

I'm moving!

My new account is @Isaac Kuo https://diaspora.glasswings.com/people/271f8e20759f013a6dc1448a5b29e257

My art blog is @Isaac Kuo Art Blog https://socialhome.network/u/isaackuo/

please follow both, as my art blog is also my backup account

Also, my Mastodon account is isaackuo@mastodon.social https://mastodon.social/web/@isaackuo - note that diaspora pods can't follow Mastodon, but you can from Friendica, SocialHome, or Hubzilla.

(my old account was here: @Isaac Kuo OLD ACCOUNT )

#newhere #pluspora #SignalFlare #GooglePlus
#gizmo #RetrogamingShorts #PostcardsFromCutty


My current jq project: create a Diaspora post-abstracter

Given the lack of a search utility on Diaspora*, my evolved strategy has been to create an index or curation of posts, generally with a short summary consisting of the title, a brief summary (usually the first paragraph), the date, and the URL.

I'd like to group these by time segment, say, by month, quarter, or year (probably quarter/year).

And as I'm writing this, I'm thinking that it might be handy to indicate some measure of interactions --- comments, reshares, likes, etc.

My tools for developing this would be my Diaspora* profile data extract, and jq, the JSON query tool.

It's possible to do some basic extraction and conversion pretty easily. Going from there to a more polished output is ... more complicated.

A typical original post might look like this, (excluding the subscribed_pods_uris array):

  "entity_type": "status_message",
  "entity_data": {
    "author": "dredmorbius@joindiaspora.com",
    "guid": "cc046b1e71fb043d",
    "created_at": "2012-05-17T19:33:50Z",
    "public": true,
    "text": "Hey everyone, I'm #NewHere. I'm interested in #debian and #linux, among other things. Thanks for the invite, Atanas Entchev!\r\n\r\nYet another G+ refuge.",
    "photos": []

Key points here are:

  • entity_type: Values "status_message" or "reshare".
  • author: This is the user_id of the author, yours truly (in this case in my DiasporaCom incarnation).
  • guid: Can be used to construct a URL in the form of https://<hostname>/posts/<guid>
  • created_at: The original posting date, in UTC ("Zulu" time).
  • public: Status, values true, false. Also apparently missing in a significant number of posts.
  • text: The post text itself.

A reshare looks like:

  "entity_type": "reshare",
  "entity_data": {
    "author": "dredmorbius@joindiaspora.com",
    "guid": "5bfac2041ff20567",
    "created_at": "2013-12-15T12:45:08Z",
    "root_author": "willhill@joindiaspora.com",
    "root_guid": "53e457fd80e73bca"

Again, excluding the .subscribed_pods_uris. In most cases, reshares are of less interest than direc posts.

Interestingly, I've a pretty even split between posts and reshares (52% status_message, that is, post).

My theory in creating an abstract is:

  • Automation is good.
  • It's easier to peel stuff off an automatically-created abstract than to add bits back in manually.
  • The compilation should contain only public posts and exclude reshares.


  • It's relatively easy to create a basic extract:
jq '.user.posts[].entity_data | .author, .guid, .created_at, text

Adding in selection and formatting logic gets ... more complicated.

Among other factors, jq is a very quirky language.

Desired Output Format

I would like to produce output which renders something like this for any given posts:

Diaspora Tips: Pods, Hashtags & Following

For the many Google Plus refugees showing up on Diaspora and Pluspora, some pointers: ...

https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/a53ac360ae53013611b60218b786018b (2018-10-10 00:45)

What if any options are there for running Federated social networking tools on or through #OpenWRT or related router systems on a single-user or household basis?

I'm trying to coordinate and gather information for #googleplus (and other) users looking to migrate to Fediverse platforms, and I'm aware that OpenWRT, #Turris (I have a #TurrisOmnia), and several other router platforms can run services, mostly #NextCloud that I'm aware. ...

https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/91f54380af58013612800218b786018b (2018-10-11 07:52)

The original posts can of course be viewed at the URLs shown.

What this is doing is:

  • Extracting the first line of the post text itself.
  • Stripping all formatting from it.
  • Bolding the result by surrounding it in ** Markdown.
  • Including the second paragraph, terminating it in an elipsis ....
  • Including a generated URL, based on the GUID, and here parked on Glasswings. (I might also create links to Archive.Today and Archive.Org of the original content.)
  • Including the post date, with time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm resolution.

