

„DiGaDo“ - Auf dem Weg zum Digitalen Gesundheitsamt Dortmund – Eine neue Software erleichtert Hygienekontrollen des Gesundheitsamtes schon im Vorfeld

Mitarbeiter:innen des Gesundheitsamtes kontrollieren regelmäßig die hygienischen Zustände der Gesundheitseinrichtungen in Dortmund. Dazu gehören etwa Altenheime, Krankenhäuser, Arztpraxen sowie Tattoo- und Piercingstudios.#DiGaDO #Dortmund #Gesundheitsamt #Hygiene #Hygienekontrollen
Eine neue Software erleichtert Hygienekontrollen des Gesundheitsamtes schon im Vorfeld - Nordstadtblogger


If traipsing round tropical rainforests teaches you anything, it’s that it’s the outsiders who wash once a day and cover themselves in anti-perspirants that smell bad, not the local people. Despite washing infrequently, and never using deodorants or cleansers, tribal people living in the most basic of places don’t suffer from bad body odor.So why not? How is it that most people living in in modern society become socially-unacceptably smelly and greasy after just a day or two of not washing, but those living soap- and hot-water-free in the tropics manage to stay clean?

By washing and applying deodorants, which tend to work by removing or masking the odour-producing bacteria, we alter the skin microbiota. Ammonia-oxidising bacteria are a perticularly sensitive group of bacteria, and they are slow to repopulate, so they are the worst-affected by the hurricane of chemicals that bombards them every day. The trouble is, without ammonia-oxidising bacteria, the ammonia we sweat out is not converted into nitrite and nitric oxide, chemicals which play some fundamental roles not only in regulating the running of human cells, but also in governing our skin microbes. Without nitric oxide, the corynebacteria and staphylococci that feed on our sweat can run wild. Changes in the abundance of corynebacteria in particular seem to be responsible for the bad body odour that we are all so keen to avoid.

The irony is, then, in washing with chemicals and using deodorants to ensure that we smell nice, we kick off a vicious cycle. Soap and deodorants kill off our ammonia-oxidising bacteria; no ammonia-oxidising bacteria means disruption to our other skin bacteria; the altered composition means our sweat smells unpleasant; and therefore we must use soap to clean up the mess, and deodorant to mask the smell.

From the book; 10% human, by Alanna Collen

All you need is water-only and for good measure a cloth to rinse the skin with, do that daily.
Maybe it will feel strange and scary at first but you’ll be thoroughly clean and your skin will get a naturally pleasant scent.
Soap and perfume industry have got you hooked, like a drug addict, time to break the bond and live free 😀

#hygiene #cleanliness #sweat #bacteria #odour #soap


Nach einem Bericht der ZDF-Servicesendung „Volle Kanne“ – Friseur-Innung Dortmund empört: Bartpflege darf auch in Barbershops kein Gesundheitsrisiko sein

Vor allem bei jungen Männern beobachten Hautärzte nach einem Bericht der Servicesendung „Volle Kanne“ des ZDF eine Zunahme mit dem Hautpilz Trichophyton tonsurans. Viele Betroffene hätten angegeben, beim Barbershop gewesen zu sein.#Barbershops #Bartpflege #FrankKulig #FriseurInnungDortmundLünenHagen #Hygiene #Hygienevorschriften #SebastianBaranowski
Friseur-Innung Dortmund empört: Bartpflege darf auch in Barbershops kein Gesundheitsrisiko sein - Nordstadtblogger


”Sanitation, when taken too far, can cause diversity of microbes to collapse. For example; Thoroughly scrubbed toilets are first colonised by faecal microbes, which are launched into the air by roiling, flushed water. Those species are eventually outcompeted by a diverse range of skin microbes, but once the toilet gets scrubbed again, the communities go back to square one. So, here’s the irony: toilets that are cleaned too often are more likely to be covered in faecal bacteria”.

”A similar pattern was found among the microbes that float inside air-conditioned hospital rooms. Outdoors, the air is full of harmless microbes from plants and soils. Indoors, it contained a disproportionate number of potential pathogens, which are normally rare or absent in the outside world, but had been launched from the mouths and skins of hospital residents. The patients were effectively stewing in their own microbial juices. And the best way of fixing that was remarkably simple: open a window”.
”Fresh air brings in harmless environmental microbes that take up space and exclude pathogens. But the idea of deliberately inviting microbes into a room deeply contradicts our assumptions about how hospitals should work”.

