



00:00 Introduction : Une #colonisation à marche forcée
04:48 L'écologie : justification ultime ? (spoiler : non)
08:55 La #vie des #riverains compte !
14:29 #Rappel : les piètres #performances de l' #éolien
16:50 Éolien : l'aveuglement #idéologique, et au delà ?
20:08 L' #Allemagne et les bases de la #realpolitik
22:58 Le #fiasco absolu de la #transition énergétique allemande
27:03 L'Allemagne contre la puissance #française
29:34 L' #UE, champ de #bataille énergétique
32:24 Le #travail de #sape idéologique des fondations allemandes
41:24 Quand l'Allemagne et #Blackrock infiltrent nos #ministères
45:23 Comment la Finance a fait main basse sur notre #électricité
51:21 Complicités au sommet de l' #État
56:59 Des #lois au #service des #promoteurs
1:01:52 Quand nos #impôts financent la #destruction des #campagnes
1:09:36 Les #campagnes #françaises : un nouveau #far-west
1:13:26 Derrière le #mythe de la #start-up
1:19:10 La #misère en milieu #rural : une #aubaine pour les promoteurs
1:23:53 #Location des #terrains : une pratique qui interroge
1:28:02 Les #élus #locaux pris au #piège
1:31:44 #Dissimulation et #propagande
1:35:54 Études d'impact falsifiées : une pratique courante
1:42:54 Le pot de terre contre le pot de fer
1:46:43 La #démocratie bafouée, la #population méprisée
1:52:31 La #corruption : un exemple concret
1:56:01 Une #colère qui monte...
1:58:03 Les élus locaux : le dernier rempart ?
2:01:21 Des #victoires qui en appellent d'autres
2:07:09 Ouverture : le secteur éolien face à son inéluctable effondrement
2:09:48 Remerciements et #soutien à la chaîne

#info #politique #macron #écologie #finance


Long-ago buddy of mine, jfrom music daze; he just tickled me with this, from 10 years ago.

In focus: photographer turns location scout

We were good friends in the 80's/music daze, me into sound/recording, him music/photography. Hadn't seen this before...

Maybe interesting. Great photographer. We used to have big discussions about filters, etc. He shot (w/camera) many legendary celebs & bands, then headed off to the North Country and began doing scouting/location work, as well as landscape photography.

#photographer #BillyBrehm #photography #location #LocationScout


What's going on is they are gaming the #location feature. #Streaming platforms allow users to search locally- wealthier neighborhoods mean much higher #donations because of the perceived availability of the streamer. Also we just like groups and company- and they co-lab😁

Source: https://nitter.it/RealSexyCyborg/status/1624417614385778688

Can someone teach these Chinese #girls how to #fake the location or setup a #vpn for them?

#china #public #money #donation #job #internet #online #stream #profit #technology


Je découvre https://www.visale.fr qui propose de se porter garant gratuitement pour que les gens de moins de 30 ans puissent devenir locataires. Est-ce que vous connaissez ? Un retour d'expérience, en tant que locataire ou en tant que bailleur ?

#logement #location


How #Tinder became a #weapon in the #Russia -#Ukraine #war 🇷🇺 🇺🇦

Source: https://www.huckmag.com/perspectives/how-tinder-became-a-weapon-in-the-russia-ukraine-war/

Since Tinder shows how far away you are from a match, Sara realised that by creating two fake Tinder accounts and setting the locations to two different areas near the border, she could triangulate the exact locations of her matches. She has so far tipped off the Ukrainian authorities with the details of more than seventy Tinder accounts via an email and Telegram account set up by the Ukrainians to gather information. She has not been told by the Ukrainian authorities how or if the information she’s passed on has been used.

#internet #app #news #military #spy #soldiers #location #smartphone #hack #security


A 19-year-old built a flight-tracking #Twitter #bot. Elon #Musk tried to pay him to stop.

source: https://www.protocol.com/elon-musk-flight-tracker

The #conversation continued for a few more messages. Musk asked Sweeney how much he made off the Twitter accounts, which Sweeney said was no more than $20 a month. Then Elon Musk made his own offer: $5,000 to delete the #account and help the billionaire keep “crazy people” from #tracking his #location.

I'm not telling you this so you know how to blackmail Elon.
I think it would be more appropriate to welcome the rich at the airport with signs that they produce the most #emissions and are therefore a #problem for the #future of the #planet.

enter image description here

#environment #humanity #warming #flight #news #information #fff


Life360 Says It Will Stop Selling Precise Location Data: Nice Of Them, But Shows The Value Of Your Location Data

In December, The Markup revealed that Life360 was one of the largest sources of raw location data for the industry. Its customers included X-Mode, a location data broker that sold data to U.S. military contractors; SafeGraph, a company that Sen. Ron Wyden has flagged as a “data broker of concern”; and Cuebiq, one of the largest location data brokers in the industry. It needed for them to be publicly shamed before this change was made. No-one pays this amount of money for data without having some really good use for it.

In 2020, location data sales made up nearly 20 percent of Life360’s revenue, netting the company $16 million, according to its financial records. It made an additional $6 million through its deal with Arity, a “mobility data and analytics” firm owned by Allstate, which is disclosed as a data partner in Life360’s privacy policy.

I’ll bet that many large-scale free services fund their services through some or other sale of their user data.

See https://themarkup.org/privacy/2022/01/27/life360-says-it-will-stop-selling-precise-location-data

#technology #privacy #location
#Blog, ##location, ##privacy, ##technology


The Popular #Family Safety #App #Life360 Is Selling Precise #Location #Data on Its Tens of Millions of Users

source: https://themarkup.org/privacy/2021/12/06/the-popular-family-safety-app-life360-is-selling-precise-location-data-on-its-tens-of-millions-of-user

The Life360 CEO said that the company implemented a policy to prohibit the selling or marketing of Life360’s data to any government agencies to be used for a law enforcement purpose in 2020, though the company has been selling data since at least 2016.

#security #privacy #economy #software #news #problem #bigdata