

Hubert Serret sur LinkedIn

Du grand n'importe quoi Thierry Breton.
C'est sous Giscard d'Estaing, le 3 janvier 1973 très précisément, que la France a été obligée de s'endetter lorsque les députés français, majoritaires du centre droit à l'extrême droite, ont voté l'interdiction de battre monnaie à la banque de France et que le Sénat, très majoritairement à droite, à validé cette trahison.

Ensuite, Mitterrand a effectivement suivi, à partir de 1984, le modèle économique néoliberal qui a été imposé au monde par les USA, consistant à remplacer le moteur habituel de la croissance du PIB, le pétrole pas cher avec un très fort EROEI, par de la dette par habitant sous forme de $, monnaie d'échange mondiale, dont les États Unis ont le privilège du tirage, se substituant au contenu énergétique du PIB (E/PIB), dont le prix du baril de pétrole a triplé en octobre 1973 du fait des accords de l'OPEP et dont l'EROEI est en forte chute.

Le contenu d'énergie nécessaire va passer de 20 kWh pour fabriquer 1$ de PIB, en 1970, à 2 kWh, en 2018 (E/PIB).

Dans le même temps, la dette par habitant (D/POP) va passer de 900 $ par habitant, en 1970, à 26000 $ par habitant en 2018, tandis que de 1970 à 2018, la population passe de 3,5 milliards à 8 milliards d'habitants sur Terre.

La France ne représente pas grand chose au niveau mondial et a subi, comme le reste du monde, la déferlante de dettes US.

De toute façon, la dette est la source de la croissance du PIB, sans croissance de la dette pas de croissance du PIB.


La fameuse "croissance" du PIB est un mensonge économique, c'est en réalité de la DETTE injectée dans l'économie pour booster la consommation, produisant le PIB nécessitant de l'Energie pour la production, énergies à plus de 80% fossiles, émettrices de GES qui réchauffent le climat et détruisent la biodiversité.

Démonstration mathématique à partir de l'équation de Kaya à laquelle j'ai rajouté la DETTE :
CO2 = (CO2/E) * (E/PIB) * (PIB/DETTE) * (DETTE/POP) * POP

Équation utilisée par l'ONU, la Banque Mondiale, l'AIE (IEA), BP, PWC, etc...

Vous voulez connaître la croissance mondiale du PIB en 2024 ?

Il suffit de connaître le montant de DETTE qui sera injectée.

Voilà la formule "magique" à 99.82% de precision :

PIB = 4.19844909928152 DETTE^0.815144241251946

La croissance infinie du PIB n'est que de la croissance infinie de la DETTE, un forçage anthropique qui détruit le climat et la biodiversité.

#forçage #anthropique
#dette #croissance #pib #chaos #effondrement #climat #rechauffementclimatique #urgenceclimatique #biodiversite #economie #kaya #BAU

#Environnement #ipcc #giec #nosenfants #generationsFutures #terre #inhabitable #terreInhabitable #energiesFossiles #conscience
#climat #urgenceclimatique #rechauffementclimatique #limites #biodiversite #BAU #dette #debt #pib #croissance #CO2 #CH4 #GES #ClimateAction


#Climate #change: five major threats to the #Mediterranean according to the #IPCC

Source: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2023-07-20-climate-change--five-major-threats-to-the-mediterranean-according-to-the-ipcc.By-ctSAU52.html

Like parts of the United States and Asia, the Mediterranean has been hit by extreme #heat in recent weeks. The Italian islands, like #Sardinia and #Sicily, could surpass the continental record of 48.8°C. "Heat waves are increasing due to climate change in the Mediterranean and are amplified in cities due to urban planning policies," causing illness and death, the IPCC said in its 2022 report on climate change impacts and adaptation.

#Italy #europe #news #crisis #problem #future


‘We kunnen niet zonder fossiel’ is klimaatontkenning in een nieuw jasje


De energietransitie zal Nederland inderdaad pijn doen, maar dat is nog geen reden om maar door te gaan met fossiel, stelt Jelle de Graaf, campagnestrateeg en klimaatactivist.

Er zijn overstromingen van Valkenburg tot Pakistan, en bosbranden van Canada tot Australië. Klimaatwetenschappers waarschuwen voor steeds extremer weer: zware neerslag, zeespiegelstijgingen, lange droogteperiodes en mislukte oogsten.”

Dit schrijft Roy op het Veld in een essay (Trouw, 22 april). ‘Een apocalyptisch perspectief’, voegt hij er nog aan toe, om vervolgens doodleuk te betogen dat we na decennia van klimaat-inactie nog jarenlang rustig aan moeten doen. Op het Veld gebruikt de taal van de klimaatbeweging om de boodschap van de fossiele industrie uit te dragen. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de illustratie.)



