

"Nobody knows insane asylums better than me!" - #GQP / #TrumpVirus & #cult

The Huffington Post reported that the former president was criticizing what he described as open border policies, claiming that people were coming to the U.S. from “insane asylums.” And then he brought up the 1991 film “The Silence of the Lambs,” which set him off on this rant in which he mixed up the character Hannibal Lecter and the actor Anthony Hopkins, who won the Best Actor Oscar for playing the psychiatrist who likes to eat people with some fava beans and a nice chianti. - Daily Kos


Meanwhile, in the merry old #GQP cult of nihilism, division, and (pardoned-now) Bannon's strategic plan for Trumperica....

Shouldn't #GymJordan be disqualified from... anything? - for his level of idiocy today, saying he'd defund Ukraine assistance because "nobody can tell me the objective". Ehhhh?! What is the goal of helping Ukraine survive aggression and threat to its survival? He has no idea?!

1) Can you define "democracy"? Or Russian aggression?

2) He seems not speak to any sane ('woke') people!

3) #Jan6 #sedition ?? Hey, didn't he ignore a Congressional subpoena - and continue breaking the law by not complying some 500+ days later - after his clear role in the both the insurrection & his still-ongoing obstruction and evasion of #truth ? And #law, and #karma, and #accountability.

As Bannon pushes to resume from there, re-installing #TrumpVirus as #cult savior ~"just until we can figure things out". He's pardoned.
What's the excuse in #media for legitimizing and even pushing his latest narrative for his plan for the United States of #Trump? Danger! Danger!

#MakeAmericaSane - ish Again


Stephen Colbert Recaps A Crazy Summer, Part 2: Travis & Taylor’s Couple Name, Trump’s Fantasy World

Context - 15 weeks of a Writers' strike has ended, a good and fair agreement (AI, etc.) and everybody is happy to be back writing and performing topical #comedy / #truth on late-night television shows, #StephenColbert here is one of our finest talents. And he is 'woke'!

So.... has anything happened in the U.S. and worlld since the spring? (autumn if you're in Oz)....

#Colbert #LateShow #LateNite #Comedy #CurrentEvents #WritersStrike #TrumpVirus #GQP #indictments #treason


One more...
Another find from among the "old guard" (sane crowd) of Xitter...
So you don't have to. :))

This is real. This is America. Free Speech as Exercised by a former 'President'!

This is the depth of deviltry, #psychopathology, lewdness, any & all of it which now is spoken out loud by #TrumpVirus
This is #GQP / #TrumpVirus and now (truly) X-rated "Presidential" speech....

Oh yes, Sir.... "All the best words"

#media #profanity #freespeech #obscenity#Presidential #psychopathology - And TEXTBOOK #PROJECTION !!


Daily #Truth

Lord #TrumpVirus absolutely is the master of the #grift.
Nobody's as terrific as he is, at both bragging of his wealth, and scamming his devout followers to dig deep in their pockets to bail him out of his legal costs for so many crimes...

Dear #MAGA #cult (or "believers" to be kind) -

Don't listen to libs or media, but look at your wallets and the things Sir StableGenius had done - TO you!

"You've been played".

Yes, be angry... but at HIM!
#ConArtist #Grifter #traitor #GQP


Heh, just tuned in (randomly and briefly) to a slice of the #GQP debate.
Take-away: #DeathSantis looking tough and “attacking Trump”.
Christie - G-d Bless, asked by moderator “Who would you vote off the island?”, (really!), said, Trump! Because of how divisive he is.

Haley smoking… Pence… he needs that fly for any attention to his milquetoast nothing-isms. That is all.


Ufff... While people are watching the #GQP 'debate' or #TrumpVirus 'counter-programming'....
Breaking HUGE news from #Muskville:

BREAKING: Musk Fires Entire 'Election Integrity Team' at X

Elon Musk posted on X tonight that he has just fired the entire 'Election Integrity Team' at X.

This unit was created to identify threats from foreign and domestic sources by "posting or sharing content that may suppress participation, mislead people about when, where, and how to participate in a civic process, or lead to offline violence during an election."

We now head into the critically important 2024 elections with no guard rails on perhaps the most influential platform in American politics. What could go wrong?

Maybe this is one of the reasons why Elon Musk bought Twitter in the first place.


This is surely a situation requiring urgent attention.
Imagine 2016 #disinformation on steroids with #MuskVirus whims and 'ideas' about #truth in his imagined ''public town square".


Another public throw-away thought...

Public because limited posts tend to recycle notifictions! I think I have a fix (just ignore first one seen)...) More on that later.

