

"When we navigate in a new environment, we are required to pay attention to our surroundings and to update our position using our own internal navigation system in order to reach our destination. Using GPS removes these requirements and renders navigation less cognitively demanding. In fact, people who travel along given routes using GPS gain less knowledge about those routes compared to people who travel the same routes without an aid, using a map, or after being guided by an experimenter. However, no studies have looked at whether GPS use has long-term effects on our internal navigation system, when we are required to find our way without a navigation aid."

"When we navigate without GPS in a new environment, there are two navigation strategies that we can use that depend on separate brain systems. One is the spatial memory strategy and involves learning the relative positions of landmarks and serves to form a cognitive map of the environment. This strategy critically relies on the hippocampus, a brain region heavily involved in episodic memory and relational memory. The other strategy is the stimulus-response strategy and involves learning a sequence of motor responses (e.g., turn left) from specific positions (e.g., next corner). Stimulus-response learning critically relies on the caudate nucleus, a brain region also responsible for habit learning (e.g., learning how to ride a bicycle). This strategy leads to more rigid behavior and allows us to navigate on 'auto-pilot' on routes that we travel frequently."

"Using GPS involves following step-by-step sensorimotor instructions, which is similar to learning stimulus-response associations (e.g., turn right at the next intersection, turn left in 500 m). In a cross-sectional study, we sought to determine whether individuals with greater GPS habits rely more on stimulus-response strategies and less on spatial memory strategies when they are required to navigate without GPS, and whether they have poorer cognitive mapping abilities and landmark encoding."

"There was no significant correlation between lifetime GPS experience and subjective sense-of-direction scores. Thus, it does not appear that participants who used GPS for more hours did so as a result of a subjectively poor sense of direction."

"We found a significant negative correlation between lifetime GPS experience (in hours) and performance on the first probe trial of the concurrent spatial discrimination learning task, and a marginally significant negative correlation with performance on both probe trials combined, indicating that people with more lifetime GPS experience use hippocampus-dependent spatial memory strategies to a lesser extent."

"With regards to GPS reliance, there was a significant negative correlation with both probe trials combined, which indicates that as GPS reliance increases, spatial memory strategy use decreases." "In terms of sense of GPS dependence, there was a significant positive correlation between sense of GPS dependence scores and the second probe trial of the concurrent spatial discrimination learning task. This indicates that those who feel more dependent on their GPS have a lower ability to learn from their mistakes in the first probe trial, regardless of their subjective sense of direction. There was also a significant correlation with both probe trials combined, indicating a lower use of spatial memory strategies in those who feel more dependent on their GPS."

"We also examined the question of whether perceived spatial abilities are related to actual navigational performance on the concurrent spatial discrimination learning task. Subjective sense-of-direction scores were significantly related to faster learning, and, surprisingly, to lower performance on the second probe trial, and on both trials combined."

On the 4-on-8 virtual maze, "We found a significant negative correlation between lifetime GPS experience and navigation strategy scores. This indicates that individuals with more lifetime GPS experience use hippocampus-dependent spatial memory strategies to a lesser extent, concordant with the concurrent spatial discrimination learning task probe results. People with greater lifetime GPS experience also had more difficulty forming a cognitive map, as evidenced by a significant negative correlation between lifetime GPS experience and map drawing scores. This can at least in part be explained by the fact that people with more lifetime GPS experience encoded fewer landmarks, as there were significant negative correlations between lifetime GPS experience and the average number of landmarks used while solving the task, as well as the number of landmarks they noticed in the environment."

Habitual use of GPS negatively impacts spatial memory during self-guided navigation

#neuroscience #solidstatelife #gps


Here we Go

In my further attempt to de-google-fy I was searching for a good GPS app alternative.
I previously used OsmAnd, but it sent me to strange locations. Feel free to comment, if you think this is a good app for you.
It is free software/opensource, so I do think it is preferably when it does work.

So I was looking around and found Here we Go. It is not free software/opensource, was first develloped by Nokia, it is European and should be privacy friendly according to a privacy report I found (from 2018). It also mentions Diaspora and Signal as being privacy friendly, so that is some reference.
It has offline maps, traffic updates and a nice interface.

Feel free to comment on what you think or if you tested it as well.