Niemand in de klimaatbeweging ontkent echter de sociale gevolgen van de energietransitie. Maar wat die precies zijn – en vooral: wie ze op hun bordje krijgt – is een politieke keuze. (...)

Als er iets onontkoombaar negatieve gevolgen gaat hebben, dan is het niet klimaatactie, maar nog meer klimaat-inactie. Denk aan natuurrampen, honger, schaarste, geweld, conflict, oorlog, ziekte, talloze ontheemde mensen, een verergering van bestaande ongelijkheid, meer autoritaire regimes en nog meer druk op de democratie. Juist uitstel van broodnodig klimaatbeleid stort de maatschappij in een sociale crisis die haar weerga niet kent. (...)

Er bestaat geen twijfel over: Nederland moet zo snel mogelijk van fossiel af. Dit zal grote gevolgen hebben voor de hele maatschappij. Op het Veld beschuldigt de klimaatbeweging ervan de gevolgen niet onder ogen te willen zien, maar juist hij blijkt niet bereid verder te kijken dan de status quo.

Niet alleen is het nodig om snel over te schakelen op hernieuwbare energie, maar ook moeten én kunnen we ons energiegebruik drastisch verminderen. (...)

Politici moeten de (eerlijke) keus durven maken om de kwetsbaren te ontzien en de kosten van de transitie te leggen bij de bedrijven die de crisis hebben veroorzaakt. De als realisme vermomde vertragingstactieken dienen niemand anders dan de fossiele industrie. Drastische klimaatactie is nodig én mogelijk.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #klimaat #klimaatverandering #klimaatcrisis #klimaatbeleid #klimaattop #energie #energietransitie #fossiele_brandstof #fossiele_industrie #shell #duurzaamheid #klimaatontkenning #ipcc #extinction_rebellion #energiebesparing


Souls For Sale – The Times Interviews Noam Chomsky

Media Lens

(...) Recall the context in which news and commentary appear: the tsunami of 24/7 corporate advertising that is subject to no discussion whatever regarding its bias. Unless we accept that these adverts should be balanced by a counter-tsunami of anti-corporate advertising, there is no question of media impartiality for this reason alone.

But this is still just scratching the surface. In our corporate society, the greatest triumph of the corporate monoculture is not the filtered content of the daily newspaper or nightly newscast; it is us, our conception of who we are, of what it means to be human. We may mock the Sun and lament the Mail, but look in the mirror – we are the ultimate product of propaganda. (...)

(Text continues underneath the image.)



if millions of corporate men and women fundamentally perceive themselves as products to be sold on the job market, the question of non-conformity, of challenging corporate society, does not even arise. (...)

When Fromm says ‘nothing is too serious’, he means that we are fundamentally indifferent.

Can we point to evidence? Last week, it was reported that the highest April temperature ever recorded in Spain – the kind of record that might, historically, have been broken by a fraction of a degree – had been blown away by a rise of 5C.

This latest sign of impending climate catastrophe was reported briefly and then forgotten. It received a tiny fraction of the merited attention and concern – not just from the press but also from the public. It was just one more example of how ‘modern man exhibits an amazing lack of realism for all that matters. For the meaning of life and death, for happiness and suffering, for feeling and serious thought’. (Fromm, p.166) (...)

We learn a lot when the likes of Chorley encounter Chomsky and other dissidents whose souls are not for sale; not because the Chorleys have much to say, but because we are witness, not just to a clash of ideas and values, but of ways of being. It is a clash between sincerity and fakery, clarity and obfuscation, engagement and indifference, compassion and egotism. (...)

‘We’re racing towards a precipice of environmental destruction. We’ve got a couple of decades in which we could mitigate or control it, but we’re racing in the opposite direction – nothing could be more dangerous than that. That means reaching irreversible tipping points, at which stage, just steady decline to the destruction of human life on Earth. We’ve never faced that before. Actually, we’ve been facing it in a way since August 6th, 1945, but never at this level of danger.’

Typically for this kind of disengaged journalism, Chorley responded to this awful assertion as if he hadn’t truly heard what had been said, responding: ‘It’s interesting that; I was going to ask you…’. ‘It’s interesting’ was not a serious response to the gravity of what Chomsky had said. Chorley blandly recognised that politicians didn’t seem very interested in responding to the climate crisis. As for the rest of us, he said, ‘we spend our time talking about trivial things’. (...)

Chomsky mentioned some non-trivial crises that are discussed: the Ukraine war, the Yemen war, ‘the total destruction of Iraq, going on still; these are all very serious issues’.

He noted, further, that, last year, fossil fuel production had increased. (...)