Including the month and year where those change might also be useful for creating archives.

Specific questions / challenges:

  • How to conditionally export only public posts.
  • How to conditionally export only status_message (that is, original) posts, rather than reshares.
  • How to create lagged "oldYear" and "oldMonth" variables.
  • How to conditionally output content when computed Month and Year values > oldMonth and oldYear respectively. Goal is to create ## .year and ### .month segments in output.
  • How to output up to two paragraphs, where posts may consist of fewer than two separate text lines, and lines may be separated by multiple or only single linefeeds \r\n.
  • Collect and output hashtags used in the post.
  • Include counts of comments, reshares, likes, etc. I'm not even sure this is included in the JSON output.

There might be more, but that's a good start.

And of course, if I have to invoke other tools for part of the formatting, that's an option, though an all-in-jq solution would be handy.

#jq #json #diaspora #scripting #linux



In Christmas colors, red & green. This is a store window in Prague (2005), image retrieved now due to an absinthe discussion!
Re-posting "here" rather than in the comments of a pora* thread, so the image can be easily viewed a bit larger.

Interesting beverages to be found across the planet. Absinthe is not common in the U.S. but (I'm told) can now be imported legally.
Some of the other drinks, not so much (opium or cannabis based, for example, no no's) But absinthe sure is pretty.
(And - I'm told - powerful.)

Prague is one of my favorite cities, and one of the most beautiful cities anywhere. No longer a massive collection on #GooglePlus,

I do have a very large collection online (free, commercial and spyware free), where you can see many images - @ http://www.fenichel.com/prague

#absinthe #alcohol #beverage #Prague #fenfotos #MyPhoto #Czechia #liquor #red #green #travel #photography


In the "whatever happened to dept.", I looked up old Vic's twitter profile

Vic Gundotra led the Google+ effort at Google, and famously left the company in April, 2014. He subsequently had a stint as CEO of AliveCor, a position he left "for personal reasons" in January of 2019.

Vic joined Twitter in 2015. Through his term at AliveCor, the thread was the standard anodyne tech-leader stuff, vaguely but noncommittally leftish politics on occasion, but mostly tecch promotions and occasional photography and light fare.

On 27 October 2019, he reshares a Sean Spicer tweet, and since that time, Gundotra's feed has heavily featured other alt-right and fascist commentators and propaganda. Convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza, discredited disinformation site Zerohedge, seditionist Ted Cruz. Al-tright / white nationalist / Nazi / fascist: Daily Caller, Laura Ingraham, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Andy Ngo. Jim Jordan, Trump War Room, Ben Shapiro, Brad Parscale, Washington Examiner.

True colours, they say.

#VicGundotra #Google #GooglePlus #trumpists #AltRight #WhiteNationalsm #politics


Apparently, #pluspora is getting worse each day. When I sought refuge from #googleplus, Pluspora was a nice haven despite me having a Diaspora account for many years already (I was one of the initial backers). So now it’s time to get my old account working again and migrating my contacts over.

Also, I propose the hashtag #plusporarefugees


An OTM error in "Who Owns the Future?" No, Google did not exit social media in 2014

In an otherwise excellent programme, and her own otherwise insightful commentary, OTM guest Dina Srinivasan incorrectly comments that Google "exited social media" in 2014. This is not true, nor does it reflect Facebook's perceptions at the time by available evidence, though Facebook was very much the dominant online social network by 2014. The assertion mars Srinivasan's analysis.

Reading a prepublication draft of "The Antitrust Case Against Facebook" at SSRN, the claim seems to centre on one of several former Google social networking offerings, Orkut:

By 2014, competitors had exited the market, Google’s competitive offering Orkut shut down,76 and  Facebook’s monopoly was complete ...

(p. 23)

The statement is true as far as it goes: Google social media platform Orkut was shuttered on September 30, 2014. However it was by the time quite marginal, having peak appeal in Brazil, and claiming 66 million users (by unknown qualification) as of 2011.

