

The #messenger #Telegram is gaining popularity, but is Telegram an option for you?

The protesters in #HongKong or the Belarusian #opposition use it but also #QAnon or drug dealers.

You can find out whether the messenger is suitable for you by answering these #questions:

  1. Did you use a mobile number that is not traceable to you to sign up?
  2. Do you know how to avoid that other users can see your mobile number?
  3. Do you know how to prevent strangers from adding you to any groups?
  4. Did you use your real first and last name when registering and wrote your real address in the description to your profile?
  5. Do you know what are the outstanding unique features of Telegram?
  6. Why are these features not copied from #WhatsApp?
  7. Do you know how to start an encrypted #chat?
  8. Do you use the encrypted chat with all your friends?
  9. Do you know how to report suspicious activity and that probably nothing will happen?

10. Have you installed the messenger from #FDroid?

(The further questions are only for suspected terrorists or freedom fighters.)

  1. Do you know how the police can still trace your untraceable mobile number back to you even if you have switched it to hidden?
  2. Do you know that probably only the cannon fodder is activated here and really secure communication takes place elsewhere?
  3. Do you know how to get around a ban by your #government?
  4. Do you know how to program a bot to make congressmen afraid?
  5. Do you know how to set up a bridge to communicate with other more secure messengers from Telegram?

16. Have you uploaded your manifesto yet?

(Last questions are for @All.)

  1. How to start an encrypted chat with the desktop application?
  2. Great questions but where are the answers?

Please post your score in the comments. For each answered question you get one point.

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#communication #internet #freedom #censorship #surveillance #monitoring #police #cybercrime #crime #activism #hacktivism #knowledge #wisdom #community #politics #account #software #mobile #smartphone #encryption


Secure data transfer #guide for #paranoid journalists and hacktivists ...

Prologue (Why we live in the dark #digital age!)

The #Pegasus #scandal showed that no one took #Snowden's revelations seriously. Meanwhile, it is not only the state actor #NSA that monitors everyone but a private company in #Israel the #NSO Group. Of course, always installing the latest updates on the device is of no use if the #intelligence agencies withhold the #security vulnerabilities from us, which does not increase security but endangers it.

The #problem is that today, even with a degree in #computer science, it is almost impossible to keep an overview of the entire security situation, as it has become far too complex. You would need a very simple tool, where the wrong usage is almost impossible. A #laptop or #smartphone is out of the question because even experts can only detect manipulated #firmware in complicated, time-consuming processes.


In order not to be monitored digitally, one works as analog as possible at the destination. Records are handwritten on paper, which is not left unattended anywhere. For the transmission of the records to the headquarter, they are photographed with a digital camera and stored on an SD card. This SD card is then inserted into a #RaspberryPi where the images are encrypted. The Raspberry Pi connects to the #darknet (VPN, i2p or TOR) via the smartphone's #wifi. From this file drop in the darknet, the headquarters can download the data. Afterwards, you should destroy all records and the SD card so that no contaminating data can be found during a police search.

The choice of darknet must be adapted to the destination country. Special bridges are needed to tunnel through the great firewall of China. Instead of using your own smartphone to connect to the #Internet, it's better to use a free WiFi connection if one is available. A micro SD card is easy to hide. It can be smuggled into a neighboring country by a trusted person and the transfer can take place there. This means that no suspicious electronic traces lead back to you.

#journalism #freedom #press #humanrights #surveillance #news #internet #activism #instructions #i2p #TOR #vpn #encryption #hacktivism #policestate #protest #economy #politics #exploit #cyberwarfare