Here we Go - official site
Here we Go on Wikipedia
Privacy report on several programs

OsmAnd official site

#gps #app #floss #foss #opensource #osm #herewego #google #waze #googlemaps


Garmin Instinct 2 Solar https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/775697/pn/010-02627-10

Just ordered this cool piece of technology! Solar smartwatch for unlimited power from the Sun! Since I work outside I may never have to charge it with USB. Got a used Instinct since December, and love it so much I want the newest version. Many more exercise metrics with the Instinct 2 that the Instinct doesn't have. Looking forward to years of enjoyment from it!

enter image description here

Tags: #dandelíon #garmin #instinct #technology #smartwatch #gps #exercise #athlete

via dandelion* client (Source)


Auch bei den zivilgesellschaftlichen Drohnen tut sich was!

🛩️ Testflüge mit Elly und Maggy: reibungslose Starts und sanfte Landungen!

🛰️ Ziel war es, das für das selbstständige Fliegen so wichtige #GPS auf Zuverlässigkeit zu testen.

via @srchwng




#Security Breach in #Strava Exercise #App Used to #Spy on Israeli Officials, Reveals #Army Bases

source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-21/ty-article/.premium/mossad-hq-and-army-sites-exercise-app-reveals-israeli-bases-officials/00000181-82c3-ddb4-a3ab-d2df702c0000

The #exploit in the app Strava, which was revealed by the Israeli open source investigative group FakeReporter, also exposed the locations of a number of highly sensitive sites in #Israel, including the precise location of army and air force bases, #Mossad headquarters and Military #Intelligence bases.

#fail #privacy #gps #sports #tracking #cloud #technology #online #news #surveillance


23.06.2022 Elektronische Kriegsführung steht "unentschieden"

Kampf um die Hoheit der Funkwellen

So überschreibt die nzz einen Bericht über den Stand der elekronischen Kriegsführung über der Ukraine. Wir hatten im März auch schon mal über die Cyberangriffe am Morgen des 24.2. auf die KA-Sat Satelliten der US-amerikanischen Firma Viasat berichtet. Auch bei Spekulationen, warum das ukrainische Mobilfunknetz noch immer funktioniert, waren wir beteiligt (Internet robuster als gedacht).

In dem Artikel der nzz wird einerseits bestätigt, dass das ukrainische Mobilfunknetz weiterhin von russischen Soldaten "privat" und auch "dienstlich" weiterhin genutzt wird, weil "es angenehmer ist als die rauschenden Funkgeräte". Andererseits wird auch berichtet, dass ukrainische Soldaten teilweise "auf Feldtelefone aus den 1950er Jahren zurückgreifen, die über Kabel verbunden sind und daher nicht blockiert werden können".

Inzwischen geht von beiden Seiten ein intensiver Kampf um die Hoheit über die Funkwellen aus, denn Raketenwerfer und Artilleriegeschütze sind auf funktionierende Feuerleitradare angewiesen, und Drohnen können ohne GPS- und Funkverbindung nicht fliegen.

Deshalb hatten die Russen auf ihrem Vormarsch auf Kiew auch (mindestens ein) Krasucha-4 System dabei, welches in einem großen Gebiet den (gegnerischen) Funkverkehr lahmlegen kann. Der LKW mit dem Gerät war im Morast stecken geblieben und wurde an die USA zu Analyse übergeben. Im Donbass kann die russische Armee diese Geräte jetzt stationärer und für sich sicherer hinter der sich nur wenig bewegenden Frontlinie einsetzen.

Ein ukrainischer Geheimdienstvertreter sagte kürzlich gegenüber AP, die Russen störten die ukrainische Aufklärung und Kommunikation massiv, denn ohne Funkverbindungen und GPS Informationen fliegen weder Drohnen noch findet die Artillerie ein Ziel.

Die Welt war aber auch ohne Funkverkehr im 18. Jahrhundert nicht friedlicher ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/international/der-elektronische-krieg-in-der-ukraine-unsichtbar-aber-wichtig-ld.1688611
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3oc
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8058-20220623-elektronische-kriegsfuehrung-steht-unentschieden.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8058-20220623-elektronische-kriegsfuehrung-steht-unentschieden.htm
Tags: #Ukraine #Russland #Radaranlagen #Störsender #GPS #Satelliten #Feldtelefon #Mobilfunk #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln