to recruit Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany (1859 – 1941), to influence Abdul Hamid II (1842 – 1918), a fellow knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, to seriously consider the proposals of the Zionists.

Herzl attempted to meet the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842 – 1918), a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, in order to present his proposition of a Jewish State to him directly. He failed to obtain an audience but did succeed in visiting a number of highly placed individuals, including the Grand Vizier.

Having failed to gain the support of either the Kaiser or the Sultan, Herzl turned to Great Britain in 1900, joining the pro-British Zionist faction that was soon to be led by Chaim Weizmann (1874 – 1952), President of the World Zionist Organization (WZO), who helped draft the Balfour Declaration, and later first President of Israel. Weizmann was a great admirer of Nietzsche, and sent Nietzsche’s books to his wife, adding in a letter that “This was the best and finest thing I can send to you.”[8] At the time, World War I was referred to as “Nietzsche in Action,”


ups and downs of the #Doomsday #Clock for 60 years. I first learned about it as a University of Chicago freshman in 1963, that it was created there in 1947 by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. What a neat metaphor to convey how close humanity is to destroying itself. Designed by painter Martyl Langsdorf, the Clock has become an international symbol of the world’s vulnerability to catastrophe from nuclear weapons, climate change and disruptive technologies.

Every January the Bulletin announces the yearly setting. After 3 years at 100 seconds, the closest in its history, no one following the Clock’s countdown to Midnight was surprised today when it was moved 10 seconds closer to Doomsday. The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board cited the potential US Russian nuclear confrontation over Ukraine as the leading cause for the ominous move forward: “The US government, its NATO allies and Ukraine have a multitude of channels for dialogue; we urge leaders to explore all of them to their fullest ability to turn back the Clock.”


You are the #carbon they want to eliminate:

#Climate #doomsday #predictions have been presented by establishment paid #scientists and activist hysterics for decades, and not a single one of these predictions has ever come true. For example, in the 1970's climate scientists predicted a “new ice age” by the year 2000 and this nonsense scenario was spread widely by the #media. Then they claimed that “acid rain” would kill off life in freshwater lakes in the 1980s; but that never happened. After that, the climate #cult switched over to the #globalwarming narrative, predicting that the ice caps would melt and rising seas would “obliterate nations” by the year 2000. Obviously, this never happened.
In the year 2000, scientists at the Climate Research Unit in Britain stated that snowfall was a “thing of the past” and that the next generation would not know what snow was. In 2008 #NASA scientists argued that the Arctic would be “ice free” by the year 2018. The list goes on and on, and it would be hilarious if the people that made all these faulty predictions were not still influencing government policies, but they are.

The real enemy then is humanity itself.

~ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/climate-change-dictates-are-self-destructive-also-part-bigger-agenda

#Agenda2030 #GlobalWarmingHoax #Hoax #ClimateCult #2022-07