

It must seem so easy to maintain fear and power by having fake enemies everywhere... but now, enemies within?
Define your terms and we'd pull through. It's lies, doublespeak, fearmongering and #disinformation - plus ego & pathology.
Ah, the incoming "enemy".... What say you, Pogo?

#TrumpVirus #enemy #EnemyWithin #Fascism #Doublespeak


Meanwhile... I've been drilling down on the Kerfuffle over "Morning Joe" and sidekick house-calling on Sir...

Not privy to what actually went on down in the swamps of Mar-a-lago, nor the context of whose idea it was, the goal, the "fear" or "service" or $$ - (or stay out of jail cards?) justifying the effort, etc. etc....

Right now there are many big discussions - reactions, & reflections - about #MSNBC, &/or its management or individual journalist/reporters - and same for CNN, NBC, Fox, et al - plus the nonstop #disinformation from the bubbles of #Truth #X , and the sacred podcasts of #doublespeak spew from the Ministry of " #Truth ". Plus occasional #BrainSpur - induced #WordSalad" proclamations.

And of course - widening the lens - "the press" writ large is now anticipating the incoming dynasty of Lord #TrumpVirus and his Senators of #insanity and #nihilism, our new arbiters of #reality as sold on their own media platforms in #GQP world &or #Muskville

‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Hit Back at Critics After Jon Stewart Mocks Them on ‘Daily Show’

So I'll let Jon Stewart tie it all up.
I ended up following the wormhole of #media bias and #corporate #propaganda, etc... and ended "here".
With some context and a video, along with a much-needed smile. Enjoy!



Well, why not, in the cosmic yin/yang of things?
As an anti-vaccine crazy with brain worms and affinity for eating roadkill is nominated to "go wild" on health, by Sir #TumpVirus.
And Tulsi Gabbard to "intelligence" head? Kimmel said he interviewed he and "intelligence" would not be the word he'd use.
And a criminal seditionist and child sex trafficker ("allegedly") quits Congress to kill a report on him, and serve his #GQP master...

The Onion buys Alex Jones' Info Wars at Auction

Maybe this makes perfect cosmic sense, given our new immersion in the #GQP #doublespeak anti- #truth #cult of #psychopathology


An exact copy of #TrumpVirus #doublespeak in an #X post by the King of the #Muskville #disinformation platform, accountable to nobody. A clear & present danger, another flavor of the #GQP #cult of conspiracy, delusion, & #projection. #truth

"How Musk threatens America’s national security, and what must be done"
Article by Robert Reich: https://bit.ly/MuskXville



#truth vs. #ShapeShifter variants
Although both J.D. (Junior Drumpf) and Sir #TrumpVirus himself are exceptionally talented at shape-shifting.

This is their last option, maybe, having stated positions and taken actions that are on the record for anyone with the desire and stamina. ... But so fare they have been able to convince the #cult of #GQP #disinformation breathers, that we should not believe our eyes, ears, or remaining memory... only him! (Hm, where have I heard that before? Ministry of #DoubleSpeak? #WordSalad ?


My last "good trouble" of the week... Just replied to Musk, who now heads a #disinformation #media empire of #TrumpVirus love...
Might be my last day on X-Twitter! So here's how I reacted to seeing a COSPLAYING Elon f the #Muskville sandbox, glorifying .. what? insanity? Promoting the delusions of Trump and his new friend, Lunatic Loomer? He'd love to have her for dinner, too. 🤮

OK, it's the weekend. A good week overall for #truth and even combatting the #doublespeak - as the call to stop " #sanewashing " takes root. (Hello? This guy is not well! And Musk's #propaganda platfom with global dictator connections, is dangerous!)

/done. Going off to walk #DonOld's #Vladadoodle ... 🥂. Happy Weekend!



After banning #education (too "woke") and science and history ( #truth ) .... #DeathSantis proxies/puppets have used the physical property of New College - which he's destroyed bigly - to degrade the environment while making the once-fine institution into a sports mecca for non-woke college hopefuls.

