

Dr Lynda Cramer had an #NDE (Near-Death Experience) where she found herself #floating in her living room and then walking through Heaven for what felt like years. During her NDE (Near-Death Experience), she was shown the future, when we will have world peace, and the power of our thoughts and the words we use. Lynda's NDE forever changed #how she felt about life after #death.

Shaman Oaks
Woman Dies; Learns When We'll Have #WORLD #PEACE, and it's Sooner Than You Think! (NDE)
10 Mins

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=av_dOt6tvaE


interview between Dr Lee Merritt and Harald Kautz [Vella] In which he tells her the Chemtrails and HAARP Control upto 70% of Americans/Worlds Population [MIND/BODY Control] The #Chemtrails are part of the 3D Scanning of Every Living Organism and Controlling the Bio-Field Structure the JABS and 5G were going to be THEIR Final Blow on Humanity BUT it was stopped JUST Before. THEY don;t care about MONEY [THEY can just Print ££$$$] It was always about Controlling Humanity so THEY Could then Control Our Minds to ACCEPT anything/EVERYTHING And we know where that;s going. [show less]

6 hours ago
When #RosaKoire said 'they want to #inventorize the #whole #world, every insect and tree etc" I wondered #how would they do that.
The answer-nanotech in chemtrails covering the world-every inch of the #planet.


#how do we #stop the genocidal maniacs

“Exclusive footage obtained by Middle East Eye shows a Palestinian woman being shot by Israeli forces in the streets of #Gaza City’s centre on 12 November, as she and others attempted to evacuate the area while holding white flags amid the intense Israeli assault on northern Gaza.”
#Israel #genocide #warcrimes #Palestine #war #ceasefirenow


X (formerly Twitter)
Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) on X


#Luke 23:34: “Then said Jesus, Father, #forgive them; for they know not what they do.
And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”

Psalms 78:38: “But he, [being] full of #compassion, forgave [their] iniquity, and destroyed [them] not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.”

1John 1:7 But if we walk in the #light, as he is in the light, we have #fellowship one with another, and the blood of #Jesus #Christ his Son #cleanseth us from all #sin.

#Psalms 51:7: “Purge me with #hyssop, and I shall be #clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than #snow.”

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The word in #Greek for #forgiveness is #aphes which means to send away, leave alone, depart or release and pardon.

The word in #Aramaic is #shavaq which is the word used for divorce, the ending of a marriage as well as pardon.

In #Hebrew, the word for forgiveness is #chaphar which means to cover up or cover over and pardon.

#All these words have the idea of a pardon. In a sense what Jesus was saying when He said: “Father forgive them” was that he was granting them a pardon.

#How to pronounce #Kṣamā | Kshama ( #Sanskrit #word)


#NickBryant is the author of "The #Franklin #Scandal" and Activist for #Epstein Justice. Bryant is also credited with publishing #JeffreyEpstein's "Little Black Book."

Part one is a deep dive into Bryant's investigation into The Franklin Scandal. This was one of the first child trafficking rings that was highly publicized and alerted the general population to such heinous activities. Bryant explains #how the criminal underworld gave way to monsters like Jeffrey Epstein.

SRS #84 Part 1

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=CCz2s8wUG8U