

"Every once in a while, our leaders make a few pledges and set a variety of vague, non-binding, often distant targets. Then, as soon as they have failed to reach them, they immediately set some new ones. And on it goes.

"It may seem absurd, but it most definitely works — if your aim is to maintain business as usual, economic growth, and high popularity ratings.

"Since the level of public interest in and awareness of these failed climate and biodiversity pledges is close to non-existent, and since the media long for positive news as part of their policy of both-sides reporting — It can't be all gloom and doom! — the overall message that is conveyed, if any, is that action is being taken. It may not always go all that well, but hey, they are actually trying really hard and there definitely has been a lot of progress made — so stop being so negative all the time!"

page 90 in “The Climate Book”

#Greta Thunberg


I can understand #GretaThunberg...

It is usually a good left-liberal reflex to stand up for the supposedly weaker party. Helping the weak and kicking upwards against the powerful. The exact opposite of the right-wing radicals.

Unfortunately, our #society, and the left in particular, is so divided that it seems you can only protest together if you pursue 100% the same goals.

Fridays for future has never spoken out directly against #capitalism so as not to divide the #movement. Instead, they have used #newspeack and introduced the term climate justice, which includes a critique of capitalism.

#Greta is used to shitstorms. She is probably the most hated young person in the world by the right. Unfortunately, she does not yet have enough life experience to know that she should have kept quiet about the #MiddleEast conflict.

#opinion #war #conflict #Palestine #Israel #climate #environment #protest #FridaysForFuture #earth #pollution #politics #activism #shitstorm


Ultra-right triumphs now that #Greta can be officially canceled.

#Climate #change has become irrelevant now that #GretaThunberg can officially be canceled. Saving the planet is now officially no longer important. Greta's statements had caused anger, which meant that everything she had said so far could be canceled. Climate scientists all over the world are sad because their boss Greta has discredited them. Governments around the world have already stopped their climate protection projects.

#Trump commented on the topic was: "Our American way of life only exists once, but there are many planets! That is why we are saving the #economy, not the planet."

#environment #earth #protest #cancelCulture #politics #problem #crisis #news


"Today, our political leaders are allowed to say one thing and do the exact opposite. They can claim to be climate leaders while they rapidly expand their nation's fossil fuel infrastructure. They can say we are in a climate emergency as they open up new coal mines, new oil fields, and new pipelines. It has not only become socially acceptable for our leaders to lie, it is more or less what we expect them to do.

I believe that the main reason we have reached this point — the reason we are facing this catastrophe — is because the media has allowed people in power to create a gigantic greenwashing machine designed to maintain Business As Usual for the benefit of short-term economic policies. The media have failed to hold those responsible for the destruction of our biosphere accountable, effectively acting as gatekeepers for the status quo.

Given the size of our mission and the time we have left to act, there is, frankly, no entity other than the media that has the opportunity to create the necessary transformation of our global society. In order for that to happen, they must start treating the climate, ecological, and sustainability crisis like the existential crisis it is. It has to dominate the news.

Our safety as a species is on a collision course with the current system. The longer you pretend this is not the case, and the longer you pretend that we can solve this catastrophe within a global societal structure which has no laws or restrictions whatsoever protecting us from the ongoing self-destructive greed that has brought us to the very edge of the precipice, the more time we will waste. Time that we no longer have."

“The Climate Book”
#Greta Thunberg


#billionaires owned media #climatechange


“People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

#Greta Thunberg


How dare she? #Israel decides to remove #Greta Thunberg's activism from education curriculum:

Following Thunberg's support for the people of #Gaza, Isael education ministry has decided to remove the portion of education curriculum referencing her climate activism.

Speaking about the decision, Israel's education ministry said (as quoted by The #JerusalemPost), " #Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for the murder of 1,400 innocent Israelis, including children, women, and the elderly, and it has abducted over 200 people to #Gaza… This stance disqualifies her from being an educational and moral role model, and she is no longer eligible to serve as an inspiration and educator for Israeli students."

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Das ist echt zum Schreien komisch - seit Jahren wird gerade von linker Seite die Verwendung einer #Krake (zurecht) als antisemitisch kritisiert. Aber wenn #Greta ihren Einsatz für Klimaschutz mit Pro-Palästina-Aktivismus vermischt und eine Krake im Bild platziert ist das "Zufall" und "nicht so gemeint" ... #WTF

Nur ein Beispiel:


Wohin es führt, wenn man #Klimaschutz mit anderen politischen Themen verknüpft, kann man anhand des desaströsen Posts von #Greta #Thunberg zum Nahost-Konflikt gestern (sowie anderen Statements von #FFF mit antisemtischen Tönen) gut beobachten - von der unsäglichen Aussage abgesehen, haben diese der Akzeptanz der Klima- und Umweltbewegung auch nachhaltigen Schaden zugefügt.


How dare she humanize people in #Gaza : The Israeli army criticized environmental activist #Greta Thunberg for supporting #Palestine.

"Anyone who in the future identifies in one way or another with Greta, in my opinion, is a supporter of terrorism. Because what Greta is doing is now showing solidarity with the Gaza Strip, while at the same time not saying a word about the massacre of Israelis, shows that she is not really pro-Palestine, but is hushing up the terrorist acts of the #Palestinians, or #Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as if they never existed,” #IDF spokesman Aryeh Sharuz Shalikar told Politico.


Letzte Generation: Niemand schadet der Klimabewegung mehr als wir!
Greta Thunberg: Hold my Avocadotoast!

Sogar mit knuddeliger Krake, schick!

Erklärungsversuch: Geschichte war immer Freitags in der Schule...


#Greta #Allebekloppt