One person like that
This means you can use #bacteria to determine whether someone has just been to the beach, got off the train in the city centre or taken a walk in the woods. This opens up new possibilities within #medicine, #epidemiology and #forensics.
#police #surveillance #location #technology #privacy #news #future
#technology #google #internet #gps #find #news #search #streetview
#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fedibikes #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee #Meer #mehrMeer #Strand
Scheint so.
Frühstück am überlaufenen Strand im #Sonnenschein. Das ist schon prima und so ein #Rosienenbrötchen bei dieser #Location ist allemal leckerer, wie das beste #Allyoucaneat mit hunderten von #Menschen in irgend einem #Hotel (-:
Kommt gut durch den #Donnerstag.
Every 15 minutes, #GooglePixel 9 Pro XL sends a data packet to Google. The device shares #location, email address, phone number, #network status, and other #telemetry. Even more concerning, the phone periodically attempts to download and run new code, potentially opening up #security risks...
#tracking #fail #bigbrother #orwell #economy #online #Problem #news #Smartphone #android #bigdata #datacow
Location, location, location
38 sec video w/sound
#bottle of #water #location #video
Perhaps you’re trying out an app that searches for nearby stores or restaurants in another city, wanting to access services that are only available within a specific country or region, or playing a location-based game. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s useful to be somewhere else as far as your smartphone is concerned. The good news is that with the right tools, it’s not difficult to spoof your GPS location.
But of course that process is a LOT easier when using an Android phone.
It’s important to keep in mind that this process isn’t foolproof, and can have unintended side effects. For example, while you’re running an app that fakes your GPS location, it will affect built-in services like Find My iPhone and Find My Android because the location of any nearby AirTags will be misreported, and your phone will possibly even supply an incorrect location to emergency services like 911.
#Blog, #location, #technology
Microsoft: I insist I have no knowledge of your location.
Microsoft: The weather in Parkville, Maryland where you are is sunny and 35 degrees.
00:00 Introduction : Une #colonisation à marche forcée
04:48 L'écologie : justification ultime ? (spoiler : non)
08:55 La #vie des #riverains compte !
14:29 #Rappel : les piètres #performances de l' #éolien
16:50 Éolien : l'aveuglement #idéologique, et au delà ?
20:08 L' #Allemagne et les bases de la #realpolitik
22:58 Le #fiasco absolu de la #transition énergétique allemande
27:03 L'Allemagne contre la puissance #française
29:34 L' #UE, champ de #bataille énergétique
32:24 Le #travail de #sape idéologique des fondations allemandes
41:24 Quand l'Allemagne et #Blackrock infiltrent nos #ministères
45:23 Comment la Finance a fait main basse sur notre #électricité
51:21 Complicités au sommet de l' #État
56:59 Des #lois au #service des #promoteurs
1:01:52 Quand nos #impôts financent la #destruction des #campagnes
1:09:36 Les #campagnes #françaises : un nouveau #far-west
1:13:26 Derrière le #mythe de la #start-up
1:19:10 La #misère en milieu #rural : une #aubaine pour les promoteurs
1:23:53 #Location des #terrains : une pratique qui interroge
1:28:02 Les #élus #locaux pris au #piège
1:31:44 #Dissimulation et #propagande
1:35:54 Études d'impact falsifiées : une pratique courante
1:42:54 Le pot de terre contre le pot de fer
1:46:43 La #démocratie bafouée, la #population méprisée
1:52:31 La #corruption : un exemple concret
1:56:01 Une #colère qui monte...
1:58:03 Les élus locaux : le dernier rempart ?
2:01:21 Des #victoires qui en appellent d'autres
2:07:09 Ouverture : le secteur éolien face à son inéluctable effondrement
2:09:48 Remerciements et #soutien à la chaîne
#info #politique #macron #écologie #finance
Long-ago buddy of mine, jfrom music daze; he just tickled me with this, from 10 years ago.
We were good friends in the 80's/music daze, me into sound/recording, him music/photography. Hadn't seen this before...
Maybe interesting. Great photographer. We used to have big discussions about filters, etc. He shot (w/camera) many legendary celebs & bands, then headed off to the North Country and began doing scouting/location work, as well as landscape photography.
#photographer #BillyBrehm #photography #location #LocationScout
CheckNews - Le #gouvernement a-t-il autorisé la #location de #logements ayant une hauteur sous #plafond de 1,80 m ?
Réponse : oui.
Pendant ce temps :
En #Île-de-France, près de 400 000 logements sont #vacants
2021 :
Et :
330 000 sans #domicile fixe en #France, chiffre multiplié par deux en 10 ans
#France #Politique #Macron #Sans-Abri #Sans-Abris #SDF #Capitalisme
What's going on is they are gaming the #location feature. #Streaming platforms allow users to search locally- wealthier neighborhoods mean much higher #donations because of the perceived availability of the streamer. Also we just like groups and company- and they co-lab😁
Can someone teach these Chinese #girls how to #fake the location or setup a #vpn for them?
#china #public #money #donation #job #internet #online #stream #profit #technology