Excerpt from the book; I contain mulititude by Ed Yong

Microbes are our friends. Keep things tidy and neat but no need to obsess about cleanliness.

#microbes #environment #hygiene #bacteria


Study shows 95% of wearables were contaminated with various forms of bacteria: Metal still better than plastic or rubber

Man's wrist with an Apple Watch that has a blue strap
As smartphones became mainstream over the past decade, multiple research papers popped up, documenting how extremely filthy they can get. Fresh research from the University of Arizona said that smartphones can be 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Another paper published in Nature claimed that microbial infection is so bad that robust public health and biosecurity protocols are needed to minimize the risks.

But over the years, another class of personal devices has become a part of our daily lives — health wearables such as smartwatches and fitness bands. Researchers at Charles E. Schmidt College of Science of Florida Atlantic University studied various types of wearable straps and discovered that nearly 95% of them were contaminated with various forms of bacteria.

Among the different types of band materials, rubber- and plastic-based materials were found to harbour the highest degree of contamination, while metal-based bands with gold and silver metal showed the lowest bacterial activity. The research paper — published in the Advances in Infectious Diseases journal — notes that depending on the gender and a person’s occupation, the bacterial load can vary.

And I suppose this can make sense as wearables are usually even more exposed on one’s wrist vs a phone that is often carried in the pocket. We also saw during the Covid-19 pandemic that brass transferred way less virus than other materials (brass is a copper alloy, and copper has antimicrobial properties).

The team tested three kinds of cleaners — Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 70% Ethanol, and apple cider vinegar. Notably, the Lysol and ethanol solutions took only 30 seconds of exposure to dramatically reduce the bacteria count, while apple cider vinegar needed 2 minutes to get the job done.

The linked article does also give some additional guidelines on cleaning, but it is important not to forget cleaning wearables, and again it seems the same lessons from the Covid-19 epidemic apply, namely that 80%+ concentration of alcohol should work well.

See https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/why-scientists-want-you-to-clean-smartwatch-fitness-tracker-bands/
#Blog, #hygiene, #technology, #wearables


Vielleicht kann mir jemand erklären …

Vielleicht kann mir jemand erklären, warum Schlafanzüge und Unterwäsche ge-/verkauft wird, welche man nicht bei 60 °C waschen sollte (aus hygienischen Gründen sollte man Unterwäsche, Schlafsachen, Bettwäsche, … bei mindestens 60 °C waschen).


#Frage #Hygiene #Kleidung


New York’s Stylish Slide Into #Despotism - The Return of the Roaring #Twenties

Source: https://modernheretic.com/

The text is so fitting that this time I have to reproduce very long passages.

concern about the supposed risk posed by “the unvaccinated,” who apparently no longer merit consideration as human beings worthy of compassion; we’ve become in the minds of people like him just a filthy amalgam of contagion and stigma.

They are not, as they have styled themselves in their own delusional minds, the hip Cagney-esque mobster with a heart of gold making gin in the bathtub or the wild flapper dancing the charleston on the roof with a skirt short enough to scandalize the matronly landlady below; they are the scandalized landlady who will snitch to the #police the first chance she gets or the sanctimonious #politician who is building his profitable career on compelled temperance.

#Rebels and #Posers

Despite lusting after subversive non-conformity, these mere re-enactors are content to live in the shadows of their rebel icons, resigned to merely creating the palest imitation of the lives of truly adventurous people from the past instead of having the courage to live their own adventures today. With their obsession for safety, these people can only infuse their lives with the adventure they still crave by living vicariously through others more daring than themselves.

That is why when finally faced with the #opportunity to rage against the machine, these imposters got behind the machine and helped push it along instead. Lacking the moral courage to stand for their supposed convictions, they sublimate their own desire to be deviant into movies and make-believe. From the #punk enthusiast with a shaved head and ripped pants to the John Waters fan who identifies with the Drapes in Crybaby–many of these people who lust after subversive non-conformity and style themselves after countercultural icons are ironically, laughably, pathetically devoted to fitting in.

