


"Gym" Jordan asked to apply Congressional Standards to Jim Jordan!

Adam Schiff today, responding to #GymJordan (#Jan6 #GQP #sedition VIP) and his efforts to pursue Hunter Biden for contempt, applauded Jordan for recognizing the meaning of contempt, and hopes Jordan will join in with an amended contempt citation by Gym Jordan for #JimJordan - who has been evading a duly-issued Congressional subpoena for over 2 years now.

I hope the link travels (from Tribel), as that's the only place I've seen (yet) with this "breaking news" video. So nice to see #truth !!


Just in... (nee "BREAKING!", so overused given its nonstop looping, that it broke)

SCOTUS unrobed

SCOTUS will hear the case of COLO's intent to block Lord StableGenius from being on their State ballot due to the crystal-clear mandate of the 14th Amendment

However... they are "Supreme" and may have some #GQP -infused ideas about COLO's 'standing' or action based on the USC.

Click on the link to see the article. Sorry, pora* is not delivering a thumbnail link for this (so I chose another, appropriate graphic)

#TrumpVirus #justice #truth #accountability #SCOTUS #14thAmendment #COLO #ballot #corruption


Just this.... Happy New Year! New actual news - about the 'rigged' #GQP SCOTUS, vs. #Justice, #democracy, & We The People
The live report I just saw isn't live yet online, but my the short description below fleshes it out a bit, and here's the headline:

House Democrats urge Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from Trump Colorado ballot case

The former president has asked the Supreme Court to overturn a ruling in Colorado that he is ineligible to appear on the state primary ballot because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

But but...

A group of House Democrats, led by Rep. Hank Johnson, of Georgia, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee’s courts subcommittee, demanded that Thomas recuse himself from the case in a letter dated Thursday.

“This time, we must urge you to recuse yourself from any involvement in the case of Anderson v. Griswold, because your impartiality is reasonably questioned by substantial numbers of fair-minded members of the public, who believe you wife Virginia ('Ginni') Thomas’s substantial involvement in the events leading up to the January 6 insurrection, and the financial incentive it presents for your household if President Trump is re-elected, are disqualifying,” the lawmakers wrote.

Former lead impeachment lawyer, now Congressman, Dan Goldman... has, with colleagues sent a concise and profoundly clear letter from Congress - stating the obvious: Ginni Thomas not only participated in, but promoted and fund-raised for the #Jan6 insurrection, "insurrection" as clearly defined in both dictionary and history, as well as two recent court decisions.

Thin-sliced: Having a justice in effect ruling on his wife's behavior and what that was, and meant, would be, to be precise, unthinkable. If we live in a sane world and democracy. So, please Clarence, come in off the yacht and look at yourself, if you can.

That last point was just made by Dan Goldman (live, moments ago) on MSNBC, Last Word w/LO'D... If you can see it live/DVR'd on cable or streaming, it's on now/later. It's not up as a snippet online, though I hope it is soon. So clear. So obvious. So difficult to imagine a respectable and rational reply.

This was real. And an inconvenient #truth for the hubby of a #seditionist and tool of #TrumpVirus


Ya think? Seems to me he only has two speeds. It's all relative...

'Rattled' Trump publicly showing signs 'he's becoming even more unhinged': MSNBC host

Is it even possible to be more 'unhinged' than his usual?

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology has long been next level. Sadly, he projects it outward & his #GQP #cult of alternate-reality believers breathes it in, then spits it out. With help from the #GQP / #Fox et al #disinformation networks. Equally 'unhinged', with followers.


"A.community of cruelty" is what the #GQP and its #cult of #TrumpVirus and hate has become.... late of "Christianity".
As discussed by The Politics Girl and Pastor John Pavlovitz, on the day after Christmas.

Stop Agreeing to Disagree: A Conversation with Pastor John Pavlovitz

Mostly about memories of growing up within the church, not as dogma, but as immersion in the words and teachings of Christ, from which the name of the religion is derived. And becoming estranged, not from the teachings, but from the "organized" aspects over time, and the trending away from the concepts like compassion and generosity into the use of "generic" allusions to God and religion, as messaging tools for mega-churches and a once-political party merging with "evangelicals" who embrace division and hate.

Anyway, it's nearly an hour, but just the first few minutes and the comments will give a sense... stay for the show if it engages.

#Christmas #Christianity #coopting #GQP #cult #faith #morality #hypocrisy #religion


... And thus goes the #SCOTUS endorsement of #GQP / #TrumpVirus #sedition

Supreme Court rejects Jack Smith’s plea to hear Trump immunity case

"The Supreme Court has declined to take up an expedited review of former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity from the 2020 federal election interference case, reported The New York Times on Friday — a loss for special counsel Jack Smith, who had urged them to take up the case and …"

And so?

Reposting (from earlier private post) - which may recycle as pora* privates are wont to do.

Kenny commented "Damn"

My comment was/is:

Well at least they didn’t block the trial date from proceeding.
Best case I can see off-hand now would be SCOTUS affirming COLO or not touching it, and that setting in motion other states doing the same, but meanwhile off the ballot(s) in COLO.
And what would happen if, say, it does go to court but meanwhile all along the way there are appeals based on immunity? Or if it gets to trial without it being resolved… put on hold (“until after the election”?) until it gets put before SCOTUS again?
This is fresh news, so I’ve not heard all the experts (Weissman, Katyal, Tribe et al) have a go on “what this may mean” yet, but I"m sure the news cycles tonight, both nightly and “week in review” are going to delve into this. SMH… ho ho ho

#sedition #Jan6 #justice #truth #accountablity