The problem with Srinivasan's claim is that Orkut was not, and is not, Google's only social media offering. Others include Google Buzz (shuttered October 14, 2011), Google Wave (shuttered August 2010, spun off to the ... now discontinued ... Free Software project Apache Wave), Google+ (launched June 2011, shuttered April 2019), and YouTube (extant). As the public is becoming aware, Google enters, and exits, product niches with some frequency. It's become something of a bitter joke in the tech community. See https://killedbygoogle.com or the tech discussion site Hacker News where new Google product announcements are largely met with collective yawns and the evergreen question "when will Google shut this down?"

As of 2014, Google+ was very much positioned as a Facebook competitor:

Another Try by Google to Take On Facebook by Claire Cain Miller, June 28, 2011

Google has tried several times, without much success, to take on Facebook and master social networking. Now it is making its biggest effort yet.

On Tuesday, Google introduced a social networking service called the Google+ project — which happens to look a lot like Facebook.

And Facebook appears to have taken the threat seriously. From Wired (which also cites Srinivasan extensively):

The most revealing insight comes from the summer of 2011, when the company was gearing up to fend off the threat of Google’s rival platform, Google+. The complaint quotes an email in which Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote, “For the first time, we have real competition and consumers have real choice … we will have to be better to win.” At the time, Facebook had been planning to remove users’ ability to untag themselves in photos. One unnamed executive suggested pumping the brakes. “If ever there was a time to AVOID controversy, it would be when the world is comparing our offerings to G+,” they wrote. Better, they suggested, to save such changes “until the direct competitive comparisons begin to die down.” This is close to a smoking gun: evidence that, as Srinivasan hypothesized, Facebook preserves user privacy when it fears competition and degrades privacy when it doesn’t.

"The Smoking Gun in the Facebook Antitrust Case"
Gilad Edelman, 12.09.2020 07:42 PM

There's also ex-FB exec Antonio García Martínez's 2016 account:

"How Mark Zuckerberg Led Facebook's War to Crush Google Plus" by Antonio García Martínez, June 3, 2016

Google Plus was Google finally taking note of Facebook and confronting the company head-on, rather than via cloak-and-dagger recruitment shenanigans and catty disses at tech conferences. It hit Facebook like a bomb. Zuck took it as an existential threat comparable to the Soviets’ placing nukes in Cuba in 1962. Google Plus was the great enemy’s sally into our own hemisphere, and it gripped Zuck like nothing else. He declared “Lockdown,” the first and only one during my time there. As was duly explained to the more recent employees, Lockdown was a state of war that dated to Facebook’s earliest days, when no one could leave the building while the company confronted some threat, either competitive or technical.

Mind: despite being a very active user, I'll be the first to admit that Google+ had its limitations, including reach and uptake by the public. Google+ could claim a large number of user profiles, literally billions, as through about 2016, every new Gmail or Android user was automatically registered with the service, totaling about 3.5 billion profiles. Google were immensely cagey about just how many of these were actively using the site, offering statistics which were openly scoffed at in the press. I realised that a measurement was in fact possible, and determined that only 9% of users ever posted publicly to the service, and 0.16% (about 4--6 million) had a public post within the preceeding month. This is NOT the industry standard measure of monthly or daily "active users" (MUA, DAU), but does give a strong indication of activity.


(Yes, I am the king of underutilised social media services.)

Independently corroborated (on a 10x larger sample) by online marketing consultancy Stone Temple (now Perficient): https://blogs.perficient.com/2015/04/14/real-numbers-for-the-activity-on-google-plus/

Four million active users ain't nothin'. But it's extraordinarily small stakes in the online world, where mainstream services boast user counts in the hundreds of millions to billions (430m MAU for Reddit, 2 billion at YouTube, 186 million Twitter, 2.4 billion Facebook), with some 3.4 billion users worldwide. Even allowing for lurkers, Google+ active users were likely in the 10--100m range maximum.

Arguably the largest current Google social media offering, however, is YouTube, claiming 2 billion MUA in 2019, and the second most visited website worldwide overall, following Google Web Search. Facebook is number 6, and spots 3--5 are all Chinese.

Adapted from an email to OTM regarding the error.

#OnTheMedia #DinaSrinivasan #SocialMedia #Google #GooglePlus #SocialMedia #Monopoly


MeWe: A trip report

The alt-right darling moderation-free online site #MeWe is back in the news, along with neonazi Gab and #RebekahMercer funded Parler, it's emerged as a Facebook/Twitter alternative, again.