Chorley then raised the issue of Ukraine:

‘Certainly, in the UK, the left – actually under people like Jeremy Corbyn – argued that it wasn’t Russia that was the enemy, it was the US that was destabilising the world. (...)

Chomsky responded:

‘Well, the invasion of Ukraine is plainly a war crime. You can’t put it in the same category as greater war crimes, but it’s a major one.’

Which crimes did Chomsky have in mind? He noted that the UN and Pentagon estimate that about 8,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine:

‘That’s a lot of people, what the United States and Britain do overnight.’

Of course, the 8,000 figure is ‘presumably an underestimate’, Chomsky added, before offering a series of thought experiments:

‘Let’s say it’s twice as much – that would put it at the level of the [1982] US-backed, Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which killed about 20,000 people. Let’s say it’s off by a factor of ten… that would put it in the category of Reagan’s terrorist atrocities in El Salvador, roughly on the order of 80,000. Of course, Iraq is just another dimension.

‘So, it’s serious, a terrible crime. But you can understand why the Global South does not take very seriously the eloquent protestations of Western countries about this “unique episode in history”. They’ve been victims of far more. (...)

These, indeed, are simply facts – the approximate death tolls are well-known, highly credible. The killers are known. There is no ideological bias in these observations. There is ideological bias in the notion that these facts are somehow ‘leftist’. (...)

Chorley again fell back on the ‘equivalence’ theme:

‘But you’re then drawing comparisons between Nato and China and Russia; you see an equivalence between…’

Again, Chomsky rejected the claim:

‘No, I don’t; Nato is a much more aggressive alliance. Nato has invaded Yugoslavia, invaded Libya, invaded Ukraine – backed up the invasion of Ukraine – backed up the invasion of Afghanistan. It’s an aggressive military alliance. Everybody outside the West can see it. In the West, we’re not allowed to think it because we’re deeply controlled by adherence to the party line. But everybody else can see it.’ (...)

In a final, remarkable question indicating just how disengaged and indifferent he had been throughout the interview, Chorley asked:

‘Finally, then, let’s round this off; let’s try and be a bit more optimistic… Will the next century be better than the last?’

Again, it was as if Chorley hadn’t heard what Chomsky had said. Heroically, Chomsky retained his patience for a few seconds longer:

‘There won’t be organised human life a century from now, unless we reverse the course the leadership is now taking towards racing over the precipice on climate destruction.’

By way of a final little joke, Chomsky added:

‘You read the latest IPCC report, I’m sure.’

Complete article

Tags: #media #news_media #censorship #propaganda #coporate_media #bbc #the_guardian #advertising #fromm #erich_fromm #new_statesman #Mehdi_Hasan #jonathan_freedland #times_radio #noam_chomsky #chomsky #murdoch #rupert_murdoch #chorley #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #climate_destruction #global_warming #ipcc #extinction


💣El IPCC presenta su "guía" contra la "bomba climática"

💣Algunos efectos son irreparables: "La subida del nivel del mar durante milenios es inevitable"

💣REDUCIR el consumo de energía es más urgente que REDUCIR solo las emisiones de CO2 con renovables, eficiencia, etc. (véase la publicación anterior de este canal de Telegram de Blogsostenible)

💣Si tú te crees el informe del IPCC, no puedes votar a partidos que no se lo creen (aunque digan que sí)


Via @AlianzaVerde_@twitter.com

#IPCC #ClimateEmergency #ExtinctionRebellion


Another #IPCC report out just makes me realise how much I've completely lost faith in society. There really isn't any point even in reading news about it. If it wont change how humans behave, what's the point? We've been given information for years and years and years and still human society has done literally nothing to drive down emissions. Certain media outlets will be shouting about it for longer, some media outlets will make a single news item about it, and then it's back to business. Literally business. As in "how much is our economy growing today", because that must be the most important thing for a human being. Surely we will all die if the economy does not grow.

"But we're building so much clean energy!" you may say. Sure, because we need to grow the economy. We're not building green energy to reduce emissions, we're building green energy so we can consume more. It's called "green growth" and unless your party is far left or far right, they'll likely be selling it to you. Greenwashing on a national level.

I think this is it, the issue that was too big for humanity. We are too many with too many differences, even to the point of actively killing each other in various corners of the world, and massively destructive weapons aimed at each other in all parts of the world. Humanity just can't deal with a crisis so big when all society is telling you to do is spend, buy and consume. Build walls, hate, breed, succeed and tell everyone about.

And ironically, democracy which was supposed to be the smart thing to create equality among society, is one of the things that will destroy it. Democracy is great at ensuring things change slowly over time, as opinions of the voters change over generations. Need fast change? Out of luck, try again next century. Maybe then the population would take an IPCC report seriously, if only we had a society then.

#climatechange #humanity #depression