When it comes to the dichotomy of maestro versus tribal character types, they are #tribal people through and through. In essence, the tribal personality is the #conformist who is conventional, strives to fit in with others, and is great at tasks requiring unity and standardization. The maestro is the aloof non-conformist who is comfortably on their own wavelength, who is not afraid to think outside the box, and prefers to work independently. According to a popular career guidance book, the vast #majority of the population are tribal types, and maestros comprise a tiny minority.

It is easy to see this dichotomy illustrated in the #pandemic. We see it amply demonstrated in mask compliance, with tribal individuals basing the strictness of their mask-wearing, not on any supposed concern about germ prevention— but solely based on what others around them are doing. They are stringent about mask wearing when around others who also appear to be strict in their compliance. But when around others who defy the custom, they let their masks slip down to their chins or even take it off altogether because they know the risk of social ostracism is low. For most people, the mask serves as a social tool rather than a tool of supposed #hygiene.

Tribal people’s sense of values is relative and changes based on their social environments. All the societal evils that have taken place in the United States (and elsewhere) have occurred by the hands of an #establishment with the consent and complicity of masses of otherwise good, tribal-minded people who lacked the #independence and courage to be deviant. If it looks like the majority are going along with something, even something in retrospect that would clearly be deemed wrong or evil, the tribal person will go along with it as well by rationalizing their guilt and responsibility away. These rationalizations, collectively, become mass delusions that are later used to excuse the complicity in the wrong-doing. “We did not now any better,” or “it was a different time,” they will say. Hogwash. They knew exactly what they were doing, but they lacked the courage to stand apart from the crowd. For every mass atrocity that was committed, there was a strident minority that not only knew better but tried to hold the majority to task for its actions. These minorities were #historically and are currently dismissed, ignored, laughed at, socially ostracized, or even penalized.

Progressive #ideology teaches that we are better than previous generations, that we have learned our lessons from past mistakes, and that we will not repeat those mistakes. This is a load of crock, and the past two years have shown that humans are no more evolved now than they were at any previous period, that they are more willing than ever to persecute others for their differences and to subjugate people into #conformity. If nothing else, the pandemic revealed that most people today have no deep understanding of why various past persecutions were wrong, and if persecution today does not look exactly like a persecution of yesterday they cannot recognize it for what it is. Their understanding of persecution as a moral wrong is a reductionist list of rote memorization rather than an innate value borne of an underlying moral #philosophy.

These tribal-minded people, these supposed lovers of #rebellion and #subversion, are going to rationalize their culpability and cowardice away. They always do. They will say that they were operating on the best information they had at the time, that no one could have known, that even the experts were fooled, that they simply followed the leaders and experts.

We cannot let them get away with these lies.

Their complicity was not an innocent mistake as they will try to make us believe, but a willful effort to persecute the rebel #opposition.

Declared emergencies are the most expedient way for governments to seize power and the method by which many military dictatorships come into existence. A medical #dictatorship is a new twist on an old classic. Emergency powers enable politicians to do things they otherwise do not have the power to do and to severely trample on the rights of the citizenry

#history #society #today_like_yesterday


Wenn sich #Probleme gleichen, aber die einfachste #Lösung nicht praktikabel ist.

#Impfgegner müssen fühlbar Nachteile haben. Und im Grunde kann man sich nicht länger mit denen beschäftigen. Das ist so. Die kann man nicht nach #Madagaskar verfrachten. Was soll man machen ...

Quelle: https://www.thepioneer.de/originals/steingarts-morning-briefing/podcasts/impfgegner-muessen-fuehlbare-nachteile-haben

Nach der Niederlage Frankreichs im Juni 1940 gewann die Vorstellung einer Zwangsumsiedlung aller europäischen Juden auf die Insel Madagaskar kurzfristig an Bedeutung. Bereits seit Frühjahr 1940 war der sogenannte Madagaskar-Plan Gegenstand von Planungen des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (RSHA) und des Auswärtigen Amts. In einem Schreiben an Außenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop vom 24. Juni 1940 erwog Reinhard Heydrich als "territoriale Endlösung" die "Auswanderung" aller im deutschen Machtbereich befindlichen Juden auf die französische Kolonialinsel vor Ostafrika.

