

Hurricane Ian has just passed through Cuba leaving 1 million people without electricity. President @DiazCanelB

is already in Pinar del Rio, the hardest hit province. Not one life was lost! 50K people were evacuated, crops were protected & emergency support is on hand.

Socialism is bad ...
How many will die in #Florida when the #hurricane arrives there?


In 2020 the US forced colony Puerto Rico to privatize its electrical grid, selling it to LUMA Energy, which is half-owned by US corporation Quanta Services

Since signing the contract Quanta's stock has skyrocketed from $40 to $140

Meanwhile Puerto Ricans face constant blackouts

This is yet another example of disaster capitalism as described by Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine"

#US #Capitalism #PuertoRico #ShockDoctrine #Hurricane


#Louisiana’s #insurance #market is collapsing, just in time for #hurricane season

source: https://grist.org/housing/louisiana-homeowner-insurance-hurricane-season/

A few months earlier, a major insurance company called Lighthouse had gone bankrupt, leaving almost 30,000 homeowners in the state without storm coverage. The company went under thanks to last year’s Hurricane Ida, which led to $400 million in damage claims, far more money than the company had on hand. It had been up to Donelon to find a new company to take over these abandoned policies, but no other #company wanted them. In fact, other companies were fleeing the state en masse.

#usa #capitalism #finance #security #problem #money #news #economy #environment #damage #crash #weather


From Drought to Deluge on a New Planet

Tom Dispatch

Consider this perhaps the strangest thing of all in our all-too-strange world: the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced essentially never leads the news. Yes, the immediate crises of our world, most recently Vladimir Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine, are 24/7 headlines for weeks at a time. And any set of events that sends millions of us into external or internal exile, as has become all too common on this planet of ours, should indeed be a focus of attention. But to put all of this in context, it’s estimated that within three decades up to a mind-boggling 1.2 billion human beings could be driven from their homes thanks to the burgeoning climate emergency. (...)

When [climate change] hits as fire or flood, as a dramatic weather disaster of some sort, the news often loves to show us the calamity at hand (and the all-too-photogenic weeping survivors). But the cause of it all, climate change itself? No such luck. (...)

Only recently the authoritative U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest devastating report, produced by 1,000 scientists, on what we’re doing to ourselves. In the midst of the Ukrainian events, it got hardly a moment’s notice. (...)


Those Who Contribute the Least to Climate Change Suffer the Most

By Jane Braxton Little

(...) While California may be a poster child for extreme weather events, they are occurring almost everywhere. Such wild swings from tinder-dry to inundation are known as climate or weather whiplash. (...)

When it comes to weather whiplash, Australia is exhibit A for Anthropocene, the current geological epoch dominated by the human impact on the environment. (...)

Conflicts between wildlife and humans are already common enough, but climate scientists expect them to increase as droughts, floods, and fires push animals off their normal ranges and into agricultural areas. (...)

And here’s the only good news: climate change is a problem with a solution. We humans created it, which means it’s solvable. That, however, would require societal and political will of a kind we simply haven’t seen yet. And that’s the bad news. (...)

“a damning indictment of failed climate leadership… that reveals how people and the planet are getting clobbered by climate change.”

Swain, the UCLA climate scientist, put it this way: “We’re on a train going faster and faster down the tracks with perfectly functional brakes. But the drivers, for whatever reasons, are choosing not to engage the brakes.” (...)

Complete article

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Tags: #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #Intergovernmental_Panel_on_Climate_Change #ipcc #headlines #media #news #jpurnalism #journalist #disinformation #refugees #climate_refugees #climate_whiplash #weather_whiplash #anthropocene #australia #california #forest_fires #bushfires #drought #global_warming #sea_level #flooding #rain_bomb #extinction #texas #storm #hurricane #extrme_weather #water_quality #soil #erosion #agriculture #cattle_farming


Well, as I finish looking through some photos of summers past - beach, sun, water, amusements, ice cream, etc....

I look out my window and see what is approaching: A bomb cyclone!

Hurricane - blizzard - NorEaster..... choose a favorite, but it's coming, about to bury coastal Northeast U.S., especially New York, Boston, Maine... Major event.

CNN: A bomb cyclone with the power of a hurricane will unleash snow and blizzard-like conditions this weekend

#weather #bombcyclone #Noreaster #blizzard #hurricane #snow #Boston #NewYork #StaySafe #myphoto


#Hurricanes, cold waves, #tornadoes: #Weather #disasters in #USA dominate natural #disaster losses in 2021

source: https://www.munichre.com/en/company/media-relations/media-information-and-corporate-news/media-information/2022/natural-disaster-losses-2021.html

The images of natural disasters in 2021 are disturbing. Climate research increasingly confirms that extreme weather has become more likely. Societies need to urgently adapt to increasing weather risks and make climate #protection a priority. Insurers meet their responsibilities by covering a portion of the risks and losses. By applying risk-adequate premiums, they put a price on natural hazards, thereby encouraging carefully considered behaviour to limit the losses. At the same time, severe volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in 2021 showed that we should not overlook these categories of natural disasters either.

#climate #crisis #politics #economy #problem #future #earth #nature #hurricane #tornado #flood #warming #volcano