New College of Florida tears up nature preserve, claims it’s an improvement


Neighbors and alumni are outraged but President Richard Corcoran pushes on with his expansion of sports facilities

#education #environment #priorities #DeSantis #Florida #FL #woke #RealEstate


Republicans Who Screamed About A Crisis On The Border Now Oppose A Plan To Fix It

Many on the right claim the U.S. is being "invaded" by migrants but also want to wait until Donald Trump is elected president again to stop it.

#Hypocrisy much?
#TrumpVirus #doublespeak of the Year
And it's only January.

Is there anything - ONE thing - positive the #GQP #cult has done, for We the People?

What exactly are #MAGAmike and the House toadies for Trump FOR? What (anything at all) have they done FOR ANYONE??
Besides the whim of Sir Stable Genius, who expects Congress to be a show intended to highlight HIS 'thoughts' and wants.

The Congressional #TrumpVirus coalition has forbidden successful legislating for anyone/anything if it displeases the "false god" of moral and public policy as instructed by The Boss, the epitome of evil, abandoning things like #truth, #respect, & #sanity. One might think that if a solution for ANYTHING would be pleasing even to Solomon, and reflect the democratic ideals of debate, compromise, and dogged focus on the wellbeing of service to country, planet, and the betterment of ACTUAL (empirical) reality in real life.... But no...

#CancunCruz, #MAGAmike, #MTG and the in-house/outhouse crazy/me-me-me brigade are not about to let ANYTHING that benefits everyone pass. Rather, it's all about handing Biden defeats on his many great proposals with bipartisan backing. Because... #GOP stands for smearing and jumping up and down to incite 'the base' base, a two-sided world (like the 'split personality' and tribalism our national traumatized mind has morphed into), it's "us vs. them" and nothing else, for what was a "party of Lincoln" and now is just a malevolent #cult.


#Brainwashing Ourselves: How Digital #Technology is Destroying #Democracy

Source: https://modernheretic.com/brainwashing-ourselves-how-digital-technology-is-destroying-democracy

Accordingly, #digital technology is upheaving our culture and displacing the traditions and norms we were accustomed to, leaving many of us feeling unmoored and undermining our political values.

#Online conversations quickly developed controls in the form of moderators—authoritarian figures who established the rules of engagement and who got to decide what speech was worthy and what was not.

There was a resultant demand for more controls. #Ignore buttons popped up and were quickly used for individuals who espoused ideas that the user disagreed with, limiting their exposure to different ideas and establishing the pattern for the silo-ization of the internet that is dominant today.

Unlike the offline world in which people were judged through personal knowledge, direct observation, and reputation, individuals online could only be judged by the content of their digital output, which reduced them to flat, dehumanized vectors of information to be categorized as #good or #bad

Thus, the new controls spawned by the digital realm to deal with #information overload involved the establishment of a binary, ideological filter to judge whether information—as well as the poster of that information—should be included or excluded in a particular #community.

Unfortunately, once the ideological binary is established as the moral paradigm, group discourse becomes a never-ending #witch hunt.

Group leaders and members are on constant lookout for potential immorality as represented by supposed outsiders to the #group. Anyone who disturbs the group harmony with deviant thoughts can find themselves the sudden target of paranoiac suspicion.

Every #conversation becomes a purity test of sorts, and the only way to prove that you are one of the “good” guys is to make your expressions a reflection of the group’s worldview

#Groupthink became the norm, and anyone who deviated from the group too much would be seen as a danger to the group who needed to be punished or eliminated.

Thus, thanks to the #internet, #intolerance for dissent and demands for #censorship arose as aspirational values of a new moral order.

Consequently, the controls that developed in response to digital technology were exactly those controls that are used in the formation of cults and #totalitarian #regimes, tools to ensure that every person falls in line with the orthodoxy as determined by the leadership of the group.