Quelle: https://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/der-zweite-weltkrieg/voelkermord/madagaskar-plan.html

Aber aufgrund der fehlenden Hoheit auf den benötigten Seewegen, wurde diese Idee dann doch wieder verworfen.

Was ist jetzt wohl der Grund dafür, dass diesen Madagaskar-Plan von Soziologie-ProfessorInnen, wie Bude und anderen VerantwortungsträgerInnen wieder schnell verworfen wurde?
Liegt es vielleicht daran, dass die dortigen #Lemuren bereits ohne die ImpfverweigerInnen bedroht sind?

#Soziologie #Geschichte #Gegenwart #Impfung# #Reinigung #Hygiene #Pandemie #newnormal


"Es ist die Hygiene, die das liberale Anything goes auflöst und die Unterwerfung forciert."

» [...] Der Liberalismus hat nämlich ein Vakuum entstehen lassen, einen Ordnungsverlust erlitten und sich in eine Leere manövriert.
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Der Liberalismus ist eine blutleere Hülse. Wer ihm nur hartnäckig genug Sinne einimpft, erfährt kaum Gegenwehr.
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Houellebecq [...] spielt mit der Beliebigkeit und den stillen Sehnsüchten der liberalen Gesellschaft und der linken Öffentlichkeit.
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Es ist das Hygieneregime, das genau in die Richtung weist, die Houellebecq in jenem Buch darlegte. Wir erleben durch sie und mit ihr diese beschriene Unterwerfung.
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Dass man etwa nachdenkt, nach Angemessenheit fragt oder auch mal der Frage nachhängt, ob das geforderte Soll nicht die menschliche Kondition übersteigt und überfordert, erlebt man kaum. Ist die Hysterie rechtens? Die aufbrechende Gewalt ein gerechter Preis? Der Widerstand besteht ohnehin nur aus Scharmützeln. Die Sinnstiftung der neuen Zeit, scheint unantastbar. Die Unterwerfung final.
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endlich füllt sich die liberale Anything-Goes-Hülse mit Inhalten, mit neuen Werten und einer Ordnung, an der es uns doch einst so sehr mangelte. Die neuen Herren etablieren ein Glaubensgebäude. Wissenschaftlich fundiert, versteht sich. Dass Wissenschaft nicht Wahrheit ist [...] das liberale Justemilieu, diese über Jahrzehnte sinnentleerte Community und Bubble, kümmert eine solch wahre, aber halt so frevlerische Einschätzung kaum.

Die neue Ordnung spricht dem modernen Menschen freilich zu, denn sie verspricht ein Aufgehen im Alleinsam, erlaubt gemeinsam einsam zu sein. [...] Ein Zustand, gegen den sich ganz sicher kein Widerstand formieren wird – viel mehr ist das ja das Konzept des modernen Digitalliberalismus. In dem kommen Subjekte als Entrepreneure vor, als Manager ihrer selbst, sie treten als Aufmerksamkeitsökonomen auf, die in einer Community wirken, aber auf sich alleine gestellt bleiben. [...] Dein Account ist deine Welt – du musst sie mit keinem teilen, sei du selbst, unterm Strich bist du es, der zählt. Nun kann man mit Abstand zusammenstehen – selten war Solidarität so zeitgemäß. [...] «

Roberto J. De Lapuente :: neulandrebellen :: 25.08.2020 :: Unterwerfung – anders als gedacht :: https://www.neulandrebellen.de/2020/08/unterwerfung-anders-als-gedacht/

#Unterwerfung #Hygiene #Anythinggoes #Liberalismus #Vakuum #Ordnungsverlust #Leere #Huelse #Gegenwehr #Houellebecq #Hygieneregime #Angemessenheit #Soll #Kondition #Hysterie #Gewalt #Preis #Widerstand #Scharmuetzel #Sinnstiftung #Inhalte #Werte #Ordnung #Glaubensgebaeude #Wissenschaft #Wahrheit #Justemilieu #Community #Bubble #Alleinsam #Digitalliberalismus #Subjekte #Entrepreneure #Aufmerksamkeitsoekonome #Account #Abstand #Solidaritaet #RobertoJDeLapuente #neulandrebellen