I'd done an exploration of the site two years ago as #GooglePlus was shutting down


Among other highlights:


  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web.
  • Cullen Hoback: Director, Terms and Conditions May Apply.
  • Sherry Turkle: Professor, MIT; author Alone Together.


Partial category listing, top-listed groups within each.
(Members in parenthesis)

  • Activism: QAnon+++ (2,572), PATRIOT PREPPERS USA (2,430), Deplorables Republic (2,48), The War Drummer (1,898), Patriots for a United America. (1894), Anonymous (1,700).

  • Education: Q-Anon Patriots (1,616), InfoWars.com (1,217), Constitutional Liberty for All (907), Prepping, Homesteads skills and Community (887), Shamanic Community (756), Truther Talk (665).

  • Fraternities: Freemasonry (1072), Brotherhood of the Blade (313), Proud Boys Canada (74).

  • History: 9/11, False Flags, & NWO Truth (1,872), The American Cowboy (1,065), "This Day in History" by Tara Ross (590).

  • News: Judge Jeanine Pirro has Fans (7,808), Qanon News (3,466), Unfiltered News (2,913).

  • Politics: Donald J. Trump 2016 - Present (11,486), The Conservative's Hangout (8,345), Qanon Follow The White Rabbit (5,600), Drain The Swamp (4,978), Libertarians (4,528), United We Stand Trump2020 (4,216).

  • Recreation: Everything Reloading (3,252), Redeye Reloading (1,980), Fishing (1,549).

  • Self-Directed Learning: @ Exposing the Matrix of Lies (997), WAKE THE FUCK UP (474), Wake the Fuck Up. The Next Dimension (287). WTFU when SHTF (126).

  • Social Change: Armed with Truth and Knowledge (1,986), VEGANS UNITE (766), ACTIVISM universal headlines ~❉~ (729), Meet Earth's Cosmic Neighbors (MECN) (663).

This is only a partial sampling.


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #communication, #cyberpsychology, #photography, and #psychology. Thanks for the invite, @Tursiops!

Thanks, @Tursiops, for the invite and your active role in keeping things smooth.
I've been "Federated" since just before the demise of #googleplus /#gplus
So I guess I might tag #gplusrefugee . But I've settled into pora* via pluspora, and have many acquaintances now across pods/instancies/geography.

So this is my effort to stay both on and off the grid, should my existing pora* instance go down, as it sometimes does. I hope to "cross-connect" with others already in my aspects, and have another way to stay connected across the Fediverse. (I'm on Flickr for photography as well.)

Enough. Hi. Happy to be "here". #StaySafe (my preoccupation, here in NYC, since around March)


#googleplus #pregunta #question #googleplus
Hi! I see that Pluspora is a pod located in Spain,when very few G+ users were Spanish. Who and why they did decide this? just curious.

Hola! veo que Pluspora es un pod localizado en España, cuando Google+ apenas tenía usuarios en España ¿alguien porqué y quien eligió este país como pod? es solo curiosidad


And that’s really it for Google+

... To complicate matters, Google kept Google+ around, even after the launch of Currents, but in an email to G Suite admins, it has now announced that Google+ for G Suite will close its doors on July 6, after which there will be no way to opt out of Currents or revert back to Google+.

And with that, Google has driven the final nail into Google+’s coffin. The Google+ mobile apps will be automatically updated to Currents. All existing links to Google+ will redirect to Currents.

Going forward, Google+ will only live on as a hazy memory, filled with circles of friends, all of which were forced to use their real name (at least at the beginning), +1 buttons everywhere, sparks and the promise of fun games, ripples and more. ....


#GooglePlus #Plexodus


Slightly OT: if you are in it for the long run, why it makes sense for users to bet on open-source and open-standards:

Because in the long run, proprietary, closed-source solutions tend to become evolutionary dead-ends.

Which might also be one of the reasons for having a serious look at the open-source social-media platforms (e.g. https://fediverse.party/). They may not look as hip and evolve as fast as their proprietary commercial competitors, but might still be around in a decade or so.

#gplusarchive #repost #bot #googleplus

Originally posted on Google+ on Wed Jan 02, 2019 (Google+ Mass Migration)