  1. control of information within an environment (moderation, fact checks, content #warnings, removal of information, prioritizing certain viewpoints, etc.);

    1. demands for purity in thought to assure that everyone conforms to the group
    2. sacred truths that cannot be questioned without some form of reprisal, usually removal from the group or platform
    3. the reduction of complex ideas to trite slogans and memes
    4. control over who belongs to the group and who does not
    5. the subordination of the individual to the group

These totalitarian #controls are quotidian at this point, and anyone who participates in discourse on the internet is exposed on a daily basis to enormous pressure to conform their thoughts to the narratives that are perpetuated by those in control of the internet fora.

Without realizing it, we slowly brainwashed ourselves over time with our uncritical and pervasive use of digital technology.

It was therefore inevitable that once we accepted these digital values as normal, they would then infiltrate our offline interactions.

While we think of ourselves as using digital tools to change our world, in reality digital technology is changing us.

Most people in the Western world are never disconnected from the totalitarian culture of the internet. That is why digital cultural norms are now dominating our #society

In effect, the digital controls that developed in order to control the overabundance of information on the internet led to polarized, cultish thinking and conditioning people to believe that totalitarianism is a necessary form of regulation in today’s world.

#Dissent is now treated as a danger that needs to be eradicated. Worse still, this cultish conditioning is bleeding into the #offline world so that anti-democratic, authoritarian measures are increasingly seen as normal in the “free” world.

Many people are chilled from speaking, not just online where they may end up banned by a tech platform, but offline where they face the possible consequences of losing jobs, networking opportunities, and friendships.

The universe of ideas that is acceptable to be expressed is rapidly shrinking and people are exposed to fewer ideas that challenge their views, which further reinforces their #intolerance for differences of opinion in a cyclical manner.

Much like George #Orwell ’s #doublespeak, people in contemporary society are pressured to conceal their true thoughts and dilute their public messages to the point that they become anodyne and meaningless enough that the mob will tolerate them.

Thus, facts, #transparency, and rationality are inimical to digital culture. Conformity, not #truth, is the driving force of digital culture.

By programming individuals to become accustomed to totalitarian regulations on a personal level, it was inevitable that these digital norms would also pervade the political realm.

Anything that could allow a person or group to express an unorthodox idea is suspicious, and therefore in digital culture, the concept of free speech is inherently dangerous.

The paternalistic notion that individuals must be protected from corruption by bad ideas has taken hold of our culture. And this type of milieu control of information enables independent thought to be supplanted by majoritarian #propaganda just as it does in other totalitarian environments.

The assumption that the individual is neither competent to judge the quality of information nor strong enough to be exposed to information of allegedly dubious quality now reigns supreme, bolstering the new flourishing culture of censorship.

They are dismissive because they actually want a world with limited speech, where the window of permissible thought is narrow enough to exclude all the speech they disagree with.

Thus, while digital culture proponents often nominally claim to want to protect minority groups, their insistence on conformity to majoritarian standards ensures that genuine diversity cannot exist in the new moral order

#Speech is an outward expression of inner beliefs, and the loss of freedom of speech is dangerous because it is a threat to the ability to hold and practice a belief system that differs from the orthodoxy.

Consequently, digital morality is a direct attack on #minority rights.



I went from being #homeless, to living in a tent at a dilapidated squat, to having a #corporate job that totally drained my soul (selling large tents… oh, the irony!) & made me feel like I was part of the worst dark carnival of a circus ever! ~ After 2 years of ‘sticking it out’: It took me over a year to fully recover mentally / physically…

This #militarized #scientific #corporate #dictatorship has fucked with my life long enough.

The last 3-4 years have been pure insanity of ‘trying to make it work’ in the system after being active in the ‘counter-culture’ for the majority of my life… I’m finally ‘back to normal’ (whatever the hell that is) and I want to apologize to everyone (like #OpESR & Crew) that I basically ditched to try and make my life more ‘stable’…

It wasn’t worth it, and now i’m back to where I was all those years ago. ~ I miss my homies, I miss my anonfam, I miss my crew as all the people around me are lost in the #disinfo #doublespeak #doublethink #propaganda #matrix and here I am, again, outcast by all of my #realness