My profundity of the moment, listening to Maggie Haberman on CNN imagining what tonight's #GQP debaters might inject given the news about #TrumpVirus' crime family being dissolved... She thinks it might be alluded to in vague ways, or exploitied, or...

What I (of all people!) would coach/love the Nor-Trumps in tonight's "debate" for name recognition and sound bites to be;;;
Stand up, someone/anyone and mention the indictments and now multiple findings of gulilt/liability (by NOT "crooked"/rigged juries)
DeSantis is poised to look tough. Wow. He said Trump didn't drain the swamp. Duh! He moved there! And you're the swampmaster!

Here's the thing wannabe GQP candidates, the key to making America a bit truthier:
Just speak #truth about the criminal enterprise that was in the WH before and is just starting to face #truth and #justice.

It may anger some of his base but it may push #TrumpVirus himself over the edge, how to respond, via attack/threat, but most of all, more confession and more clear display of (disqualifying x 10) #psyxhopathology. He may be at the point of melt-down - truly, at last.

As he says, ~ he's not wired like normal human beings, he can (if he chooses) sleep at night.. "No collusion".... "Perfect".... "Smart".

But who's he going to blame and lash at now? The judges who have nothing to do with NYS? Letitia? (most likely)...
Pressure cooker time. As he meets with non-union parts suppliers instead of union members in Michigan, as his "counter programming". 🤢

#debate #MAGA #cult


Sorry to bother anyone w/ this (public) post - trying to limit my limited posts, as they tend to loop back with multiple notices...

So, my weekend persusal of "what's happening in #media / #social media brought me to a lot of buzz/promotion re: "Tribel"
Ever hear of it? Over a million users they say, and formidable non-X feed which has banned Musk for life, FWIW.

Meanwhile, still pondering - speaking of #MuskVirus and the family legacy and ethos reminiscent of #TrumpVirus. (are they brothers from another mother?)....

So here's what a post looks like on Tribel. If it works.

"Interesting" (if not slightly nauseating) story about someone usurping the spirit and copyright, appropriating Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down"

My news/analysis catch of the day: Jen Psaki on MSNBC with Eric Swalwell. A-mazing deep breath of #truth and clarity. -
Thin-slice: Psaki played the clip of Swalwell telling 100% and profoundly clear truth to "power", as in #Gym Jordan. Calling him out for defying a subpoena for nearly 500 days as he (Jordan) snorts and prances around his own subpoenas.

Swalwell identified 3 Key Things Dems need to do, publicly and noticeably, in order to share reality and target the widespread lies being spouted via #GQP #disinformation networks like #Fox, #Newsmax, Guttr, OAN, etc. #Truth - not the "opposite platform" of MAGA-mind.

Oh, and George Santos is defending Menendex for his accepting gold bars and other bribes/gratuities. And McCarthy? (gag)...

Good last bit of weekend &/or new week, New Year, &/or good fast.... As long as I'm speaking "publicly" to maybe 10 people! :))


Here's a refreshing tale of telling #truth to #GQP power.... although some in that cult are just not 'educable', or interested.

Pete Buttigieg just testified before Congress. It did not go well for Republicans

“I don’t know if you can justify or how you justify forcing my constituents to pay for EVs [electric vehicles] and EV infrastructure for coastal elites and wealthy people, but somehow you do,” Rep. Perry told Secretary Buttigieg.
“Well, I need to point out that wealthy people were specifically excluded from the Inflation Reduction Act,” Buttigieg replied.

“I’m not against cutting the cost. The market should do it,” Perry replied. “But you want the government, you want my taxpayers to pay to cut the cost.” Buttigieg then asked about subsidies for the oil and gas companies, which cost the American taxpayer billions of dollars annually.
“If you are of the view that there should be no subsidy to propulsion vehicles, then are you against oil and gas subsidies?” Buttigieg asked.

#truth #reality #energy #transportation #EV #GQP #economics


Bizarre how throwing the country down the toilet can be re-framed by #TrumpVirus as a move to “defend the country”.

As usual his lies & projection are all about him versus his biggest enemies: #truth, #justice, #democracy, & #accountability

Trump Orders GOP to Ensure Government Shutdown

Trump issues dangerous directive to compliant House Republicans

Given that there is no longer any “party platform” other than sworn allegiance to the whims of the would-be dictator… No values or goals, no pledges for the people of American, nothing except… The Boss of the #GQP cult, and his very own crime family.

"When Trump says overthrow American democracy, House Republicans say, ‘Name the date and time.’"

Moments ago, Donald Trump used his social media account to order House Republicans to shut the government down. Republicans appear to be complying.

#Jan6 #emoluments #sedition #treason
